View Full Version : Keyword Auto-linking with tooltip

03-03-2006, 01:39 AM
I have some progress sort of but know very little about integrating things to the admin panel. i don't want to take any credit for anything, but I would like someone to take what I have found from various searches and testing and implement it into 3.5.

So far I have found the javascript needed for the tooltip. You can see a sample of it here (http://www.igotnotime.com/dynamic.php). I did get it to work after calling the javascript file from the server in the showthread.php for the specific style (an unused testing style don't make fun of the colors it is not the default) and then added the variable for the keyword for that style and the results are in the image below. They are not faked in photoshop.

What I am hoping for is the option on the admin panel to automatically configure the variable with the fields:

Image URL
Link (making it optional)

Is there anyone out there that can help? It feels sooooo close, especially after seeing it on the forum live. I can e-mail the Javascript file to anyone who thinks they can help out.

Iain M
03-03-2006, 01:52 PM
maybe this hack will do what you want
