View Full Version : "You Got Slapped" Battle/Game....
02-05-2006, 10:00 PM
Hi everyone!
I made this one originally by request, but since the person who requested it told me "I don't need it anymore" once it was finished I decided to release it to the public.
If only ONE (maybe even two? ;)) folks around here might find this usefull it was at least worth the time spent.
What this does:
You all know those "battle" systems, where you fool someone into visiting a certain URL but all that they get is a message "You get tricked", "You got fooled" or, in this case, "You got slapped" (you can change the message to whatever you like).
Well this is what this does.
The visitor gets that message and the "slapcount" (shown in the postbit) of the user who fooled the other one increases by 1.
This thing uses phrases for every single bit, so you can very easy customize it to whatever you like.
The "slap page" can be fully edited and customized via a template.
Nothing hardcoded, everthing editable via the default AdminCP areas.
How to install
Upload one .php file, import the product .XML and make one template edit.
(details in the readme)
Like I said, maybe someone may find use for this....
02-06-2006, 08:53 PM
funny hack
will edit this
02-06-2006, 09:09 PM
nice hack thanks!!
02-06-2006, 09:21 PM
I'm getting the same "slap count" in every members postbit.
02-06-2006, 09:58 PM
I'm getting the same "slap count" in every members postbit.
then you got punked
just a joke :)
nice hack idea
02-06-2006, 10:03 PM
I want to put the "Slaps" on the sinfo.php page, so it shows how many slaps they have on the page where it says "You got slapped by..." so I put this in the template:
<div class="smallfont">$vbphrase[slap_slaps]: $slapcount</div>
but it doesn't seem to appear.
Reeve of shinra
02-06-2006, 10:07 PM
oh my god, I wish I had this 5 years ago... I'd get some people in teh hundreds.
02-06-2006, 10:17 PM
I'm getting the same "slap count" in every members postbit.
I'll check if there's still a bug hidden....
* Hellcat runns
I want to put the "Slaps" on the sinfo.php page, so it shows how many slaps they have on the page where it says "You got slapped by..." so I put this in the template:
<div class="smallfont">$vbphrase[slap_slaps]: $slapcount</div>
but it doesn't seem to appear.
Yes, that's right, 'cause the counter isn't read at that time.
But while I'm hunting the above bug, I'll also add this!
Done, and done :)
Bug seems fixed, and $slapcount is now also available in the slappage template.
To upgrade upload the new sinfo.php and re-import the new product .XML with "allow overwrite" enabled.
I'm also planning on adding a Top-10 list :)
02-06-2006, 10:58 PM
Funny mod but couldn't someone just highlight the link and see that it goes to the slapped page?
02-06-2006, 11:00 PM
I don't see the point, what does this hack really do?
02-06-2006, 11:15 PM
Funny mod but couldn't someone just highlight the link and see that it goes to the slapped page?
That's why I called the script "sinfo.php" - someone who doesn't know your "game" shouldn't suspect a thing.
And you can still rename it to whatever you want, like "forumsdisplay.php" or "threadsview.php" - notive the extra "s" that's not there in the original vB filenames :D
I don't see the point, what does this hack really do?
It's a game,
You get points by making ppl visit "your" slap-page. For every pageview you get one point.
You lure ppl to that page by making them think you are linking to something totally cool and interesting and then -> *BAM* just another point for you.
02-07-2006, 01:15 AM
what would be really cool is if anyone could make a link for it dynamically. maybe writing to .htaccess or something from their options profile? i dunno, just throwing things out there, cause ppl will figure it out after a few days.
GRRRRRRRRRRR..whats goin on here?
im always late
/me is going to install it
02-07-2006, 01:32 PM
lol I like this.
* Snake slaps this hack :D
02-07-2006, 04:09 PM
Aaaaaand again another update :)
Not much, I just implemented the Top10 list I mentioned earlier.
Details are in the README of the updated archive.
Diana Notacat
02-07-2006, 05:01 PM
Okay, I'll bite! I always link random amusing games that drive people insane. XD
02-07-2006, 06:08 PM
hi m8..
