View Full Version : My Hosting Forum

03-28-2006, 05:14 PM
My board is for a post-to-host hosting service that I've been trying to get off the ground.
I've written a fairly large custom script for it that I'll keep for myself.

Visit my board (http://xenweb.net/forums/)

Tony G
03-29-2006, 05:52 AM
Style is decent - is that a custom style?

Your forums do not align on forumhome - might want to fix that.

Also for a new forum you're starting off with way too many forums. I wouldn't have more than 10.

03-29-2006, 08:10 AM
I downloaded all my style from this site.

I'll hide some of the forums.

04-26-2006, 06:10 AM
How does it look now?