View Full Version : interesting mod idea... very easy to make :)

04-16-2006, 04:50 PM
I have an interesting idea, for a vb hack. If there are any coders willing to do this, I think it will be a nice contribution to the community. Unfortunately I'm not good at coding, I know some things, but ain't pro... so I cannot help, just give ideas about functionality and features :)

Basically it will be an addon, where admin can add profiles of football players for example, or profiles of clubs or just about anything! it should be a seperate page, with the link in the header nav bar. Profile should be searchable, for example if you have sport related website, you can search for Ronaldinho and it will display his profle, with detailed info that is also editable from the admin panel... profile features should be editable via admin panel too... I mean fields, lik birth date, club he is playing in, should be editable via admin panel. Database should be searchable... and of course there should be some kind of guestbook feature so that users of the forum can leave feedback their thoughts etc.

Well, I think it's the basic idea behind the mod. Sorry if I didn't explain it right... anyways, if you want me to be more specific, I can sketch some basic layout for the mod :)

so, any coders interested???

04-16-2006, 07:33 PM
I think there may be simpler sports hacks about, people have certainly done custom ones in the past...

04-16-2006, 08:59 PM
well would be nice if someone could share :) I want to modify it to fit my custom needs but I need something to start from...and I wouldn't use it for sports but for companies, my forum is business oriented and we will have company profiles.