View Full Version : A2Z Webmaster Community!

02-26-2006, 09:08 AM
Hi there,

At a-2z.com webmaaster forums, we provide free help for you with your website, and many more, which include free domains, free hosting, and this is all yours by registering, which is free.

We have 80 members at the minute, and would love to have more, and have a very active, friendly community for our users to go on, and enjoy their company there.

You may advertise your site there as long as you read the website advertising rules, and the forum rules before doing so.

So thats it really, if you would like all of those free services, and a great community to register, and be active on, then this wouls be the perfect place to go to, http://www.a-2z.com.

Also, look out for March's competition, it will be big!


02-26-2006, 02:54 PM
Not much feedback as it is a default style...unless this is just SPAM!

Tony G
02-26-2006, 11:46 PM
It isn't spam, you're spam. :p

Yeah not much is changed so there isn't much to comment on. You've got the right idea with the header image but if it extended for the whole bar you've put it in it'd look better. Also move shoutbox to bottom as it deters posting if you leave it where it is.

02-27-2006, 01:52 AM
It isn't spam, you're spam. :p

What da hoof! Wheres da love mang? :bored:

02-27-2006, 01:55 PM
javascript errors up the gazoo ... I believe it's the "hover effect" on table cells
IE. will produce the errors upon page visite (debugger active)
Firefox will produce the errors upon clicking a cell

In IE, SHOUTBOX is still loading...
15 minutes later still

this is due to the javascript errors that I mentioned

03-12-2006, 03:39 PM
Yeah, i've been looking for the mod that I got that from, but cant find it so i dont know how to un-install it.