Me installed thanks...Ya top 10 aint working though :(
I have made a few slaps but blank page for top 10
02-07-2006, 07:35 PM
Did you re-import the new product .XML and put the "?do=toplist" at the end of the calling URL?
02-07-2006, 07:57 PM
Yes and yes lol
I only downloaded and installed after the top list update...
Please see here
02-07-2006, 08:05 PM
Uf, it kicks me right back to your front portal, even tho I called "sinfo.php"....
I'll check the installation on a fresh vB that never had it, maybe there's a problem with the product installation....
Anyone else getting this?
02-07-2006, 08:07 PM
Ok m8 no worries....
Look forward to the outcome!! :o)
02-13-2006, 09:35 PM
where can i view demo, thanks
02-14-2006, 05:16 AM
Ok m8 no worries....
Look forward to the outcome!! :o)
I tested the installation on a fresh and virgin vB.
No problems there....
Maybe something else is interfering???
where can i view demo, thanks
I just installed it on my own board.
Slap-Page (
Top 10 (
02-15-2006, 01:01 AM
I said I didnt want it anymore, because it doesnt work right... SAFIN has developed a proper slap hack for me, sorry if your still mad.. but Im not paying for a hack with little features, and that doesnt even work...
a) you never said anything about any issues of getting it to work. Like you can see here -> IT WORKS
b) you never made a clear statement what features you need! Learn to express youself, where's the problem of saying "I also need this and that".
c) I don't just tell someone else to make something if I already had an agreement with another person. At least not without even sending a little note to the first one.
d) Why argue at all? You got what you want, the community got a hack more. Case closed! - Now move along and die in peace.
EDIT: the hack safin developed, along with my ideas... will be available for purchase soon, it has many features... :) stay tuned
Dare you to advertise your commercial thing in my thread, or I WILL report you the the administration of this board!
Go and make your own threads!
And now he deleted his posts....
02-20-2006, 05:36 PM
nice hack man! :)
Red Blaze
02-20-2006, 06:07 PM
I'll give this a shot. Who knows, it could add some spice into my little forum. ^^:
Thanks. :)
02-21-2006, 07:07 PM
If sommat else is interferring with the top 10 hwat could it be, i have like over 200 hacks installed...95% install ok, and the other 5% need tweaking from the coder...
Please can you advise on this as i have half a hack working :(
02-22-2006, 01:27 AM
I get always bounced to your portal page when trying to take a look at it :(
You get the vB header and stuff, just the toplist is missing, or don't you get anything at all on the page?
Red Blaze
02-22-2006, 03:06 PM
Installed it, and works just fine. I don't see anything on what it can interfear with. It's all its own thing.
02-22-2006, 03:43 PM
I get all my blocks and, logo, and stuff like that but
diddly to do with any toplist or out :(
I get always bounced to your portal page when trying to take a look at it :(
You get the vB header and stuff, just the toplist is missing, or don't you get anything at all on the page?
02-23-2006, 01:52 AM
where can i view demo, thanks
03-13-2006, 06:19 PM
One thing, this shows MY Slaps in the postbit of a PM from another User.
04-04-2006, 09:43 PM
I've installed this but the Top 10 List doesn't work :(
Whether your logged in or not. It's pretty much completely blank ...
04-05-2006, 01:24 PM
Hilarious Mod!!! hahahaa!! :D Works great :) thanks.
Exitilus, I wonder how that happened, I wish I could help but I don't know myself how that problem occurred for you. You sure you uploaded the xml product file????
Is there any way to find out WHO got slapped???? My members and I are having A LOT of fun with this by luring people via our sigs, LOL! :D but we're VERY interested in knowing WHO we slapped :D.
Thanks for this brilliant mod and hope you could add a who got slapped feature :D.
04-05-2006, 03:19 PM
Yup. I uploaded it. The slap portion works fine :) Just the info doesn't work :)
04-05-2006, 03:24 PM
I have this very same issue, the top list does not work for me either :(
04-05-2006, 04:25 PM
I've no clue then, I'll try to fiddle around with it and see if I can work out some troubleshoots. In the meanwhile try clearing cache and making sure that u followed all of the steps properly.
