01-19-2006, 01:16 PM
I could write this one myself, but I am short on time.
I need someone to write a VB 3.5 hack for me that uses the additional fields features, but group the additional fields together so that I have the following fields on the screen during registration:
Billing Information:
Middle Initial
*Last Name
*Address Line 1
Address Line 2
***State (drop down)
**City/Province (outside USA)
*Zip/Postal Code
*Country (drop down list)
Check Box: Shipping Address Same as Billing Address
Shipping Information:
Middle Initial
*Last Name
*Address Line 1
Address Line 2
***State (drop down)
**City/Province (outside USA)
*Zip/Postal Code
*Country (drop down list)
* = required field
** = one or the other field must be completed.
*** = required if USA is selected from Country List
I also have 3 additional test fields which are not required and
4 check box fields which are not required but should be 'checked' as their initial values
I will pay $100 for this hack - I assume this will require some template modification and code changes to register.php and I need it asap.
If the user checks the "Shipping Address Same as Billing Address Check Box" then you do not need to refresh the screen, but insert the Billing Information fields into the Shipping information fields into the additional fields table when saving the data.
Please contact me via PM asap if you are interested and I will give you a website you can go to and see how it's done now through some home grown code.
If you reply, you must have published at least two or three hacks here and have a modified website of your own up and running. no beginners please.
Like I said - I'd do it myself but I have a lot of other things I need to get done.
thanks in advance.
- jeff
I need someone to write a VB 3.5 hack for me that uses the additional fields features, but group the additional fields together so that I have the following fields on the screen during registration:
Billing Information:
Middle Initial
*Last Name
*Address Line 1
Address Line 2
***State (drop down)
**City/Province (outside USA)
*Zip/Postal Code
*Country (drop down list)
Check Box: Shipping Address Same as Billing Address
Shipping Information:
Middle Initial
*Last Name
*Address Line 1
Address Line 2
***State (drop down)
**City/Province (outside USA)
*Zip/Postal Code
*Country (drop down list)
* = required field
** = one or the other field must be completed.
*** = required if USA is selected from Country List
I also have 3 additional test fields which are not required and
4 check box fields which are not required but should be 'checked' as their initial values
I will pay $100 for this hack - I assume this will require some template modification and code changes to register.php and I need it asap.
If the user checks the "Shipping Address Same as Billing Address Check Box" then you do not need to refresh the screen, but insert the Billing Information fields into the Shipping information fields into the additional fields table when saving the data.
Please contact me via PM asap if you are interested and I will give you a website you can go to and see how it's done now through some home grown code.
If you reply, you must have published at least two or three hacks here and have a modified website of your own up and running. no beginners please.
Like I said - I'd do it myself but I have a lot of other things I need to get done.
thanks in advance.
- jeff