View Full Version : Block access to vB PHP files by user ID

02-01-2006, 10:00 PM
This mod allows you to block access to the following vB PHP files by specifying what user IDs to block. This works on a per file basis, so you can have different userIDs for different files. You can also block userID 0 to prevent guests or bots from accessing any of the files. No screenshot is necessary, as a blocked user will see the 'you do not have permission to access this page' notice instead of the file output. See post6 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=888708&postcount=6) for how to add extension files. To install, go to the ACP -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product, and then go to the ACP -> vBulletin Options.

ajax.php announcement.php attachment.php calendar.php
cron.php editpost.php external.php faq.php
forumdisplay.php image.php index.php inlinemod.php
joinrequests.php login.php member.php memberlist.php
misc.php moderator.php newattachment.php newreply.php
newthread.php online.php payments.php poll.php
postings.php printthread.php private.php profile.php
register.php report.php reputation.php search.php
sendmessage.php showgroups.php showpost.php showthread.php
subscription.php threadrate.php usercp.php usernote.php

// in case you block yourself from login, why would you do that, :wink:
// place this in the vB config to completely disable everything
// and then go log in, and then comment this from the vB config

define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

02-02-2006, 04:53 PM
Good! :)
is it possible to do with Extension Modifications??

02-02-2006, 05:47 PM
I like this idea...Installed

02-02-2006, 05:56 PM
I like this mod! :)

02-02-2006, 06:22 PM
That's a rather clever idea.

02-02-2006, 06:37 PM
If the extension has both of these, where global is the forum root global:

define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'uniquename');

And the extension prints out a text page, go stick this in vB config:

// change to your IP address
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '')
$config['Misc']['debug'] = true;

Then go to vB Options -> Block File Access Settings -> Add Setting:

Varname: bfabu_uniquename_uids
Setting Group: Block File Access Settings
Product: Block File Access
Title: Block 'uniquename' Usage
Description: Enter the user IDs to block from using the uniquename.php file. Separate each user ID with a space. Example: 8 16 24
Option Code: leave it blank
Data Validation Type: Free
Default: leave it blank
Display Order: leave as-is
vBulletin Default: Yes

And then remove this from vB config:

// change to your IP address
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '')
$config['Misc']['debug'] = true;

Note uniquename needs to be unique.

02-02-2006, 07:35 PM
Nice, been waiting for this, great plugin !!


02-02-2006, 09:11 PM
If the extension has both of these, where global is the forum root global:

define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'uniquename');

And the extension prints out a text page, go stick this in vB config:

// change to your IP address
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '')
$config['Misc']['debug'] = true;

Then go to vB Options -> Block File Access Settings -> Add Setting:

Varname: bfabu_uniquename_uids
Setting Group: Block File Access Settings
Product: Block File Access
Title: Block 'uniquename' Usage
Description: Enter the user IDs to block from using the uniquename.php file. Separate each user ID with a space. Example: 8 16 24
Option Code: leave it blank
Data Validation Type: Free
Default: leave it blank
Display Order: leave as-is
vBulletin Default: Yes

And then remove this from vB config:

// change to your IP address
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '')
$config['Misc']['debug'] = true;

Note uniquename needs to be unique.

Thanks Calorie ! one of my fav. coders

02-06-2006, 10:51 PM
is it possible to with usergroup instead of userid?

02-07-2006, 06:13 PM
Untested, but for primary usergroups only, find:

if (in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], $bfabu_user_ids_array))

And replace with the following:

if (in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], $bfabu_user_ids_array))

Or, for both primary and secondary usergroups, replace with the following:

if (in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], $bfabu_user_ids_array) OR !empty(array_intersect($bfabu_user_ids_array, explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $vbulletin->userinfo['membergroupids'])))))