View Full Version : Featured Article/Review on CMPS 2.1 for GARS

02-28-2006, 10:40 AM
I have been searching for this, along with a million other people, and everyone is talking about it but no one is making one. I didn't find an official request for this so I am requesting:)

GARS needs a mod that will display a article or review on the CMPS 2.1. There was one but it will not work with CMPS 2.1 as far as I know.

Help please! You will be loved by millions for this mod!;)

02-21-2007, 12:17 PM
I have been searching for this, along with a million other people, and everyone is talking about it but no one is making one. I didn't find an official request for this so I am requesting:)

GARS needs a mod that will display a article or review on the CMPS 2.1. There was one but it will not work with CMPS 2.1 as far as I know.

Help please! You will be loved by millions for this mod!;)
it will be a perfect hack when one of coders do it :up:

The Geek
02-23-2007, 08:19 AM
It does work (afaik) -> http://www.thevbgeek.com/showthread.php?t=1439