View Full Version : Auto Ban member when they reach -5 Reputation

01-21-2006, 11:02 AM
I run the TweakGuides Forums (http://forums.tweakguides.com) and basically I have a great community already building up. I trust them not to abuse the Reputation system and so far it's been working well.

All users on my forum can only give or take 1 rep point at a time (i.e. all have 1 rep altering power) no matter their reputation or post count.

So I want to modify the Rep system so that when a user reaches -5 Reputation, they are automatically banned. Is there any way to do this easily without having to install the Advanced Warning System or any other major mod?

01-21-2006, 01:04 PM
I run the TweakGuides Forums (http://forums.tweakguides.com) and basically I have a great community already building up. I trust them not to abuse the Reputation system and so far it's been working well.

All users on my forum can only give or take 1 rep point at a time (i.e. all have 1 rep altering power) no matter their reputation or post count.

So I want to modify the Rep system so that when a user reaches -5 Reputation, they are automatically banned. Is there any way to do this easily without having to install the Advanced Warning System or any other major mod?

I think you just need to edit the promotions for Banned Members' Group by setting the rep to -5 for registered members.

01-21-2006, 10:11 PM
You're right, I didn't think about playing around with Usergroup Promotions. I'll give it a go, thanks.

/EDIT - OK that works, however now whenever a user is banned this way I don't believe they will have a reason inserted into their ban message. Can someone think of a simple way to automatically assign a reason to members who are demoted to the Ban group?