View Full Version : timed accounts

04-22-2006, 12:03 AM
I am looking for a plugin that will expire a users account after 6 months.

We run a members forum that allows people to sign up. How ever paid members have more forums to post and do things in.

We have a lot of non-paying members that will never join up but will continue to post on the forum. We would like a plugin that after six months if they do not join as a member then they are moved to a suspended or banned group.

Options required would be.

* Select usergroup to apply to.
* Time before ban.
* automated tasks to notify the user before their account exprires and an automated task to moved the user the the suspended group.

Does this exist or can someone write it?

05-02-2006, 08:41 PM
probably not supposed to second this motion, but this is a great idea, and I've got $50 for a quality hack that accomplishes it.

05-02-2006, 09:20 PM
to avoid a custom hack you could use 2 usergroups, then use the dynamic forumhome announcements hack to have a huge message saying their account will expire every time they look at the index. then use promotions based on membership time to control moving between groups.

ie. promotion 150 days > warning group
promotion 180 days > banned group