View Full Version : Permalink for vB threads to prevent link rot

04-21-2006, 02:17 PM
I am interested in a permalink solution.

I see it as :

...where "title" is the title of a specific thread.

I have seen "SEO" solutions whereby the URLs are re-written, but these are not permalinks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permalink).

The package should allow turning on or off permalinks for threads within Archive (so archive uses exclusively permalinks).

Have extra Thread tool to "mark" or "add to favorite" using permalink instead of vB URL.

It should also adjust reference table when threads are deleted, moved, adjusted, or re-indexed.

If thread is deleted, allow option to go to a default page, or to "similar threads" list page.

Allow admin setup of the permalink construct - that is, the date format, what to include within the "title", the separator, etc. for example %title%-%year%-%month%-%day%.html allow %forum%, %sub-forum%, %time12%, %time24% and %author% as additional permalink "variables".

Any takers?

05-18-2006, 02:20 PM

Any thoughts on this?

06-01-2006, 05:43 PM
Stupid comment. A vbulletin link IS a permalink by definition.

A permalink is a term used in the world of blogging to indicate a URL which points to a specific blog entry. A permalink is accessible even after the entry has passed from the front page and into the blog archives.

For the thread naming convention you describe, you could put together a script to handle this format. But, you're going to be adding a query per page and a server redirect per page.