View Full Version : Use vBulletin member system (entire)

04-17-2006, 06:53 PM
Dear users,

before buying the board which I really like I want to ask if it's possible for me to use the member system of the board for my own site.

Can the variables used by the board like 'logged in', 'user level', 'avatar picture' etc. be accesed so they can be used on the rest of my non-vbulletin site? I'm pretty advanced in PHP but just want to know if it's not to much work to get the user system integrated in my own site.

Thanks in advance.

Paul M
04-17-2006, 06:57 PM
Search the site, there are a number of threads on how to do it - the most common (easiest) way is to include vb's global.php in your script.