View Full Version : Ventrilo Status v1.0
04-18-2006, 10:00 PM
Keywords: Ventrilo, Voice, Chat, VoIP, FORUMHOME
Displays clients connected to your Ventrilo server on your FORUMHOME -- similar to that of "Who's Online".
Basically, this is a modified version of the publically available PHP Ventrilo Status Scripts ( This version, however, has been modified to allow for direct vBulletin integration. All settings are managed through the AdminCP and all output is configured via templates.
Usage of this script requires knowledge of Ventrilo server administration. Your server must first be configured to receive and process UDP messages. This can be done in the server's INI file under the [Status] section. All server versions 2.1.2 and higher come with examples showing the options available to you. However, the UDP support is disabled by default so that they are compliant with older versions. Reference the "ventrilo_srv.htm" file that accompanies the server package for more details.
This thread on will not address proper server configuration or server related connectivity issues, for all questions relating to those topics or similar, please visit the official Ventrilo Tech Support ( forums.
1. Download the attached archive and import the product-ventrilo_status.xml file via the Product Manager.
2. Upload the files located in the archive to their respective folders.
3. Obtain the ventrilo_status* (or ventrilo_status.exe for Win32 platforms) and put it in a preferred location (ie. /forum/) and CHMOD the file to 755.
4. Configure the options via your AdminCP (vBulletin Options > Ventrilo Status Settings)
Version History:
1.0 - Initial release, here's to hoping...
Patched a theoretical XSS vulnerability. By theoretical, I mean the script would only be vulnerable under a specific set of circumstances which are less likely to occur than that of your server being directly hit by an errant meteor. However, if you're the paranoid sort, feel free to upgrade. Otherwise, there are no other changes.
* The file ventrilo_status(.exe) is NOT included with this package as it is distributed with the Ventrilo server package (Linux/Win32). If you are not personally hosting your Ventrilo server and instead using a hosting company, you can obtain this file by downloading the appropriate package here ( You ONLY need the ventrilo_status(.exe) file.
04-19-2006, 11:55 AM
Post reserved for future configuration options.
04-19-2006, 06:02 PM
I've been looking for something like this for quite some time, so I thank you very much for it, but apparently I have an issue. I installed it and it's not showing up on my forumhome, I have other mods there like "members who have posted" and "members who have visited", you think that might be interfering with the instalation?
Thanks again.
04-19-2006, 06:19 PM
I am having the same issuse here. I don't have anyother mods in that area though. Thanks.
04-19-2006, 06:29 PM
I'm an idiot. I forgot to include the templates in the MASTER STYLE. Download the new archive and re-import the product (xml), be sure to select the Overwrite option.
Sorry about that. ;)
04-19-2006, 07:28 PM
No worries and thanks again for this product.
Mr Chad
04-19-2006, 09:36 PM
holy shit, this looks tight, too bad i pissed off my host :(
04-20-2006, 01:33 AM
FINALLY, all i have to say is FINALLY someone decided to do this, this has been requested for sometime now.
04-20-2006, 02:35 AM
Yea, I found it odd that no one had done this yet. All the work was already done by the Ventrilo team -- all I had to do was integrate it into vBulletin, which was the easy part. :D
I'm about to release the next version which is more customizable and has more details. Stay tuned.
04-22-2006, 02:36 AM
I am having problems with this, but it is not your fault or this hacks. I have a shared webhost through and when it says to upload the ventrilo_status.exe and then CHMOD it to 755, i don't think my site can run that! It is a freebsd server after all. I saw on the ventrilo website that they have third party php scripts.
So basically this tells me that your webhost has to be on a windows machine in order for this to work. More than 75% of websites are not hosted on windows machines.
Unless i am just dumb and don't know what i am talking about.
04-22-2006, 05:09 AM
My clan has a private ventrilo server. I was wondering if its possible to have an option that hides it from certain usergroups? I searched through the forums for generic example of how to show based on usergroup but I'm not sure how to do this or which templates to modify.
Thanks for the script.
Just found out the original author of the ventrilo script updated it. It seems he was selling it but seems he is frustrated trying to support the script and is thinking about releasing it as open source. It would be nice if he does release it but it's just a maybe for now.
Here's the link
One last thing I just found out my host will not allow queries outside their firewall. I was able to upload and run the original ventrilo script on the webspace they provide. Would it be possible to changed to includes to use the php files located on the ventrilo webhost from a remote webhost?
04-22-2006, 03:13 PM
I am having problems with this, but it is not your fault or this hacks. I have a shared webhost through and when it says to upload the ventrilo_status.exe and then CHMOD it to 755, i don't think my site can run that! It is a freebsd server after all. I saw on the ventrilo website that they have third party php scripts.
So basically this tells me that your webhost has to be on a windows machine in order for this to work. More than 75% of websites are not hosted on windows machines.
Unless i am just dumb and don't know what i am talking about.
You shouldn't be uploading an .exe file to a unix-based host. Download the FreeBSD server package and use the included ventrilo_status file. I, personally, use this on my Debian machine.
04-22-2006, 03:15 PM
My clan has a private ventrilo server. I was wondering if its possible to have an option that hides it from certain usergroups? I searched through the forums for generic example of how to show based on usergroup but I'm not sure how to do this or which templates to modify.
Thanks for the script.
Just found out the original author of the ventrilo script updated it. It seems he was selling it but seems he is frustrated trying to support the script and is thinking about releasing it as open source. It would be nice if he does release it but it's just a maybe for now.
Here's the link
One last thing I just found out my host will not allow queries outside their firewall. I was able to upload and run the original ventrilo script on the webspace they provide. Would it be possible to changed to includes to use the php files located on the ventrilo webhost from a remote webhost?
I can add in usergroup support, that's not a problem. Also, that script you're showing is completely different than the one I am using. The basis for this hack was developed on the code created by the Ventrilo development team themselves.
