View Full Version : Basic Title

04-14-2006, 10:39 AM
Alright, what I am after is simple. Firstly, I have run through Search about a dozen times with many variations of what I am looking for, to no avail. If what I request already exists, then please push me in the right direction. As long as the Hack is for 3.5, I don't mind how specific it is (i.e. 3.5.1/3.5.4 etc)

vBulletin already has the Custom Title feature; naturally. But most sites tend to charge a fee if they have some sort of virtual-cash system or otherwise, or it can only be earned from being a mod/staff member and so on. What I want though, is a Basic Title that any Registered member can have (as well as anyone already with a Custom Title). Any person at the site would be able to put this in themselves in their profile.

However, I want this title to be bolded White and no amount of coding could change this for the Basic title (they couldn't colour it or whatever). I have seen this implemented in a phpBB forum, so it shouldn't be too difficult I hope. I don't want this to override Custom Titles though; so if a member paid for a Custom Title they would still have their regular one. Another good thing about this, is that regular members could still advance through the User Ranks without having them overridden by a Custom Title.

Does it exist already; can it be made? Cheers.

04-14-2006, 01:53 PM
Ok, nice and easy actually, and doesn't need a hack :)

ACP > User Ranks > Add New User Rank

Set the info on this page to what you wish to display and save it.

Repeat as desired.

Hey presto. :)

04-15-2006, 05:15 AM
I suppose in that sense I could just abolish the User Titles, and swap them over for User Ranks as you suggested, and let members use the Custom Title area in their profile for free. However, if they know how the coding works will they be able to Colour/Bold/Italicise/etc the title? Because I don't want that at all otherwise it would defeat the purpose of what I really want.

I happened across the 'Staff Titles' Hack so I could use that for Custom Titles that members pay for. That wouldn't solve the other problem though.) Cheers.

I'll settle for this, as it more or less gets the job done in a roundabout way.)