View Full Version : Custom RSS feed per user

04-19-2006, 12:24 PM
I am looking for someone to design a custom RSS feed plugin for vbulletin 3.54+ that will work with Vbavanced or another vbulletin portal system that will do the following.

#1. Allow the admin to enter RSS feeds path and a custom user friendly name ie. http://jdslkfjlsdkjflksdlfkjsldkfjlksdfds.xml for the feed and NAPA AUTO NEWS as the user friendly name.

#2 Registered users will go into there user C/P and select up to 20 feeds from a list organized in categories. IE CAR PARTS, PERFORMANCE NEWS etc..

#3. The feeds will be displayed in the center column of the portal ONLY the headlines not the actually posting itself. Though when you hover over a feed it will give you the brief link description.

#4. I would like it to say there are xx new feeds since your last login if possible.

#5. Guest or registered users who have not selected feeds would get random feed links.

#6. the feeds displayed in the center column would be lined up in 2's like the image below. With the 10 latest news stories per feed.

#7. The feeds would need to be cached and a timeout value setup on the back-end in the Admin CP so that it is not slowing down the server for each user going out to get the feeds.


------ -------
dsfsdfsd dsfsdfsdfsd

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dsfdsfsd dsfsdfsdfsdfsd


Please contact me ASAP as I would like to have this done yesterday. I had a developer who was working on this and he just disappeared and my site is in limbo...

Terms can be discussed privately.

Thanks In Advanced.
Dorfdad@hotmail.com for MSN contact

04-20-2006, 10:31 PM
same here :)

04-21-2006, 02:30 AM
Assuming here each feed is based on a specific forum (in otherwords, nothing crazy is being done).

Having UNIQUE user specific RSS feeds is a bad idea. What would be better is a feed (presumably *.php ext, but spitting out XML) that grabs RSS feeds and mixes them together depending on the RSS URL, e.g. http:?/www.www.com/rss.php?=forum2+forum8+forum11 or something like that. Yes, this is all assuming you're storing the user options in their profile as to which ones they'd like to see and not to see. This could easily be adapted for off-site RSS feeds as well.

04-21-2006, 06:13 PM
Actually Im not trying to pull threads into an RSS I want to allow users to select other sites RSS feeds and have them displayed on my main page like a portal.

This would have nothing to do with my forum.

06-05-2006, 06:52 PM
Use CARP RSS. Pull the feed for the user from a custom profile field. Cache the results using the USERID-VBA for the cache file name. This way when and if someone else does a news feed hack for members the cache files don't conflict. ;)