As for not allowing queries, I'm afraid you've lost me. The only thing the hosting server needs to do is allow status requests, if they won't allow that, then this hack will not work for you. There's no way around that.
05-01-2006, 07:28 AM
Great work magnus! Installed and works like a champ. I only wish you could create a VBAdvanced block module to have it show in a block on my main page.
Adding channel cats would be great also. :)
Thanks for all your hard work.
05-08-2006, 07:03 PM
Ok so i decided to go with VBAdvanced instead of MKPortal :P I could really use this on the VBAdvanced portal in a block but my knowledge of PHP is non-existent :D would be really cool if you could do this ;). There is also a php nuke module for ventrilo which includes channels etc too but again i have no idea how to port this to VB :P
Thanks :) and fanatastic hack by the way
05-19-2006, 08:43 PM
Great work!
05-23-2006, 11:20 AM
okay, so this is probably a very stupid question but i am going to ask it anyway.
The absolute path is not described well enough for me.
I have placed the c:\inetpub\domain\forum\ventrilo_status.exe
the website ( root is c:\inetpub\domain
So I have tried all the combinations I could think of to get this to work and I cannot... also, do we not need to include the .exe?
would the absolute path be /domain/forum ?
I have tested the ventrilo_status.exe from the web server and it works with the ventrilo server so i cannot work out why this is not working for me, must be the obsolute path I think
Please help :tired:
Thanks FIRE
05-24-2006, 11:25 PM
Works for me now. :)
05-25-2006, 07:56 AM
Can anyone that has made this work please reply to my above post... please.
05-25-2006, 10:36 AM
Okay seeing no one responded I kept trying and finally worked it out. It would seem my problem was related to windows permissions around the executable. I would highly reccomend to anyone that is having problems getting this extension to work to go to the Ventrlio home page and download the PHP Ventrilo Status Scripts
It contains a very good readme file of how to set it up and some sample scripts that let you trouble shoot.
Once you have this working then you will be able to confidently get this plugin working.
Oh btw, thanks for this great VBulliten extension.
05-25-2006, 04:24 PM
I have everything working properly, shows who is in the server but the link to the server is incomplete. Shows link with the right ip but in the link there is servername= and no server name at the end. Any idea why that might happen? I have tried everything short of talking to my ventrilo host. I figured it was something simple since I have the status working already.
06-02-2006, 03:58 AM
I use and they say I am set up to receive updates.
I set up the information in the Admincp and when I hover over the Ventrilo link, it DOES find my server name.
however, it doesn't show any clients.
Any ideas?
06-02-2006, 04:47 AM
did you add the file from the veentrilo server? you get it by going to and downloading the proper server files for your ventrilo server. Then you grab the ventrilo_status or the ventrilo_status.xex if you have a windwos server then upload it to your webhost and point to it using the product
06-07-2006, 05:23 PM
Sorry for the delayed response.
Yes, I downloaded the linux version of the ventrilo server and the windows version as well. I put both the status files on the server. I tried them both. My host does run a linux box, but I tested with both to make sure.
Using the ventrilo_status, when you mouseover the 'Ventrilo' link on my forum's What's Up section, it does actually pull up the name of our server and if I change the name, it changes the name in the link as well.
We use alot of sub-channels, could this be the problem?
06-13-2006, 04:48 PM
Any other suggestions?
my host emailed me:
"It's all already enabled and ready to accept connections. Just need to tell
your scripts the ip and port and that's it."
Which I have done.
Did you get it working? I had the same problem then realised I hadn't CHMOD ventrilo_status to 755 :ermm:
Once I did that everything worked 100% fine.
Great add-on, many thanks.
i have this installed
it appears on the forum home but doesnt show whose logged in
the absolute patht o ventrilo status is correct and the permissions are correct
i can also runt he ventrilo status scripts from the command line and it recieves statistics on the server but still not showing whose logged in on the forum home
07-12-2006, 07:54 AM
Didnt work for me either, I uploaded ventrilo_status for linux with +755 perm, put the absolute path to the file, exact ip and port number for my ventrilo server, however when i go and see it says 0 users connected.
07-25-2006, 09:11 AM
I have everything working properly, shows who is in the server but the link to the server is incomplete. Shows link with the right ip but in the link there is servername= and no server name at the end. Any idea why that might happen? I have tried everything short of talking to my ventrilo host. I figured it was something simple since I have the status working already.
i have exactly the same problem
any note of whats wrong?
07-25-2006, 06:24 PM
I use and they say I am set up to receive updates.
I set up the information in the Admincp and when I hover over the Ventrilo link, it DOES find my server name.
however, it doesn't show any clients.
Any ideas?I use them too and it seems to be working for me. I did have a problem until I realized I uploaded the wrong file.
I have a suggestion for the mod: If the username on Ventrilo matches a username on the forum would it be possible to add functionality like the Currently Active Users has and have links to thier profile, username styles, ect.?
07-25-2006, 10:32 PM
vbadvanced status block would be great
MoJo Smirnoff
08-08-2006, 12:49 AM
vbadvanced status block would be great
I agree with that!
Great hack though...very useful!! Thanks!
**Spoke too soon...installed and not showing anyone in channel. IP and port set correctly. Most confusing install I have done yet. What have you al done to get users to show up?
MoJo Smirnoff
08-08-2006, 09:14 PM
where do you get the ventrilo_status.exe you all talk about. What i dl from Ventrilo's site isn't called ventrilo_status. It's a folder called ventrilostatus.php
this thing is stumping me...and it has to be something simple! well...i guess it doesn't have to be...but i am hoping it is!!
