View Full Version : Ignore list for hacks

02-07-2006, 10:04 PM
Say, there are a couple of rude people whom you don't want to be able to download your hacks. I think it would be a good idea to create an block list for that. :)

02-07-2006, 10:08 PM
i dont think the hackers should have a choice if ya want a choice you should release it on your own site. this is a free site and gives you exposure of your work rude people are everywhere so its something you cant stop report them to a mod and they will handle it most likely.

02-07-2006, 10:09 PM
Well, to be honest, I didn't notice that mods do anything about rude members on this site, whether you report it or not... :(

Even if a site is free, hacks are the property of the hacker who released those hacks, and therefore the hacker should be able to choose who can use his hacks and who can't :(

02-07-2006, 10:11 PM
To be fair, there's not always something the mods CAN do. Too many twits. Too little time. Plus, one person's version of rude is somebody else's version of honest.

02-07-2006, 10:13 PM
thats what should be addressed truthfully cause i feal ya on some people being rude. i think there should be a bigger mod team to handle some of the other aspects of the site. such as rude members and then some to handle the posts that end up in the wrong forums. there should definetly be a bigger team working here for the amount of members theres plenty of good people here that would love to help out moving topics warning members and deleting and removing privledges for those who constantly harrass.. there should be a warning system here. that mods gcould give warnings and get so many and you get banned for a week.

02-07-2006, 10:19 PM
Yes, I agree about the need for a bigger mod team. However, admins claim that they have enough mods at the moment :( Assuming the mods are something voluntary, I don't see why they don't want more mods.

There is always a way to say something that is not necessary pleasant in a courteous manner, and vice versa. Some members, however, say whatever there is on their mind the way it is, and it's not necessarily always true.

Chris M
02-08-2006, 06:08 AM
Aside from the other issues in this thread, the main reason has already been highlighted - To block the ability of some who you don't want downloading your hacks would go against the idea of this site...


Marco van Herwaarden
02-08-2006, 06:15 AM
Well, to be honest, I didn't notice that mods do anything about rude members on this site, whether you report it or not...
All reports are dealed with within 24 hours, mostly faster.

02-08-2006, 07:32 AM
What you view as rude might not always been seen by rude from all peoples point of view.

Blunt and rude seem to go hand and hand, but this is not always the case.

02-08-2006, 11:33 AM
Zachery well put. As a forum moderator on my own site I see alot of people jumping to conclusions about what someone is trying to say to them and how they are trying to say it. Overall, this mod team is pretty good, and very helpful. I don't think it is right to not include people to be able to download your hacks. More then likly if they are rude to you, they won't download anything of yours more then likly.