View Full Version : April Fools Day Hack

02-15-2006, 06:19 PM
I know it is quite awhile yet. But i'm not sure how long it would take to code. It might be something fun to do. Well, here goes. I've been trying to learn PHP for ages now just to make a hack like this. But to be blunt, i suck. This Hack can be used on april fools day (or any day for that matter) where the admin set Random amusing things on the board. These could include, remove all avatars/signatures. Send 50 PM's saying Happy April Fools day. Maybe even make the users skin Pink for a day. It could also be interegated into one of these shop hacks for other users to buy april fool days gags.

'Tis just an idea. Cause havoc for a day. Oh, and also maybe do it so if it is after 12 o'clock (time april fools finishes) the user will have the prank backfired onto him (wont work for admins)

Sounds amusing :p


02-15-2006, 06:52 PM
50 PMs? Remove all avatars and signatures? Sounds like a GREAT idea if you are looking to lose some users.

Why don't you just shut down the board for the entire day? I'm sure your members will get a kick out of it!

02-15-2006, 07:11 PM
i think it's a good idea
maybe make it so you can chosse to get only couple members.

as i know some forums have loyal members that wouldn't leave no matter what;)

Marco van Herwaarden
02-15-2006, 07:35 PM
I once made a hack (template mod actually) where only for the board owner (i was part of a team of admins), the whole index page would just turn upside down/mirrored whenever his mousepointer enter the area. It was impossible almost to click on any link like that.

Another one was (again for a limited number of users) a random Usertitle (lol, i made up some funny ones, tailored for each user), tht would change every 10 minutes. We ended up keeping that one longer then planned. At first the board owner and 1 other admin where out victims. They didn't have much programming knowledge. They would spit through the amdin logs to see who change their usertitle for days, but no luck :D

03-28-2006, 10:42 PM
phpbb had one that made everyone 'look' like they were admin tho they really couldn't do anything damaging... heh

03-30-2006, 03:36 PM
I am known HIGH and wide for my april fools days jokes and this thought JUST came into my mind... Why not design a new style and totoaly change the forum to someting TOTLAY different.... :D

03-30-2006, 07:06 PM
LOL! I did that... made it a gawdawful purple and pink mixture and changed the 'title image' to a rendition of 'This Forum powered by hamsters' banner. I'll do the switch at midnight Friday night, forum options already set to overide to where users can't pick a style to begin with....

tho with my luck nobody'll log in at all on saturday... lol