**ok, found the exe, have it in /forum/ still no users showing up.
08-17-2006, 02:38 AM
For those on bsd hosts, try placing ./ in front of ventrilo_status if you placed it in the root of you site (or ./forum/ventrilo_status)
Dark Riku
08-18-2006, 06:32 PM
Just thought id say, This works Fine on 3.6.0
i get this on Vb 3.6.0
Warning: popen() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/rise/public_html/forums/ventrilostatus.php on line 378
Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/rise/public_html/forums/ventrilostatus.php on line 389
Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/rise/public_html/forums/ventrilostatus.php on line 391
08-21-2006, 10:07 AM
i still can't this to work - everything seems fine but no clients show as connected when i hover over the icon is says servername= then nothing when i click it, it brings up my ventrilo box but says no servername was chosen...
anyone got any idea whats going on?
08-25-2006, 12:34 PM
yeah same here
sR Craig
08-25-2006, 07:25 PM
My host doesn't allow Querying due to security concerns. You might want to check with yours too :(
Great plugin tho
08-27-2006, 03:23 PM
i get this error when i click on the ventrilo server link it ask me to launch then i get this error.
The ventrilo://"web link did not specify a servername
anyone know wht this is?
08-28-2006, 09:30 AM
Is there a possibility to convert this hack for 3.6.x?
Also, a frontend for vBadvanced would be nice ;)
09-03-2006, 03:16 AM
This plugin works fine on 3.6.
09-04-2006, 03:15 AM
This is awesome! But do you know if there's a way to get it to work in vBaCMPS? Ideally, I'd like to have one of those nifty sidebar boxes with a list of who is in our vent server. Seems simple enough, but I can't seem to figure it out. Tried creating my own module and coding it in by hand but this has proved fruitless.
09-04-2006, 12:30 PM
i get this error when i click on the ventrilo server link it ask me to launch then i get this error.
The ventrilo://"web link did not specify a servername
anyone know wht this is?
Can anyone help with this cause i see just about everyone says it works for them but im having a problem.
09-05-2006, 06:22 PM
Can anyone help with this cause i see just about everyone says it works for them but im having a problem.
The only reason I could see an error like that occuring is if the server IP/host is not (or improperly) configured in the setup options.
09-05-2006, 06:23 PM
This is awesome! But do you know if there's a way to get it to work in vBaCMPS? Ideally, I'd like to have one of those nifty sidebar boxes with a list of who is in our vent server. Seems simple enough, but I can't seem to figure it out. Tried creating my own module and coding it in by hand but this has proved fruitless.
I just recently started experimenting with vBaCMPS. I'll look into it.
09-06-2006, 03:36 AM
The only reason I could see an error like that occuring is if the server IP/host is not (or improperly) configured in the setup options.
Ok thanks ill check that but i think i did before..:confused:
Do i have to use number's cause my iP is the name of the hosting company example: port: 4401
09-06-2006, 10:41 AM
No, you can use the hostname as well as the IP address. If you're still having problems, could you give me a screenshot of your configuration settings (minus any passwords) along with a screenshot of the error you're receiving?
09-28-2006, 02:37 AM
Any possibility make this work for 3.6?
10-12-2006, 06:22 PM
Any possibility make this work for 3.6?
This works in 3.6 just fine.
10-20-2006, 12:53 PM
Sorry, no clue how this should wrk.
The product works fine, but how do i get that status thing to work that you get from the ventrilo site?
I only see 1 status zip file which i download and thats php based.
No exe's or ventrilo_status files.
So nothing to configure...
I got a FREEBSD server. and i use VB3.5.6
10-20-2006, 01:34 PM
Sorry, no clue how this should wrk.
The product works fine, but how do i get that status thing to work that you get from the ventrilo site?
I only see 1 status zip file which i download and thats php based.
No exe's or ventrilo_status files.
So nothing to configure...
I got a FREEBSD server. and i use VB3.5.6
The ventrilo_status binary is located within the server package. Download the FreeBSD i386 - 32bit server here (
10-26-2006, 02:15 AM
The only reason I could see an error like that occuring is if the server IP/host is not (or improperly) configured in the setup options.
I am having this same issue... I'd be very interested in the resolution.
Can't wait!! This is such a great script!
Where is it getting the $stat variable? /shrugs... pardon my ignorance... :P
10-26-2006, 06:36 PM
I am having this same issue... I'd be very interested in the resolution.
Can't wait!! This is such a great script!
Where is it getting the $stat variable? /shrugs... pardon my ignorance... :P
Post the error or message you're getting.
10-26-2006, 07:16 PM
When I click the hyperlink in the footer of my forum for Ventrilo (through your script) I get the message below:
The ventrilo://"web link did not specify a servername
Now, the second issue I'm working through is the fact that I am getting no stats updates to my webserver. I've been troubleshooting this... It could be that the port used for that stats reporting utility from Ventrilo is blocked by my host. I'll validate that and see if i can get it opened if that's the case.
Do you by chance know the port used?
As for that error i reported... Obviously there is a configuration issue of some sort... I've read this thread and it sounds like a few others have had it. I'm curious if and how they resolved it.
10-27-2006, 02:18 PM
@magnus, thanks for the reply on 3.6, install was not a problem!
Although do have a slight problem here.
My Ventrilo server is running on a windows 2k3 based system, somewhere in Germany. My forum runs on another machine, located in Belgium, and runs Linux... only accessible via a web based config tool (Plesk).
Can anyone help me out configuring this setup? Tried the PHP scripts mentioned earlier in the topic... but i get a blank screen :S
Thanks for the help!
p.s. Any luck on the vba module?
10-27-2006, 03:38 PM
@magnus, thanks for the reply on 3.6, install was not a problem!
Although do have a slight problem here.
My Ventrilo server is running on a windows 2k3 based system, somewhere in Germany. My forum runs on another machine, located in Belgium, and runs Linux... only accessible via a web based config tool (Plesk).
