01-12-2006, 10:00 PM
Disable Posting
Developers: derekivey (
Version: 1.0.0
vBulletin Version: 3.5.3
File Edits: 0
Template Edits: 1
New Phrases: 1
Uses Plugins: Yes!
Difficulty: Easy
Description: This hack allows you to globally disable posting replies, threads, or both. This might be useful if you have a spammer on your forum and need to disable posting while you delete the spammed posts, or if you are cleaning your forums up and don't want people to post while you are doing that.
*** I Strongly Recommend That You Backup Before Installing/Upgrading This Hack! ***
Planned features for a later release:
Whatever else is suggestedThanks goes to Hellraider for translating this hack to German. (
I am still learning php, and will try and help you if you have any problems with this hack.
I have added screen shots of this hack in action below.
Please click ( If you installed this hack.
Developers: derekivey (
Version: 1.0.0
vBulletin Version: 3.5.3
File Edits: 0
Template Edits: 1
New Phrases: 1
Uses Plugins: Yes!
Difficulty: Easy
Description: This hack allows you to globally disable posting replies, threads, or both. This might be useful if you have a spammer on your forum and need to disable posting while you delete the spammed posts, or if you are cleaning your forums up and don't want people to post while you are doing that.
*** I Strongly Recommend That You Backup Before Installing/Upgrading This Hack! ***
Planned features for a later release:
Whatever else is suggestedThanks goes to Hellraider for translating this hack to German. (
I am still learning php, and will try and help you if you have any problems with this hack.
I have added screen shots of this hack in action below.
Please click ( If you installed this hack.