04-14-2006, 10:39 AM
Alright, what I am after is simple. Firstly, I have run through Search about a dozen times with many variations of what I am looking for, to no avail. If what I request already exists, then please push me in the right direction. As long as the Hack is for 3.5, I don't mind how specific it is (i.e. 3.5.1/3.5.4 etc)
vBulletin already has the Custom Title feature; naturally. But most sites tend to charge a fee if they have some sort of virtual-cash system or otherwise, or it can only be earned from being a mod/staff member and so on. What I want though, is a Basic Title that any Registered member can have (as well as anyone already with a Custom Title). Any person at the site would be able to put this in themselves in their profile.
However, I want this title to be bolded White and no amount of coding could change this for the Basic title (they couldn't colour it or whatever). I have seen this implemented in a phpBB forum, so it shouldn't be too difficult I hope. I don't want this to override Custom Titles though; so if a member paid for a Custom Title they would still have their regular one. Another good thing about this, is that regular members could still advance through the User Ranks without having them overridden by a Custom Title.
Does it exist already; can it be made? Cheers.
vBulletin already has the Custom Title feature; naturally. But most sites tend to charge a fee if they have some sort of virtual-cash system or otherwise, or it can only be earned from being a mod/staff member and so on. What I want though, is a Basic Title that any Registered member can have (as well as anyone already with a Custom Title). Any person at the site would be able to put this in themselves in their profile.
However, I want this title to be bolded White and no amount of coding could change this for the Basic title (they couldn't colour it or whatever). I have seen this implemented in a phpBB forum, so it shouldn't be too difficult I hope. I don't want this to override Custom Titles though; so if a member paid for a Custom Title they would still have their regular one. Another good thing about this, is that regular members could still advance through the User Ranks without having them overridden by a Custom Title.
Does it exist already; can it be made? Cheers.