Can anyone help me out configuring this setup? Tried the PHP scripts mentioned earlier in the topic... but i get a blank screen :S
Thanks for the help!
p.s. Any luck on the vba module?
In order for this to work, you must be able to upload the ventrilo_status binary file. The operating system of the Ventrilo server is irrelevant. You need to make sure that the server is setup properly to allow access to the information the plugin is requesting.
Usage of this script requires knowledge of Ventrilo server administration. Your server must first be configured to receive and process UDP messages. This can be done in the server's INI file under the [Status] section. All server versions 2.1.2 and higher come with examples showing the options available to you. However, the UDP support is disabled by default so that they are compliant with older versions. Reference the "ventrilo_srv.htm" file that accompanies the server package for more details.
10-27-2006, 03:40 PM
When I click the hyperlink in the footer of my forum for Ventrilo (through your script) I get the message below:
The ventrilo://"web link did not specify a servername
Now, the second issue I'm working through is the fact that I am getting no stats updates to my webserver. I've been troubleshooting this... It could be that the port used for that stats reporting utility from Ventrilo is blocked by my host. I'll validate that and see if i can get it opened if that's the case.
Do you by chance know the port used?
As for that error i reported... Obviously there is a configuration issue of some sort... I've read this thread and it sounds like a few others have had it. I'm curious if and how they resolved it.
When you mouseover the link, what does it show in the status bar of your browser?
The port information, if I recall correctly, is in the server config file. Reporting must be turned on and enabled, else this plugin will not work (obviously). First thing to do is verify reporting is enabled. If you have access to the server config, read the links provided in the original post. Otherwise, you'll need to request the information from your hosting provider.
11-04-2006, 09:40 PM
When i mouse over the link it tells me:
There does not seem to be any place to reference the server name...
I'm also really needing to know which ports the ventrilo_status component is using.... My Host Company is willing to open the ports if I knew which ports...
11-05-2006, 03:29 PM
1. Download the attached archive and import the product-ventrilo_status.xml file via the Product Manager.
Can someone please tell me where in ACP 3.6.2 is this Product Manager?
11-05-2006, 07:26 PM
Once in your ADMIN CP scroll towards the bottom... Think it's called plug/product manager.
11-06-2006, 01:53 PM
When i mouse over the link it tells me:
There does not seem to be any place to reference the server name...
I'm also really needing to know which ports the ventrilo_status component is using.... My Host Company is willing to open the ports if I knew which ports...
The servername isn't something you define in the plugin. It's read directly from the server. Once the server is configured properly, that problem will resolve itself.
Before you can issue status requests to a Ventrilo server
you must first configure the Ventrilo server to receive and
process UDP messages. This can be done in the servers INI
file under that [Status] section. All servers version 2.1.2
or higher come with examples showing all of the options.
However, the UDP support is disabled by default so that they
are compliant with older versions. You must read the
"ventrilo_srv.htm" file that comes with each of the servers
in order to understand what and how to configure the
[Status] section of the server. We will give examples here
but we will not be addressing the advanced options to
prevent server abuse. This is your responsibility and you
can only learn how to do it by reading the ventrilo_srv.htm
file and having a working knowledge about network interface
cards, IP addresses and network administration. If you do
not have these skills then you should let someone more
qualified configure the server for you.
In the ventrilo_srv.ini file and under the [Status] section
you should:
Uncomment the example Intf= by removing the # sign in
front of it. This will enable processing of all UDP messages
from all network cards in the system.
Comment out all of the FilterGen and FilterDetail lines.
This can be done by placing a # sign in front of them.
After changing the INI file you will need to restart the
Ventrilo server.
11-07-2006, 03:25 AM
So, to be clear on what I have done:
1) Uploaded the php files as instructed.
2) ventrilo_status was uploaded to the vb directory.
3) Applied the correct vent server info in the admin cp.
4) I had my webserver host open the port.
5) Note: My vent server is NOT on the webserver (2 separate servers)
6) You said if the "Vent Server" is configured it should resolve the issue. What can I tell my vent host to configure? They claim that the appropriate messages are enabled....
.................................................. .............................. .....
I think the part I am missing is in the ventrilo_status file... Should I run that? Is there a "how-to" on that? Will this file run without being local on the actual ventrilo server?
11-07-2006, 02:17 PM
Once in your ADMIN CP scroll towards the bottom... Think it's called plug/product manager.
Thanks :cool:
Well, I uploaded all the server files to my vb 3.6.2., did the 755 to ventrillo_status, and installed the xml file giving it a product id of ventrilo_status
In the Manage Products - Installed Products, I see the Ventrillo product I installed.
But I can't see it anywhere in the vBulletin Options section.
So any ideas? :)
BTW, I haven't played with the Vent server's ini file just yet, if it makes any difference at the moment. I just want to see if I can get vB to work with your script first, and then I'll try to take care of the Vent stuff.
11-07-2006, 06:19 PM
4) I had my webserver host open the port.
There is no 'port' to open.
5) Note: My vent server is NOT on the webserver (2 separate servers)
This is fine. This is how my setup is.
6) You said if the "Vent Server" is configured it should resolve the issue. What can I tell my vent host to configure? They claim that the appropriate messages are enabled....
The only thing your ventrilo host is responsible for is the settings in the [Status] section of the ventrilo_srv.ini file, which is outlined above in my previous post (quoted directly from the server manual).
I think the part I am missing is in the ventrilo_status file... Should I run that? Is there a "how-to" on that? Will this file run without being local on the actual ventrilo server?
The ventrilo_status binary is called by the plugin. Attempting to execute the binary will do nothing without the appropriate command line. There's nothing you need to do with it aside from download it and set the correct permissions.
Just be sure you've downloaded the appropriate binary for your respective operating system (Linux, FreeBSD, Win32, etc.) and set the permissions to (CHMOD 755).