IF sinfo.php was renamed then you'll need to rename the url link accordingly. I haven't renamed the sinfo.php or changed anything at all from it, so mine is working perfectly. Perhaps you might need to SLAP somebody for the top ten list to start working?
04-05-2006, 04:28 PM
I have had this installed since day dot :)
Nothing chaged either, all of the hack is standard
Many slaps have been mad as well
The top list has never worked for m8 :(
04-08-2006, 05:25 AM
I've tried looking at the code to figure out why the toplist doesn't work. The only thing I can guess is it's something wrong in the php file ... :(
04-08-2006, 05:26 AM
I've tried looking at the code to figure out why the toplist doesn't work. The only thing I can guess is it's something wrong in the php file ... :(
04-08-2006, 10:03 AM
The PHP file is PERFECTLY Fine :).
*You are not using the proper link pointing towards the toplist, yet alone the sinfo.php itself
*You renamed the sinfo.php and so there might be some problem which I cannot think of at the moment lol.
That's the 2 main problems I could think of. Could it be that in your url forums comes before the main url? I even tried the other way round though and still its blank.
04-08-2006, 10:50 AM
Heres my page for the toplist you can see from the url it is correct...
But look, no top slaps :(
See image please
04-08-2006, 09:35 PM
I spotted this in the xml file at the bottom
<phrase name="slap_toplist"><![CDATA[Top Slappers]]></phrase>
So now what you need to check just to be certain is that if you have the phrase "slap_toplist" in your phrase manager. If you DO NOT somehow have it then perhaps that may be a problem, hence the root cause for the toplist not showing.
Though I have my doubts because once you upload the xml file it does everything for you, but no harm in checking to be certain :).
I am not a coder, unfortunately so I can only help you with assumptions, who knows maybe I might stumble across something that actually fixes the problem? nevertheless do check the phrase.
Good Luck :)
04-08-2006, 10:41 PM
Yup... i have that phrase as well.
My guess is if it works for some and doesn't work for others. That this conflicts with some other plugin.
Though for mine. It ONLY shows the Footer. No Navbar O.o All coding looks right but ... ehh who knows o.o
04-09-2006, 06:44 AM
Yeah...sorry, i have that phrase as well :( tx for trying though, much appreciated :)
Ya prob right there Exitilus, i have many, many hacks and mods installed :o
04-09-2006, 02:22 PM
In that case it should have been the mod itself not working, the top ten list is like a small standalone type of element if that makes any sense? so what I mean is that if the mod itself CAN work then so MUST the topten list!
I'm grateful to HellCat for this Superb mod but if he could shed some light on this matter of yours that would be great as well as the matter that I had posted regarding finding out who got slapped by who (if possible how many times).
Also the bug in the pm occurs for me too, so hopefully that could get fixed :D. Hmmm if its not too much of a coding hassle perhaps I can give the bug a try and fix it myself? Will do!
Anyhow Sorry Exitilus and Bashy, I tried my best :p
Edit: I tried, no luck :( I can't seem to work out the problem in PMs. I have no idea why it is showing the right # of slaps in threads but my own # of slaps under another persons username in pm's.
04-09-2006, 03:18 PM
Thank you anyway MSheraz, i am very gratefull for trying for us :)
Hopefully the boss can shed a little light on this, although ihave mentioned
this from the start.....
Thanks again for trying :)
04-13-2006, 11:14 PM
Question about this bug? Do you all have a page compressor installed? I do...and i'm having the same problem?
04-14-2006, 07:46 AM
Yes i do!!!
May deactivate it and see what happens, Good Batman thinking Robin :)
EDIT: Deactivated it and still have the same isses...:(
04-29-2006, 11:57 AM
I like that hack very much, I use it to "spread the word" of my forum by encouraging my members to use the slap link, rewarding the top slapper with points of the vBux once a month.
unfortunately the toplist is not working for me either.
I did not rename the file, it exists on my server. Even if I call the link directly, it is not working, so there is no phrase problem.
Any help with the toplist problem is gladly apreciated.
