View Full Version : Paid Subscriptions for Multiple Users

01-24-2006, 10:41 AM
Hello Coders!

This one is a bit out there but what the hay...

I am in need of a plugin/product that allows one user to purchase paid subscriptions for 2 or more other users.

1. So upon "checking out" they will be given the option "How many accounts are you purchasing this subscription for?". Then they will be billed accordingly.

2. After they pay, they will have the ability to add other users to their list of paid users. (I could code this part if the first part was coded. This doesn't seem to be too difficult.)

Maybe other folks might find this valueable... Maybe someone has already implemented something like this.


02-17-2006, 08:33 PM
bump.... this would be very useful even if they all have the same expiration date the ability to do this (ie. like mass-PMing people)

03-22-2006, 04:16 AM
I like this idea, I would also like the idea of members given the ability to give gift subscriptions and the new member gets upgraded automatically without admin doing so manually.