View Full Version : E-Mail System

04-22-2006, 03:07 PM
Hey there everyone...not sure if this has been discussed before, however, I could REALLY use a hack that allows my premium members to get their own @weapondepot.com address. Is there such a hack out there or does anyone know if there is a program that will allow this. I know I could set people up individually on my server, however, was really looking for something people could do themselved.

Thanks everyone, enjoy your day!

04-22-2006, 03:30 PM
I may be wrong, but I believe you need the option to allow people to have their own e-mail addresses on your server. And most servers only allow X amounts. So this would be pretty dangerous for the server if that were to happen. So it would have to be custom.

note: I don't really know anything about this, I am just throwing my thoughts onto the table.

04-22-2006, 03:41 PM
<a href="http://www.webdesignforums.net/vbms/" target="_blank">http://www.webdesignforums.net/vbms/</a>

A paid hack though. Version for 3.5 is being worked on last I heard.