View Full Version : Mod The Event Moderation CP to Move Events to Different Calendar Before Approval

04-28-2006, 08:45 AM
Sorry for the long title ;)

My forum uses 6 different calendars, a generic one for the site, then 5 ones for members to sumbit events going on in their geographical region. Each calendar is moderated, we have a moderator per calendar from the particular geographical region.

Inevitably, because people cannot read the instructions, they submit events to the generic calendar, rather than having switched to their desired regional calendar first. Since I admin the generic calendar, I get the event notifications via email. 98% of what is submitted to my calendar should have gone to one of the regional calendars (what can I say, our membership is mostly teenagers. ;) Normally the only people adding content to the generic site calendar are the other site admins, and they have permission to do so without being moderated.

When an event is incorrectly submitted to the generic calendar, I either have to approve the event then go to the calendar and move it, or delete the event and PM the user with a form message to say "please submit your event to the correct calendar."

What I would like is a modification to the event moderation control panel that does the following:

- lets me (or any of the calendar mods) move events to the moderation queue of another calendar directly from the event moderation control panel

- if the calendar that the event moves into has an email notification set up, then do the email notification just as it would if the event had been posted to the calendar properly OR send an email saying something like "another moderator has moved an event to your calendar from the control panel, please check your event moderation control panel."

This would be a useful feature for any site with multiple moderated calendars.

Thanks to anyone interested in working on this.


05-02-2006, 09:54 PM
bump :)

06-05-2006, 02:37 PM
i see what you are going for, but i personally don't need this for my site... so.. you might need to pay someone on this site to get it done. if it costs you $400 USD, then it might be worth your time to have done.

06-05-2006, 08:56 PM
I realize that paying money for hacks is an option. But it makes sense to first see if anyone knows how to do this, has already done this, or is willing to do this as a freebie. :)


09-06-2006, 03:09 AM
hey dexter - i'm actually getting this done now - what i'm actually doing is slightly different to how you have explained it, but still works none the less.

here is our outline for the hack (we outline everything to colaborate)
- Firstly, when they enter an event. They submit, the next page says "your page will not be visible until an admin approves it". With this, i want the event to show up straight away on the events calendar - but ONLY for admins, super admins, and the USER who submitted the event. When you click on the event and view it, up the top of the event (before the table even begins), i want the text "THIS EVENT HAS NOT BEEN ACCEPTED YET. NO ONE CAN SEE THIS EXCEPT YOU."
( having this here will allow the user to view and edit/refine his event posting. )

on the event moderation page:
1. - the custom fields are not viewable - this is a big problem.
2. - calendar: should be a drop down list of all the calendars, to allow an admin the ability to change the calendar before they accept the event.
3. - subject line - extend to 2x the lenght
4. - the date line isn't very technical - add some more details, (it depends on what details you are given. even make me 5 different lines of possible dates to display, and i'll tell you the best one to use)
5. - event input box needs to have the HTML WYSIWYG editor, to allow us to move from HTML view to code view.

6. - Intergrate the AWS (advanced Warning System) into the event moderation page.
6.1 - add an option to ban specific users from posting events. This needs to be accessable on the event moderation page, as well as the calendar.php (event viewing) page.

Some Help:
This will need a new field (maybe – otherwise use the already there permission of adding events) in the db.table. You will need to look into whether you can set specific permissions on a per-user basis.

Also, we need different alert types -
- Event name doesn't comply with set rules
- time entered incorrectly
- event description doesn't comply with rules
- our website not included on pass.
- physical passes not posted to us.