View Full Version : Aoe3 Paradise NEW SKIN!! Help us choose by voting which skin we should use!

02-06-2006, 08:14 PM
Hello everyone,

One of the largest Age of Empires III fansites out there, Aoe3 Paradise, is looking at doing a complete overhaul of the forums including a new skin.

We have put several different skins in place on the forum for people to help us select which skin they would like to see on the forum from now on.

We will also be upgrading the forum to the newest version of vb, adding some different mods, getting a new portal/cmps for the homepage, updating some advertising links, having posting contests, referral contests and more.

So the first step to helping us out is by going here:


And view all the different choices of skins that we currently have on the board, and select which one you think looks the best.

Thanks everyone,

The voting will end this Saturday when I do the hardware changes and servers stuff.

http://www.aoe3paradise.com/showthread.php?t=1287 <<-- Vote TODAY!

02-07-2006, 01:44 AM
"Ripped by shady" says it all.

02-07-2006, 02:33 AM
... And view all the different choices of skins that we currently have on the board, and select which one you think looks the best. ...http://www.aoe3paradise.com/showpost.phpp?p=14525&postcount=5

You're using styles that were ripped off from Alien Soup, Xamira, vBMechanic, vBSkins, ExtremePixels, vBulletinTemplates, vBDesigns, and a few others. :speechless:

What exactly were you expecting to get in response to this thread?

02-07-2006, 07:32 PM
I got these styles from a friend who purchased them (so he says)... guess that I will need to not trust him anymore.

Whatever skin is selected and wins, I will find it from the creator and pay them myself in order to not have to deal with potentially stolen or ripped skins.

Thanks guys for looking into this for me, I was also wondering why my friend had so many of these styles just lying around.


02-08-2006, 12:02 AM
Well I'd say remove all mine now. Your host and ISP are being notified...

02-08-2006, 02:01 AM
My friend is very stupid it appears.

I have removed all possible skins, and have only the one I made on there now.

The poll has ended, I only have my custom forum skin on there.

I appoligize to anyone who was hurt by this. The situation has been solved by removing every theme/skin on the site besides that of the defauult vb theme and the one that I created myself.