View Full Version : feedback after redesign

03-19-2006, 12:10 AM
i would appreciate if you could give me some feedback about my forum @ http://scottishwheelnut.co.uk/forum , i've just spent ages upgrading and playing about with the design and i would like to see what others have think about it.

i am still quite new to vbulletin and would appreciate any coments i could get

thanks in advance

if you would like to log in you can use the "guest" account with the password 12345

thanks again

03-19-2006, 12:24 AM

I like the black and blue look. A dark blue border may look good to give the modules some definition, but that is personal preference i suppose. I don't like the header. I can see the none transparent edges, so they stand out and the red conflicts with the cool blue racing stripe look. (I like the blue stripes alot. Those are nice.

You should edit the homepage for the cmps and add a title to the portal page. It displays your sites url at the top of the page instead of the sites title.

All and all, I like it. (I would attack that header with a vengeance though!)

Tony G
03-19-2006, 12:50 AM
I don't like the scheme. The colours go well together but you're not using them right. I can't comment on much as I can't view any of the forums without registering.

03-20-2006, 03:01 PM
cheers for the comments so far. anyone else got any suggestions?