View Full Version : Email statistics...

Andy R
03-03-2006, 02:55 PM
I have searched vB.com & vB.org but have not found anything similar to what I am looking for.

I would like to know statistics about emails that are sent. They include:

Total emails sent by the system (by day, week & month)
Total emails sent by type (subscriptions, activation, PM notification, etc)
Total emails sent to each member (optional, but would be nice)
Bascially I want to include text links for our sponsors in the emails and need a way to determine how many emails are actually being sent. I guess if I installed the HTML email hack then I could know how many people opened the email if I installed a clear 1x1.gif and used a stat package to determine how often it was called. I just thought that some others would want to know this type of info and that maybe a solution already exists...

thanks in advance for any help, links, advice, etc!!!


04-08-2006, 09:37 PM
This is an outstanding idea, and one that I am, quite frankly, shocked that vB does not already have implemented. We can only hope...