View Full Version : Random Signatures For Admins, Mods

03-17-2006, 10:00 PM
################################################## ###############
## MOD Title: Random Signature
## PNP Version: 1.0.0
## MOD Author: DementedMindz
## MOD Description: Allows you to have a random sigs displayed on your site
## Installation Level: Easy
## Installation Time: 1 minute
## Files To Edit (#): .htaccess
## Lines To Add: 4
################################################## ############
## Included Files: sig.php
################################################## ############
## Author Notes:
## Any suggestions, issues, changes, ideas, comments, etc please post them in the thread
## Features:
## Randomly displays jpg, gif, png sigs or images.
## Additional:
## This currently will only work with jpgs, gifs, and pngs.
## This will also only work with Apache sites that allow you to edit the .htaccess file
## You must have at least 2 valid image files in the directory
## In theory this should work with any site that allows signatures or images
################################################## ############
## History:
## 2006-03-17 - Version 1.0.0
## - Created
################################################## ############
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Site, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
################################################## ############
# Here starts the Installation, follow the steps very close and be sure that you have found the
# correct lines
# STEP NUMBER I: Copy Files
Copy sig.php to the root of your site
Create a /sigs folder
Copy all the sigs you want to be displayed in that folder (DO NOT UPLOAD thumbs.db or anything else invalid)
# STEP NUMBER II: Modifying existing Files
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
# This should be on the root of your public_html or www and is the first file
#-----[ AT THE END ADD ]--------------------------------

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^sig.gif sig.php [L]

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ NOTES ]-----------------------------------------
will work any where actually so feel free to play with it
#-----[ NOTES ]-----------------------------------------
If you want to use this for anything else like avatars
Simply change the sig.php to whatever.php
Open whatever.php and change
$dir = "./sigs/";
$dir = "./whatever/";
Then follow the above steps again changing sig to whatever

03-17-2006, 11:17 PM
great job DementedM

03-17-2006, 11:18 PM
thank you, please click install :) also this should be able to be used for all versions of vbulletin :)

03-18-2006, 11:50 AM
Well done!

03-18-2006, 12:14 PM
thanks :)

06-01-2006, 12:46 PM
could this be made to only affect certain usergroup and only users without any signature set on their profiles?


11-19-2006, 12:24 AM
This is Awesome!!!!! Gonna use it for Sigs and Avatars :D


12-04-2006, 10:24 PM
Is there a way this can work with reg. members as well?? I know IPB use to have something like this where you could have any or all membergroups use this feature, but the links/sigs/graphics would be read from where they have them hosted.

12-04-2006, 10:39 PM
quite interesting modification, might try this out :)