View Full Version : New layout and heavily hacked board

04-02-2006, 06:46 AM
http://www.gamerzneeds.net - Portal
http://www.gamerzneeds.net/forums - Forums

Please comment on both but mainly the forums thanks.

I'm just about to move the site to new servers to improve the performance as it sometimes lags, but thats another discussion.

Can you please comment on the design of the site, the layout, and if there is anything you think should be improved etc.

The site was made on the 4th of August 2005 by memory. so its around 8 months old.

The community is fairly active, and they enjoy it because of the many unique and original ideas that have been incorporated into the site.

Post your comments please.


04-02-2006, 08:22 AM
lol I knew someone would say the pop-ups were annoying. Just close it before it loads i dont mind but most people have pop up blockers anyway.
However they only pop up once a day for members. (It helps to pay for the server not much but it does lol)

I do agree with you that the stickies and announcements are too many, I should clean and tidy them up. Thanks for pointing that part out.

Feel free to take a closer look, I would really appreciate it. Thanks

04-02-2006, 08:52 AM
Well deciding to get rid of the pop-ups is on my agenda. Most members are happy with just 1 a day, but i can see where your comming from.

The sign the agreement form is a once only thing you need to do if your a member. Its important to have it on my site because of certain content.

I have since removed a few stickies, and i'm going to merge some of the announcments and change them. I'll do a good clean up of the whole site this weekend coming. So thanks for that advice, i have taken to it already but still got more to do.

But putting that aside, what do you think of the other features. Yesterday I added gaps in between each forum, centered and bolded the forum titles. i think it looks heaps better since I did that.

keep the comments comming, I'm going to be taking them all in and will probably use most. Thanks

04-02-2006, 03:30 PM
First Impression: Way too many modifications. The postbit is extremely bloated.

Don't install modifications just because you can, use them if they work with your website.

04-02-2006, 05:25 PM
First Impression: Way too many modifications. The postbit is extremely bloated.

Don't install modifications just because you can, use them if they work with your website.

Which ones would you be refering too? There is not that many on the postbit is there lol

06-16-2006, 07:45 AM
Installed vbseo last month, moved to a dedicated server.

The amount of members that were on daily last month was about 400 now its reaching about 700 a day just after 1 month.

We hit over 10 000 members this month, now over 11k

site is improving all the time.

In a few months, i'll be moving to a better dedicated server to help with the server load etc. but I'll be trying to optermize everything as much as I can until then.

Please comment on what you think of the layout of the site etc.

Also check out the online games thread and take a look out how the forums are layed out on page 2 ^^

06-16-2006, 05:38 PM
Only took about 2 minutes for the portal page to load..

Not a bad design, but i left after clicking on forums and waiting for 45 seconds, then i was bombarded with exit popup ads

06-16-2006, 08:13 PM
I am on a 10mb connection and it took a while to load the portal about
10 seconds about the same to load the forums and about 20 seconds to
load a thread, your idea about upgrading the server is a good one me thinks...

The postbit is looking a tad big but this is cause the activity hack is above
Make it be in the middle or to the left of the other stuff and it will shrink the
postbit dramatically... see here (http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4087)for an example (my site) although mine aint much to go by :o

I quite like the style and colours although the forum status icons at the botom
would look a lot better if they were horizontal :) see my sig ;)

Damn that is a lot of announcements (Rules and Important Information) lol
Your new thread and so on icons look great....

I thought i had a lot of forums...but i think you top mine ;)
Theres n not much going on in the Whats going on box but this can be cause im a guest.....

On the whole....apart from the speed of the sight, i like it m8, well done....

06-19-2006, 02:32 AM
Took a long time to load then started with popups even though I'm on FF with popup blockers.

From what I saw in the few seconds I had the window open, you have a nice style there. I didn't stick around to see anymore though once the popups started.