View Full Version : VbJournal modification?

04-25-2006, 07:03 PM
Have a small request, don't know if it is possible.

Would it be possible to remove the comment system inclduded with VbJournal, and then have each journal post be listed in a designated forum as a new thread saying

"this journal has been updated... (trimmed journal post here) ... Click here to read full journal post"

Then, have the commnets links within the journal go to the thread that was created for it.

This is similar to how VBDrupal worked, but I didn't dig VBDrupal. heavy on server end and the layout was always buggy for me.

I guess Im wonder 1, if this is even possible, and 2, if someone would be willing to do it.


06-26-2006, 04:50 AM
I'd like to see something like this as well. Hope someone steps up to the plate!