Thanks from germany
04-29-2006, 05:20 PM
It IS possible to have the toplist work, check my page here:
05-05-2006, 03:58 PM
Hi everyone.
Sorry for my long absense, but I'm pretty covered in work ATM and didn't have much time to spend here :(
Anyway, can someone with that "empty page" issue please run the attached .php file and send me the output?
It's a modified sinfo.php that, instead of printing the page, prints out some dubug values that hopefully will help me to narrow down the cause of this problem.
It should output something like this:do = toplist
navbar = 3178
HTML = 2606
SHELL = 26552
Please run it including the "?do=toplist" suffix....
05-17-2006, 06:12 PM
I just installed this mod on our test forum and I think we can have a bunch of fun with it, but I've got a question:
We currently use vBookie for betting on our sports-related forum and it runs great. We're using the default vCash as our virtual currency.
I was wondering if there was any way of modifying this game so that when you click on a fake link instead of points being added to your slap count, it would take away vCash from the victim and give it to the slapper.
There might need to be a need to only allow it once per user per link to keep people from just giving all of their vCash to a particular user.
Anyone think this is possible?
Anyone want to begin to tackle this with me?
05-17-2006, 07:14 PM
Should be possibe :)
The user must be logging tho, the "once per user per link" could be a bit challanging, but possible....
05-17-2006, 07:20 PM
Should be possibe :)
The user must be logging tho, the "once per user per link" could be a bit challanging, but possible....
yeah...I had a feeling that it would be the most difficult part.
05-25-2006, 07:24 PM
I tested the attached sinfo.php to look after the toplist problem. This is what it dumped out:
do =
navbar = 0
HTML = 0
SHELL = 31188
Looks that something gets lost, doesn't it? Everything else works fine for me (just click on my sig to test it), except of the toplist.
Any help is gladly apreciated.
05-25-2006, 07:38 PM
Ive got another question: Any chance to get the Slapcount into the profile?
06-03-2006, 06:26 PM
^^ Yeah that's a piece of cake :D
Admin CP > Style & Templates > Style Manager > Edit Templates (for the skin in which you wish to apply the code into) > Member Info Templates > MEMBERINFO.
Add this code wherever you want the slap count to be in the profile.
$vbphrase[slap_slaps]: $slapcount
Unfortunately I have a MODIFIED Profile so I cannot say exactly where it would be best suited etc or even give an example.
P.S. Great to see you back HellCat, hope to see this Mod become enhanced :D.
06-05-2006, 08:44 AM
P.S. Great to see you back HellCat, hope to see this Mod become enhanced :D.
Yeah, nothing speaks against enhancing it :)
Though my main focus at the moment is WMail (my vB webmailer) and stuff I will always be happy to take suggestions on features that could be added :)
And here we go with another attempt on the empty toplist.
Whoever has that problem please try this sinfo.php with an experimental fix - if this is reported to be working now I'll update the release attachment with it:
(it's not dumping debug info this time, hopefully it'll show the toplist ;))
06-05-2006, 11:08 AM
it's not dumping debug info this time, hopefully it'll show the toplist ;)
The hope is dying the very last ;).
Renamed your attached File to sinfo_test.php and uploaded it into my forum root. But still no toplist is showing up ... it is still showing the same as the original sinfo.php, a blank page with my forum header and footer templates around it.
I whish to show my appreciation for your work. I am pretty sure that you will solve this problem. Keep on rolling, man! If I can help you out with anything, simply drop me a line!
06-05-2006, 03:14 PM
Damn, that should have done it :(
Can you try this one:
06-05-2006, 04:56 PM
Sorry to be the bad news bringer, but no change at all. Renamed your attached file to sinfotest3.php and upped it into my forumroot.
See it yourself here! (
you can still see the previous version here ( and the var dump file here! (
06-05-2006, 05:10 PM
This could be good news: It look working fine for me! :)
You didn't ad the "?do=toplist" - that couldn't work :D
I guess the "Blubber bla" stuff comes from somewhere on your site, right?
06-05-2006, 05:28 PM
D'oh! *slapshimself* Is this possible? I must have had a bit to less sleep. Sorry for beeing a menace!
