View Full Version : Insanemustangs.com

02-03-2006, 11:48 PM
Guess it's about time i share my site too. My site is dedicated to all year's of mustang's and isn't near as kewl looking as some of the other site's that i have seen. But for a novice site builder, between vbulletin.com and vbulletin.org, my site has come along way's....

Look forward to comment's and idea's about making it a better site then it currently is. Also, alot of the site isn't set up for visitor's, so those that do look at it are only seeing a brief picture of what is actually there.

Anyways, have fun and keep up the great job on building website's, there is just so much talent out here.

Click here Insanemustangs (http://www.insanemustangs.com) Click here

Tony G
02-03-2006, 11:59 PM
Helps to have a hyperlink in your first post so that members can easily access it to be able to comment on it. :)

02-04-2006, 02:50 AM
The portal page doesn't fit on my resolution (1280x1024). I ahve to scroll right to see the right column

Remove the black empty space top and bottom on the portal banner

Put the "Make a Donation" button inside a module maybe, it looks wierd on it's own out there

Maybe to many stats on the portal page as well

Only show maybe 5 to 10 active topics on portal

Reorder the portal modules in some sort of order: stats on bottom right, gallery images top right, etc

Sorry if I'm being hard on you, but I am a big mustang fan and I won't let a stang site down ;)

Btw that blue stang in the banner for the forum is very very nice!

02-04-2006, 03:32 AM
Thanks for the comment's........i will see what i can do to clean up the portal page.......and sorry tony, spaced that out........it is now there.

Tony G
02-04-2006, 06:07 AM
The portal is very slow loading, I think you need to lower the number of queries on that page.

Nothing really to comment on style-wise as nothing has been changed. I'd move the shoutbox to the bottom as it deters posting.

Brandon Sheley
02-04-2006, 06:32 AM
first thing i'd do is hide this page


from everyone but admin,, as u see by putting a link to your site on mine and clicking it a few times,, one is able to show as a top referral.

this is called referral spam and can turn into a problem..

i only say this, because i use vbportal as well, but have to hide this module from the members and guest..

if u seen mine u would see right now 4 out of 10 spots are casino sites, that I've never been to..
they are trying to steal views from my site..

anyways, that was was stuck out to me that I'd change if u

your user and post stats look good to me :D

02-04-2006, 10:48 PM
okay, i just shut it off (Top_Referers), thanks for that observation, i would hate to get a bunch of those spaming site's hitting on me......hehehehe

I think you need to lower the number of queries on that page.
I have noticed that too, but am not sure what to shut down to lower the queries....do you have any suggestion's on this?

The portal page doesn't fit on my resolution (1280x1024). I ahve to scroll right to see the right columnnot sure how to fix that. I have it set up for 1024, but have often wondered how it affect's those with 800 or those running a greater resolution......

Only show maybe 5 to 10 active topics on portalk, i cut that back to 10.....

Reorder the portal modules in some sort of order: stats on bottom right, gallery images top right, etcThat is a great observation.....one reason i had the stat's about midway down was to try to force people to see the Current new's....but i am still having issue's with getting the new's article's read.....I will redo the order's though, thanks....

Sorry if I'm being hard on you, but I am a big mustang fan and I won't let a stang site down don't be sorry, i really appreciate the help on this......I want my vb site to be awesome and something people find enjoyable......with out comment's on the page's, it's hard to know what to fix......I can only assume that people like it the way it is, cause my member's don't offer alot of suggestion's on the page set up's.....that's why i love coming over here for this stuff......

I really appreciate all of the comment's and i will honestly try to make these change's so my site is more enjoyable.......thanks, doug

k, i made alot of the changes that were suggested.....let me know if that is better.

And i just can't find where to do this: Remove the black empty space top and bottom on the portal banner

02-05-2006, 01:37 AM
I would make the top banner smaller 1000 wide hurts.

- If you plan to keep a banner all 1 image MAX 780px wide.
- Shoutbox I would hide from the public (members only) - saves on bandwith

02-05-2006, 03:49 AM
sweet......thanks zach..

02-06-2006, 10:34 PM
That is a great observation.....one reason i had the stat's about midway down was to try to force people to see the Current new's....but i am still having issue's with getting the new's article's read.....I will redo the order's though, thanks....

Try to put the news above the recent threads, but below the gallery. Try including a bold header to introduce the piece of news they are reading, or a picture. I'm 23, but I still skim books or newpapers for pictures only ;)

Your forum fits on my resolution now as well