11-07-2006, 06:21 PM
Thanks :cool:
Well, I uploaded all the server files to my vb 3.6.2., did the 755 to ventrillo_status, and installed the xml file giving it a product id of ventrilo_status
In the Manage Products - Installed Products, I see the Ventrillo product I installed.
But I can't see it anywhere in the vBulletin Options section.
So any ideas? :)
BTW, I haven't played with the Vent server's ini file just yet, if it makes any difference at the moment. I just want to see if I can get vB to work with your script first, and then I'll try to take care of the Vent stuff.
What do you mean, '[gave] it a product id of ventrilo_status'? That's not something you should be modifying. It's applied by the product automatically.
11-07-2006, 06:51 PM
Yeah you're right. I just simply deleted the first product I installed. Installed it again this time leaving the ID blank, and now am able to see it in the vBulletin Options.
I'm sorry I'm such a newb when it comes to this :(
So how do I create a template to display the information?
Am I to use the Vent status scripts in any way? I also downloaded them in case I need them.
BTW, a vBadvanced module would be VERY NICE :D
Also, my Vent server is shared by a lot of people. Is it possible to only display a specific channel?
11-12-2006, 04:27 AM
There is no 'port' to open.
This is fine. This is how my setup is.
The only thing your ventrilo host is responsible for is the settings in the [Status] section of the ventrilo_srv.ini file, which is outlined above in my previous post (quoted directly from the server manual).
The ventrilo_status binary is called by the plugin. Attempting to execute the binary will do nothing without the appropriate command line. There's nothing you need to do with it aside from download it and set the correct permissions.
Just be sure you've downloaded the appropriate binary for your respective operating system (Linux, FreeBSD, Win32, etc.) and set the permissions to (CHMOD 755).
Hmmmm.... Ok... I've done these things.
Presently when I mouse over the vent link it still shows the "servername=" as blank.... I have a hard time understanding where that comes from. It's not in the config (ADMINCP).... It's not stated in that "status" binary file... Where does it come from?!?! I believe you said at once point it comes from the Vent server itself.... How does that work if all we have on my webserver side is the "Server IP" and the port + password... Where is it getting the vent server name?
Sorry, I just can't understand how I can possibly be having such a hard time. hehe When I read this initially it sounded like... Copy this there... download this there.... and POOF! hehe Well, I'm definately missing something here.
I have the Linux version of the ventrilo_status file... and confirmed that is what my webhost is using.
11-14-2006, 11:30 AM
Hmmmm.... Ok... I've done these things.
Presently when I mouse over the vent link it still shows the "servername=" as blank.... I have a hard time understanding where that comes from. It's not in the config (ADMINCP).... It's not stated in that "status" binary file... Where does it come from?!?! I believe you said at once point it comes from the Vent server itself.... How does that work if all we have on my webserver side is the "Server IP" and the port + password... Where is it getting the vent server name?
This hack is basically nothing more than the PHP Ventrilo Status Script available from, but with an added vB frontend.
The script connects to the "Server IP" you set, which should be the IP address to your Ventrilo server NOT the IP address of your webserver, and grabs the server name from the Ventrilo server itself.
12-01-2006, 01:21 AM
Okay folks here's the backstory:
To get this to work if, like me, you use one host for webserver, and another for the ventrilo, you are going to have invisible problems.
The reason is this:
1) Most ventrilo servers that you rent won't have their .ini setup to allow it to talk to the ventrilo_status file on your web server.
2) Most web hosts will have the php querying another file blocked for any file that is NOT on your host.
3) The file ventril_status is an executable binary. Most commercial hosts won't allow this for fear of it being an automated bot of some sort used to hack, phish, spam etc.
4) The script wasn't written to display specific php errors in regards to whether it communicates or not. To make sure you are able to use the system download the example scripts at and run the ventrilotest.php file. That will give you a better idea what is going on with your setup. You'll need to hand edit the config file first, so read the readme!
If you are using separate hosts then be prepared to don your diplomatic hat for awhile if you are serious about getting this to work.
For the most part this is designed for the folks who run their own servers where the ventrilo and the webserver are under their control.
At least that is what I have found so far. I'm being diplomatic with my webhost, so we'll see if I can get it to work. I'll detail what I run into if my host says I can use the executable.
12-01-2006, 07:21 PM
Cloudrunner, great information. Thanks for posting it. :)
Only thing I can comment on, though, is:
For the most part this is designed for the folks who run their own servers where the ventrilo and the webserver are under their control.
While, yes, I do run my own webserver.. I do not run my own Ventrilo server. I purchase hosting from East Coast Gaming Network ( -- this is the same server I developed this hack on, without any intervention required from their part.
For what it's worth, I've been with them almost 2 years and have no complaints.
But yes, I can see where some webhosts may not be too keen on allowing files with executable permissions. C'est la Vie.
12-01-2006, 11:13 PM
I'm using ECG as well :D They're a good company, but cragi from tech can come off harsh at times, but for the most part, he gives good input.
That said, since they are who you tested with that rules out a problem on their side with me, so I'll have to look at my hosts setup to see if I can get this to work :D.
Thanks Mag!
12-01-2006, 11:28 PM
Something to note while testing your setup before you run this:
When starting the ventrilotest.php script from a web browser one of several things will happen. It will either:
A) Work perfectly and give you all of the requested information from the server.
B) Display the error: No response from server.
C) Display the error: PHP Unable to start external status process.
If (A) then nothing else needs to be done unless you want to tweak the server and tighten down the hatches, which we would encourage you to do. However, if it suddenly stops working then you are not configuring the system correctly and the responsibility is yours to figure it out. If you do not fully understand the advanced options of the servers INI file then you should let some more qualified set it up for you.
