View Full Version : BBCode check before posting, same as minimum characters

01-20-2006, 04:05 PM

I would like a check similar to the minimum character check when posting a new post on vBulletin.

I would like it so that if someone posts with a flagged BBCode in their post (set in ACP) that instead of posting the message the forum displays an error instead, similar to the minimum character system, i.e. when you post 5 characters and 8 is the minimum, you can't continue and get an error message.

The idea behind this is to have a moderator tag [mod] that only moderators can use while correcting people's posts. If a user were to use this tag then I would like a message along the lines of "Only moderators and admins are permitted to use that BBCode".

It would be good to be able to do this and better still to have an option in the ACP to limit what tags people could use in this way.

I floated the idea on another part of the forum earlier and it seems this mod would be very popular.

If you can do this or have an idea on how to do it please let me know.
