01-18-2006, 10:00 PM
hi people,
What does this modification do ?
This modifies the admincp => users => email users system.It provides you with a choice wheter you want to email with a high priority or not.High priority simply means there will be a little red exclamation icon infront of the message subject.Just Like the emails you get sometimes from jelsoft "vbulletin product updates"
files to modify:2
to install and use this small modification do the folowwing
in /forum/admicp/email.php
find this code
print_textarea_row($vbphrase['message_email'], 'message', '', 10, 50);
directly below it add this code
print_yes_no_row('Send Email With High Priority ?','email_high',0);
in /forum/admincp/email.php
find this code
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'user' => TYPE_ARRAY,
'profile' => TYPE_ARRAY,
'serializeduser' => TYPE_STR,
'serializedprofile' => TYPE_STR,
'septext' => TYPE_NOTRIM,
'perpage' => TYPE_UINT,
'startat' => TYPE_UINT,
'test' => TYPE_BOOL,
'from' => TYPE_STR,
'subject' => TYPE_STR,
'message' => TYPE_STR,
below 'message' add
'emailhigh' => TYPE_BOOL,
construct_hidden_code('test', $vbulletin->GPC['test']);
directly below add this code
in /forum/includes/class_mail.php find this code
$headers .= 'X-Priority: 3' . $delimiter;
replace that with this code
$headers .='X-Priority:1' . $delimiter;
$headers .='X-MSMail-Priority:High' . $delimiter;
$headers .= 'X-Priority: 3' . $delimiter;
save all files upload (to there default location) in ascii mode
all done
Working fine with vbulletin 3.5.4
What does this modification do ?
This modifies the admincp => users => email users system.It provides you with a choice wheter you want to email with a high priority or not.High priority simply means there will be a little red exclamation icon infront of the message subject.Just Like the emails you get sometimes from jelsoft "vbulletin product updates"
files to modify:2
to install and use this small modification do the folowwing
in /forum/admicp/email.php
find this code
print_textarea_row($vbphrase['message_email'], 'message', '', 10, 50);
directly below it add this code
print_yes_no_row('Send Email With High Priority ?','email_high',0);
in /forum/admincp/email.php
find this code
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'user' => TYPE_ARRAY,
'profile' => TYPE_ARRAY,
'serializeduser' => TYPE_STR,
'serializedprofile' => TYPE_STR,
'septext' => TYPE_NOTRIM,
'perpage' => TYPE_UINT,
'startat' => TYPE_UINT,
'test' => TYPE_BOOL,
'from' => TYPE_STR,
'subject' => TYPE_STR,
'message' => TYPE_STR,
below 'message' add
'emailhigh' => TYPE_BOOL,
construct_hidden_code('test', $vbulletin->GPC['test']);
directly below add this code
in /forum/includes/class_mail.php find this code
$headers .= 'X-Priority: 3' . $delimiter;
replace that with this code
$headers .='X-Priority:1' . $delimiter;
$headers .='X-MSMail-Priority:High' . $delimiter;
$headers .= 'X-Priority: 3' . $delimiter;
save all files upload (to there default location) in ascii mode
all done
Working fine with vbulletin 3.5.4