If (B) then you are at least able to spawn the external status program successfully. This usually means that you either didn't specify the correct IP address or host name in the m_cmdhost option, the wrong port number in the m_cmdport option, the wrong password in the m_cmdpass option, the server is not up and running, the server is not accessible from this machine due to router/firewall constraints or any Filter commands in the server INI file.
If (C) then you have not specified the correct path and file name for the ventrilo_status program.
GFX Brands
12-09-2006, 02:24 AM
alright heres the question i have i just download the regular ventrilo.exe ?
Windows i386 - 32bit this one right for installing on my vb board ?
12-09-2006, 01:35 PM
You need to download the server program.
In that you will find an executable named ventrilo_status. If you are using a windows webserver then the executable to grab from the server installation archive is ventrilo_status.exe, if you are using linux, etc then it's just plain old ventrilo_status.
It all depends on what your webserver is running. If you try to run a linux file on a windows webserver, it won't run. If you try to run a windows executable on a linux webserver, it won't work either.
Make sure you know the OS of the webserver you are running your vB on, then grab the server download for ventrilo for that particular OS. Once you have that, unzip it and in the resulting folder is the ventrilo_status file you will need.
Good luck.
GFX Brands
01-16-2007, 09:07 PM
or what is also possible to do not sure if you can try to do this but go to go to query server (right under download ventrilo) and get the code something like this
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var vl_width=250;
var vl_height=450;
var vl_server="";
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
now all that needs to be done is modify it so it can be shown where the magnus's has it at
now this is a easier way for noobs who cant install ventrilo php script on there server
(me and possibly other people)
and if i anyway broke any rules I do aplogize :)
01-25-2007, 11:42 AM
I need help installing this script,
Downloaded the files, uploaded aswell (755) and installed the plugin.
I cannot see anyone;
Please help!
03-03-2007, 04:15 PM
any luck with a vba module block for this?
03-06-2007, 12:09 AM
If you go to and see if that is what you want, I can help duplicate that...
03-16-2007, 11:03 AM
any luck with a vba module block for this?
I second that questoin. :p
04-27-2007, 01:53 PM
If you go to and see if that is what you want, I can help duplicate that...
Something like that would be great. Can you help me with that?
05-21-2007, 02:46 PM
Ok for all that were getting problems with connecting and getting the server name,
I had this, what i done is placed the ventrilotest.php on my host, then filled in the info, it didnt work said i had the wrong path.
So I went and cheched with my host what the absolute path is, added that in and now it works.
06-12-2007, 10:58 PM
I just recently started experimenting with vBaCMPS. I'll look into it.
Any updates on this? Would be a great mod for all of us using CMPS
06-28-2007, 03:41 AM
ok i followed all the steps and now on my forum i'm getting the following message above my forum:
Warning: popen("/www/cgi/forum/ventrilo_status -c2 -t208.100.14.165:3945", "r") - Resource temporarily unavailable in /includes/class_ventrilostatus.php on line 320
and when i hover over the ventrillo status link i get the message:
can anyone help me with what i'm doing wrong?
07-28-2007, 06:21 AM
vBAdvanced Module support please :) :)
Sean James
09-18-2007, 04:12 PM
Great hack, with a few modifications i got it to work perfectly on my forum running 3.6.8 ;)
One question though, how do i get it to go below another hack im using (who visited the forum today)
10-01-2007, 08:35 AM
WTB vBa CMPS version!
11-17-2007, 06:16 AM
Seems to have stopped working with 3.0.
11-19-2007, 10:45 AM
Seems to have stopped working with 3.0.
As stated previously, and proven by many others in this thread, it works fine with the entire vBulletin 3.x series.
11-20-2007, 11:04 PM
I think he means Vent Server version 3...I have followed all of the steps listed with no success. If you are able to assist please IM me (yahoo ID is headmetal79) or email to
11-21-2007, 01:00 AM
Seems to have stopped working with quoted before, i'll go ahead and confirm as well. upgraded my vent server to 3.0. havn't had any problems with this not working, and it didn't stop working either.
make sure your ventrilo server is set up to allow status requests.
works on vent 3 for me as well.
01-11-2008, 10:13 PM
I've been trying get this ventrilo Mod to work on my vBulletin I followed the install process
my host server Linux OS I get this error every time??
Thanks Guys
01-12-2008, 01:14 AM
You host has rather strict PHP settings. Unfortunately, this modification requires the ability execute shell commands and unless you can have these restrictions lifted I'm afraid this will not work for you.
01-12-2008, 09:34 AM
You host has rather strict PHP settings. Unfortunately, this modification requires the ability execute shell commands and unless you can have these restrictions lifted I'm afraid this will not work for you.
Many thanks magnus for your reply, I'll contact my host about it.
01-28-2008, 01:38 PM
A bit belated, but if and when I get time I'll be making a vba version of this. Thanks for the release!
02-08-2008, 07:16 AM
I got the script to load on the page but i cannot figure out how to set it up so it properly shows the users that are connected.
could someone visit and let me know what im doing wrong?
when i click the "ventrilo server" link
it takes me to ventrilo://
how do i set the servername...?
02-11-2008, 12:23 PM
All configuration is through the AdminCP, see the original post for screenshots.
02-13-2008, 02:26 PM
i have the admincp information setup correctly, and it has a section for the ventrilo information on the site, but it says there are zero users connected and when i click "ventrilo server"
it gives me ventrilo:// which gives me an error...
If there is something i need to do in my servers cp to make the information register please let me know.
03-15-2008, 04:25 PM
Hi Magnus,
Great plug mate! Finally got it working on the board.
By any chance, do you know how to get the info to a vbadvanced frontend? I'd also like to see on the frontpage who's online.
03-29-2008, 01:22 AM
does it work with 3.7?
03-29-2008, 02:02 PM
does it work with 3.7?
It should work fine.
03-31-2008, 05:13 PM
I am confused as to where exactly to get ventrilo_status.exe The only file I find close to that is ventrilostatus.php in the PHP Ventrilo Status Scripts package.
03-31-2008, 05:49 PM
I am confused as to where exactly to get ventrilo_status.exe The only file I find close to that is ventrilostatus.php in the PHP Ventrilo Status Scripts package.
All information is included in the original post:
* The file ventrilo_status(.exe) is NOT included with this package as it is distributed with the Ventrilo server package (Linux/Win32). If you are not personally hosting your Ventrilo server and instead using a hosting company, you can obtain this file by downloading the appropriate package here ( You ONLY need the ventrilo_status(.exe) file.
03-31-2008, 07:21 PM
Well, after getting vB updates that this is OK to use, I tried again. I tried 4 times in the past and no workie. I understand that all have different issues and most can be resolved with time and patience.
First, let me say I have 2 other Vent status working fine and
The server host is configured properly or I would not be getting correct information on my pages. I thought this would be cool and never can get it to work.
See attached config for your script and associated screenshots.
Again, I understand that their will be different issues, but when a lot of the posts here say they have the same issue, one must assume that either it dosnt work in some configs, or instructions are not clear enough. I am not trying to come off as a ass and I apoligize if I am, but this script would be cool if it worked with my site and config and it dosnt.
So, I either do not understand the instructions or it will not work with my config and the other vent status scripts that ARE working on my site is a act of god. :D
Again, I apoligize if I am coming across like a ass, I realy am one but do not want to be one to you.
I also talked with my host for the page, used the right ventrilo_status for BSD and they said it should work, for whatever that means.
03-31-2008, 09:54 PM
Well, after getting vB updates that this is OK to use, I tried again. I tried 4 times in the past and no workie. I understand that all have different issues and most can be resolved with time and patience.
First, let me say I have 2 other Vent status working fine and
The server host is configured properly or I would not be getting correct information on my pages. I thought this would be cool and never can get it to work.
See attached config for your script and associated screenshots.
Again, I understand that their will be different issues, but when a lot of the posts here say they have the same issue, one must assume that either it dosnt work in some configs, or instructions are not clear enough. I am not trying to come off as a ass and I apoligize if I am, but this script would be cool if it worked with my site and config and it dosnt.
So, I either do not understand the instructions or it will not work with my config and the other vent status scripts that ARE working on my site is a act of god. :D
Again, I apoligize if I am coming across like a ass, I realy am one but do not want to be one to you.
I also talked with my host for the page, used the right ventrilo_status for BSD and they said it should work, for whatever that means.
This hack is nothing more than a frontend for the Ventrilo Status Scripts. If you believe the problem lies within this hack, I would suggest downloading this package ( and getting ventrilotest.php to report everything is OK. If after that this hack still does not work, we can proceed further.
The setup on this can, at times, be tricky -- which makes it hard, if not impossible, to dutifully suport. All I can say is, try getting the scripts in the link above (namely ventrilotest.php) to work first -- be sure you have permissions set correctly as well as the absolute path. If you do get it working, the same settings used in the configuration file can be applied to the hack settings within vBulletin.
Without direct access to the server myself, that's really the most I can offer.
If someone's username, for example, is </er> it is rendered as html. could lead to an interesting exploit... needs some htmlentities() loving
04-11-2008, 05:00 PM
If someone's username, for example, is </er> it is rendered as html. could lead to an interesting exploit... needs some htmlentities() loving
Aside from the fact that this was patched in the 1.1 release, the Ventrilo client/server packages do not allow specific characters in usernames as well they have character length limits. So, unless someone writes a custom Ventrilo client and/or server with these restrictions removed, the exploit is basically theoretical.
04-12-2008, 04:19 PM
Giving this a shot but thus far i am unable to figure out why it doesnt work properly. Here are somethings that might be useful for support.
I use I have emailed them and they said I should be good to go as they have preconfigured their servers so that the status script can do its job
My host is unix based. I have downloaded and tried I think all server files and have tried each of the ventrilo_status files in each one just to make sure i didnt miss anything and yes I have put cmod them to 755.
I guess the best i can hope for in this situation is to be told exactly which ventrilo_status to use, then ill just have to do some more trial and error maybe somehow I wrote down the path to the status file incorrectly.
thank you in advance.
04-12-2008, 05:56 PM
Have your webhost open the outbound port of your ventrilo server port
04-12-2008, 07:23 PM
I will try that. I am speaking with them now, and ill post the outcome.
Any idea on which is the correct status script to use? I guess i can try them all to see which one works but then again none are working right now so knowing the correct one will help when troubleshooting my current problem.
My webhost said they would not open that port for me.
04-12-2008, 11:04 PM
My webhost said they would not open that port for me.
That is very unfortunate. Although some web hosts won't do it, many others will. I use hostgator and they opened the ports without any problems
04-13-2008, 01:18 AM
That is very unfortunate. Although some web hosts won't do it, many others will. I use hostgator and they opened the ports without any problems
Thanks for your help. i have 2 months prepaid on my host then ill try out yours seems good
04-15-2008, 06:58 PM
Any luck on getting this to work in a sidebar box as of yet? I was messing around seeing if I could get it do display on a sidebar box on my forums rather than down at the bottom of my forums but no luck as of yet.
I attached a image showing what I mean (well, where I'd like to figure out how to place it).
If anyone has done this or if it is even possible I'd love to know.
I tried messing with the scripts and everything like I said, but no luck, once I move the code to a different part of the template it stopped function. I'm somewhat new to vB so that might be part of it -- just upgraded from PhpBB3.
Attached files below:
Oh, and I'm still editing my skin, so don't hate. =/
Awesome mod btw.
