View Full Version : a way to show how long a member has been moderating/admining/whatever in postbit.

04-28-2006, 08:25 PM
I was thinking of a way to try and reward my members who have volunteered with moderating, supermodding, or admining. These people work hard, and it's nice for them to be able to show off how long they have been volunteering/modding in their postbit.

I thought it might be nice if we could have a 'start date' for when someone was put into a mod/supermod/whatever usergroup, and then in their postbit, we could put some code into their postbit that would say:
"Volunteering since [startmoddingdate]"

I also thought it might be nice to have something that would accumulate 'pips', like the reputation system, but would be based on time passed since the person was put into the specified usergroup.

For example each month that goes by that they have been a moderator, a little green pip appears in their postbit. Then after you get to 12 pips, they disappear and one gold pip appears, signifiying a year, and one green pip starts all over again, counting each month until a year has passed again, then they will have TWO gold pips, representing two years of service, and the green pips start counting the months again.

I thought it might help those long-term volunteers of ours feel more appreciated :):cool:

04-28-2006, 08:28 PM
i think this is an excellent idea as well

possibly a feature would be the ability to specify which groups would get this feature, and then have customizable phrases for each...

admining for ...
modding for ...