Of course the blah and blubb comes from a template test somewhere.
So how to go on right now? rename sinfotest3.php to sinfo and all will be working? this would be awesome!
Danke für deine Bemühungen, Micha! (just saw you're german, too ;-) )
06-05-2006, 07:38 PM
D'oh! *slapshimself*
Clicking your own link in your sig? That's prevented by the cheat protection :p
Sorry for beeing a menace!
Of course the blah and blubb comes from a template test somewhere.
So how to go on right now? rename sinfotest3.php to sinfo and all will be working? this would be awesome!
No prob, we figured out, didn't we? :)
Yup, just rename the last .php to sinfo.php and you're set.
I'll prepare an updated release .ZIP with it and upload it later tonight.
Danke f?r deine Bem?hungen, Micha! (just saw you're german, too ;-) )
Kein Problem :)
"Mr. O'Brien, set course to starbase 49" :cool:
06-06-2006, 12:00 AM
Finally fixed the issue with the empty top10 list, it seems!
So, everyone the top10 is not working for (getting only the empty page) grab the current version and try again.
When sinfo.php (or whatever you renamed it to) is called without any parameters it now also shows the top10
Happy slapping
06-06-2006, 05:00 AM
...what shall I say? Your're the man, Mike! :banana:
So now that we figured it out, how about spicing things up a bit? The toplist is very small if you have a big screen resolution. How about showing things like User's avatar, last slap etc?. Just my two cents.
I'll keep my eye on this hack, since my users seem to like it!
06-08-2006, 08:21 AM
Howdy :)
Concerning vBulletin 3.6 (beta 1):
This seems to be working fine under vB3.6b1.
At least I didn't encounter any problems while testing ;)
06-22-2006, 05:31 PM
I have a gap unfer mine
07-19-2006, 11:31 PM
The Top 10 List isnt working for me :S ?
12-17-2006, 04:10 PM
where can i view demo, thanks
Use the "Do not click here" link in my sig. ;)
12-18-2006, 03:58 AM
I just installed this hack and it works perfect on vB 3.6.4.!! But... instead of getting slapped, my members are going to get spanked. Ha! <evil grin>
If anyone else wants to change theirs to another term (i.e., punked, swatted, flicked, slammed, flogged, or anything else) it's real easy. Just do a text search and replace on the php file and the xml file before you install. Change all forms of slapping, slapper, slapped, and slap in both upper and lower case and you've got it covered.
02-17-2007, 12:17 PM
Does this work with 3.6.4 anyone know ??
03-22-2007, 06:50 PM
Looks amazing and alot of fun
/Jamie1 installs/
05-26-2007, 12:21 PM
How would one edit this so that a slap will only count if the person who clicked the link is a logged in user?
08-15-2007, 03:29 PM
Just Wondering
Is it possible or is there a code that allows someone to slap them from there postbit i.e Im User number 1 on my forum and i want people to slap me via link in postbit.
At the moment i have:
<a href="$post[id]">Slap Me!</a>
But its not working for some reason
11-17-2007, 12:25 PM
i dont think its gnna work with vb 3.6.?
gonna try though
you dont need a demo :P each user has a link, they get people to click it, they get "slapped" its a great way to get new members and good fun
edit: This works with VB 3.6.8 :D
11-18-2007, 05:27 AM
im lost guys i installed it i have the top ten list but how do i get to the you been slapped page?
do i have to make this page? sorry total newbie
update figure that out now cant figure out how to change the message from you been slapped to you been +++++ slapped?
12-24-2007, 01:59 AM
This is great, thanks mate!
12-24-2007, 02:35 AM
02-19-2009, 08:14 AM
works dandy on 3.8.1
I created mine into a BBcode and Changed it to Hugs :P
02-19-2009, 11:17 AM
Installed and working on 3.6.11
I did some minor changes and thought I would upload the XML file for anyone else interested in having this.
Screen1 - Added line about increasing their slap count and giving the total. Also added the link to the Top 10 List
Screen2 - Top 10 List now has your slap link at the top. The id number will change for each member based on their user id. For users who are not logged in/not member, nothing will display.
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