05-15-2008, 08:02 PM
I have poblem after installing this mod
Warning: require_once([path]/includes/functions_ventrilostatus.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/index.php(67) : eval()'d code on line 1
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/******/public_html/forum/includes/functions_ventrilostatus.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/grabiecr/public_html/forum/index.php(67) : eval()'d code on line 1
How how to fix this problem?
05-29-2008, 02:27 PM
will this work on 3.7 Gold
Aaron O
07-07-2008, 10:44 PM
Your script doesn't work because it doesn't define the "servername" variable.
EDIT: I read all of the posts and I don't see the script actually pulling the servername from the server itself. I will mention that I'm using the latest version of Ventrilo and my host is Typefrag.
08-20-2008, 01:19 PM
I'd be willing to kick in a couple of bucks to get this updated to a 3.7 ready version.
It works fine on 3.7. For those who are having troubles:
You need to configure an ip that are allowed to run status query on the VT servers.
then test out the ventrilo_status. If ventrilo_status can't get the data neither will this script.
08-26-2008, 11:32 AM
I'd be willing to kick in a couple of bucks to get this updated to a 3.7 ready version.
Count me in on that also. I've looked far and wide for such a solid working item. Ventrilo is by far much better than teamspeak as it is true voip.
08-30-2008, 02:40 PM
add me to the list of people willing to donate for a 3.7x version
09-12-2008, 07:01 PM
And me
01-09-2009, 04:26 PM
Working fine with VB3.7.0 and Ventrilo 3.x
But how can i modify the Order on Forumhome? It appears over "Users who visited today", want to take it after that...
(excuse my bad english)
01-29-2009, 08:04 PM
How can I make this work for 3.8?
01-30-2009, 06:26 PM
Would this work for 3.8 by any chance?
02-11-2009, 12:52 AM
I sent a PM to magnus requesting that I have permission to pick this up and carry on for 3.8 and support it... but there is no need.
I was able to follow the install directions and have this working straight out of the box.
This works perfect for 3.8.1. Great job Magnus.
jesus likes pie
02-13-2009, 09:11 PM
the ventrilotest.php file is not working.
My vent host is nationvoice
My web host is hostgator.
If I enter my vent info in this page:
it works fine - so this means it's an issue with the web server...correct? Should I just ask my host to open the outbound port that my vent is on?
Is there any way to test this to see where it's failing? I have this installed by the book and I cannot get it to work on 3.8.1 Patch Level 1.
Like this forums suggests.
If i have my ventrilo_status file on another server would I be able to link it within this addon to get it to work?
I was just told since I have a dedicated IP with bluehost all ports are open to me so my assumption was incorrect. I'm at square one and lost once again. Need to find a way to error check.
So yeah, I'm totally lost. I got the info to pop up here:
But when I load the ventrilotest.php stuff and get it all configured on my server using the same info as i do for the link above and for this addon it doesn't work.
The host says all my ports are open, and they are open on the server the vent server is running on. I have no clue as to what my next step should be. My php version is 5.2.9, would that have anything to do with it?
Well guys I have read all posts in this thread and I am still stuck.
I have the mod installed, it shows up on my forum like it should, it hotlinks to server and will start Ventrilo when clicked but I just can't get it to show connected users.
I'm in a windows environment, I have the ventrilo_status.exe file but I believe it has to do with my path to this file.
Server show up ok when checked with the Ventrilo Status page...
Any ideas?
Found the issues this morning. Needed more COFFEE!
02-25-2010, 03:38 AM
Guys can this and does this work on version 4??? I've got the newest 4.0.2 patch 1 running on my site and I'd love to get this going. Any confirmations or projects to make ventrilo intregrate into version 4.x like this mod does with version 3.x???
03-19-2010, 03:26 PM
Im also running 4.02. Im wondering if this would work as is. If not is there any chance for a 4.x version in the future?
Silver Tiger
05-04-2010, 06:54 PM
Is there anyone that can help me install this?
I have tried to do this in numerous ways, still nothing works for 2 hours.
My Ventrilo host is powervs
Enter the absolute location of the ventrilo_status file.
(ie. /home/bob/www/forum/ventrilo_status)
for me would it be
(what is the "www" for? and and I assume I subsitute "www" with my login name for ftp???
Also I have downloaded the ventrilo_status.php its in the index of my forum, yet still wont work (after manually adding the I.P to the server + port)
Any step by step instructions anyone/:erm:
06-13-2010, 01:40 AM
Add me to the list of people who would like to see this on version 4...
07-18-2010, 01:26 AM
I wanted a simple forum block for version 4.04 so I hacked one together from this authors work.. This is simple, shows users and admins in bold.
for example look at my site:
Go into Forums and Moderator, Forum Blocks Manager -> add lock, Custom HTML/PHP
upload the authors 2 classes, I didnt use his product import, and hard coded my settings directly in the php.
include "/home/rent/public_html/forums/includes/functions_ventrilostatus.php";
include "/home/rent/public_html/forums/includes/class_ventrilostatus.php";
$stat = new CVentriloStatus;
$stat->m_cmdprog = "/home/kozmok/ventsrv/ventrilo_status";
$stat->m_cmdcode = "2";
$stat->m_cmdhost = "";
$stat->m_cmdport = "3784";
$stat->m_cmdpass = "";
$rc = $stat->Request();
if ( $rc )
$my_output = "CVentriloStatus->Request() failed. <strong>$stat->m_error</strong><br><br>\n";
} else
$my_output = "<br>Server: port 3784<br>";
$my_output .= "Users on Vent: " . count( $stat->m_clientlist ) . "<br><br>";
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $stat->m_clientlist ); $i++ )
$client = $stat->m_clientlist[ $i ];
if($client->m_admin == 1)
$my_output .= "<b>" . htmlspecialchars($client->m_name) . "</b>";
$my_output .= htmlspecialchars($client->m_name);
if (count( $stat->m_clientlist ) > 1)
$my_output .= ", ";
return $my_output;
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