View Full Version : Our Community: Spieleplanet.ch

01-22-2006, 10:00 PM
Hi @all,

we are the Spieleplanet Community - a site with a comparably long history of ~5 years focused on Games and -admittedly- Offtopic ;).
We are very backward-looking and live in the tradition of the site. While the history has been very turbulent (a few spin-offs and ownership changes, it has even been the most popular german edonkey link page before becoming entirely "legal" in April 2003 - a process that unfortunately led to a shrinking from several 10-thousand users to around 100), we try to build the old versions of the Spieleplanet that have been in existence over time in a Retro-Manner. In some cases we make use of the Waybackmachine, in order to retrieve past designs. So far, we implemented 2 main past designs:

1 - not done yet
2 - not done yet

3 - Retro-Orange (really old):

4 - Next-Gen:

5 - not done yet
6 - not done yet

You might notice, that I tried to incorporate as many "vb2-styles" as possible while "hiding" a vb3 board behind it; it is additionally difficult to get that done in german...

A piece I'm kind of proud (given my limited programming & html capabilities :D) are the Retro-Board stats, which are based on Afterburner's NewStatistik Hack for vb2.3:
We even included the shouts in the stats :)

In case you want to login use:
It should not be necessary, though - afaik almost all features are accessible for guest apart from attachment download.

We're always happy for Suggenstions/Critique/Improvements!

Cheers, ze :raucher: