View Full Version : How can i get my members to look like they are on perminantly?

03-05-2006, 10:34 PM
How can i get the members who come online on my website to look like they are on permanantly?

is there a hack for this or a simple modification.

Reeve of shinra
03-05-2006, 10:40 PM
Increase the timeout in your admin options.

03-05-2006, 11:04 PM
Increase the timeout in your admin options.
Yeah, i have tried that...but no matter what time you put in there... the max amount of time a user can stay online is 24 hours.

Thats why I am wondering if there was a way that I can have them stay on perminantly.

I have seen those hacks that tell you what user came on for that day...possibly there is a way to modify that hack into looking like the "currently active users" box?

03-05-2006, 11:28 PM
Handcuff them to their PC's al la 'Saw' and webcast it to vb.org. :)

03-05-2006, 11:41 PM
Handcuff them to their PC's al la 'Saw' and webcast it to vb.org. :)

too bad i just used up my last pair of handcuffs on my last member :ninja:

03-06-2006, 02:52 PM

Perhaps its just me and how I think, but are you trying to make your forum look more "popular" by deceiving guests into believing that all of your members are on the site? I for one would leave a site if i saw my name listed as being online when I visited the site as a guest before I had logged in. Deception isn't the way to create an active forum. Work and features, as well as content are. Just my thoughts. (There IS a few ways to do this btw.)

03-06-2006, 06:26 PM

Perhaps its just me and how I think, but are you trying to make your forum look more "popular" by deceiving guests into believing that all of your members are on the site? I for one would leave a site if i saw my name listed as being online when I visited the site as a guest before I had logged in. Deception isn't the way to create an active forum. Work and features, as well as content are. Just my thoughts. (There IS a few ways to do this btw.)

I totally understand you but life is not perfect. Members just do not come flowing to a new board. I for one wont join a board that looks like it has no members on it, because then whats the point of asking a question there if you know you wont get a reply fast.

I thank you for your concern but the thread topic was not a debate topic, it was strictly for help on getting my active users to never reload.

I propose an alternitive:
Perhaps you can tell me some of your "several ways to do this". Otherwise I would rather not like you participating here.


03-07-2006, 07:05 PM
someone has to knopw

03-13-2006, 12:22 PM

Others do know how to do this. The lack of response is likely associated with the moral and ethical aspect of what you are trying to do. Think about it like this. You are obviously not the only person who has a site covering the topic your site covers. So, others that have a site that deals with the same topic would not like for you to use this form of deception to suck in new members. That would give you a slight edge over there site which is honestly depicting the activity on their site.

I propose an alternitive:
Perhaps you can tell me some of your "several ways to do this". Otherwise I would rather not like you participating here.

If you don't wish for me to participate in this discussion, don't post threads asking for ways to decieve people on a public forum.

I propose a better alternitive:

Add content to your site and build it up from the ground up like the rest of us have. No one said building a community was easy. Thats why sites disappear daily. If you want to have an active site, make the site inviting and offer the information people are looking for.

You will get the members if your site is worthy of their patronage. If you really need to start decieving people to get them on your site, then I guess you need to keep working on your site.

Members just do not come flowing to a new board. I for one wont join a board that looks like it has no members on it, because then whats the point of asking a question there if you know you wont get a reply fast.

How do you think the rest of us built our communities? Work! If you build it (and its good), they will come.

04-15-2006, 12:14 PM
What is the point in faking who is active in the forums if the post and thread count will remain the same?!

I think you're damaging your community by doing this.

steven s
04-15-2006, 12:25 PM
How can i get the members who come online on my website to look like they are on permanantly?

is there a hack for this or a simple modification.
I wouldn't do it this way. But. . .

I use
Members who have visited the forum (Today or last 24 hours) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=82769)
It doesn't give an illusion that people are actually online but it does show people are visiting. It takes time to build up a forum.