View Full Version : Allow users to edit thread title

01-20-2006, 12:42 PM

what I want is that a thread starter can change the main thread title.
As for now they can only change the title of the single post which does not show up on the forum.

So far I couldn't find such an option whitin vb without allowing the user to delete the whole thread (this moderator option where you can change the title)

Is there already such an option built in or is there a hack/mod? I didn't find one in here...

Thx in advance


Ah ok, I found the needed information in the german forums.
So this is solved...

08-15-2006, 02:12 PM
Hi Alex,

What solution did you find in the German forums? I have this same question.


08-15-2006, 03:12 PM
Hum, I don't remember where I found something on it, sorry...
But I recently did an update to 3.6 where I had to patch the files again - all you have to do is to search for
$vbulletin->options['editthreadtitlelimit'] * 60) > TIMENOW)
You will find that in editpost.php and in ajax.php (I _think_ these were the only two).
There will be an if clause similar to that one

if ($getpost['postid'] == $postinfo['postid'] AND $edit['title'] != '' AND ($postinfo['dateline'] + $vbulletin->options['editthreadtitlelimit'] * 60) > TIMENOW)
All you have to do is to remove the last AND condition where it checks whether the edit is within time limit or not.

That's what I did....