View Full Version : Feedback System & Beta System

04-21-2006, 03:48 PM
Rather than make this two topics, I'm just going to combine it into one.

Feedback System
We really need this. There is already an unspoken contract between hack authors and hack users.

Authors will test their code (more on that in the beta part of this thread)
Authors will follow the code guidelines layed out in the vBulleting Manual
Authors will support their hacks
Users will click install
Users will not remove copyrights or modify hacks without permissionI'm sure there are other things I'm not thinking of. An eBay like feedback system where authors can reward users for good behavor, and warn other authors about bad behavor, and users can do the same for authors, seems like a very good idea to me.

Beta System
The "beta" checkbox is not enough. No matter how well I test bugs will be found by users because there are many ways to use vb, and many other hacks to interact with. Having to release a hack as 'beta' and let anyone download it makes no sense.

I recommend a beta system where a hack can be released as a true beta, and users can ask to participate in much the way group join requests work. Combined with the feedback system Authors can then let other authors know if a user is a good beta tester or not.

04-21-2006, 04:06 PM
* Users will follow all the hack's instructions before complaining 'It doesn't work!' ;)

Paul M
04-21-2006, 06:48 PM
* Users will RTFM before asking "does it do this, how do I do that" .....

Oh and seriously - we need a proper bug reporting system. :)

04-21-2006, 06:54 PM
* Users will RTFM before asking "does it do this, how do I do that" .....

Oh and seriously - we need a proper bug reporting system. :)


04-21-2006, 10:18 PM
* Users will follow all the hack's instructions before complaining 'It doesn't work!' ;)

That sounds more like a contract than the Beta system. :confused:

Anyway, speaking generally, I've always respected authors who supported their hacks. It really should go without saying.

Code Monkey
04-22-2006, 01:14 AM
And no matter what the rules or system, every time you release a hack you will still get 5+ PM's from strangers asking if you are "going to port the talker bot dude."

Paul M
04-22-2006, 01:21 AM
Well ? - are you ? :p

04-22-2006, 06:41 AM
I have much less experience than many here and yet I get PM's concerning hacks I have not released. :classic: