View Full Version : Show "Updated" when thread creator posts to thread.

04-19-2006, 08:28 PM
Disclaimer: I have searched for this type of hack to no avail. If I missed it, I apologize in advance.

Description of request: This hack would put "Updated" or some other "flag" before a thread title on the FORUMDISPLAY, whenever the thread creator posts to his thread. This would function like the "Updated" does here. I looked for that hack and couldn't find it.

Requirements: (wish list)
1. Only shows this flag on forumdisplay.
2. Flag would show for only X (hours) after the thread creator posts.

Pretty simple. I'm just not a vbhack writter.

Any help or assistance would be appreciated.

04-23-2006, 08:07 PM
bump as a last ditch effort

05-08-2006, 04:34 PM
Final bump.. otherwise I'll let this go.


05-08-2006, 09:30 PM
I'm curious, under what conditions could this hack be applied?

05-09-2006, 02:40 PM
Basically I would use this hack for a project (work in progress) type thread. The thread creator posts a thread (his/her project) then people comment on it. I want a way to show when the THREAD STARTER posts to a thread so that users know when he/she has posted an update to their project. A time limit would be nice, either till the next post is made, or x amount of time (say 1 hour). For my purposes I would limit this to show ONLY on the forumdisplay page and ONLY in particular forums that pertain to projects.

I run a 3D Graphics forum so users/members are often posting threads showing their 3D project during it's creation. It would be a nice tool to be able to indicate when the threads creator updates their thread.

How do they show "updated" on vbulletin.org?


Thanks to Boofo he's kinda pointed me in the right direction:

This could be done with a conditional:


IF lastpost = threadcreator THEN show "updated" on forumdisplay ELSE show nothing.

More soon.