View Full Version : Using Articlelive to update vBulletin forum

01-13-2006, 05:05 PM
Hello, I use Articelive for my article management needs on my site, pdadvance.com I can write as many articles as I would like to at the beginning of each month and articelive will post each article on whatever day I wish.

My forum is brand new and I'm looking to constantly fill it with content as we develop more and more users over time. I'm looking for Articlelive to automatically post in my forum for me with each no article it posts.

For example: If articlelive posted an article on the site,I would want to find the following post in my forum.

Title: Title of Article
Body/Message: Here's a new article that just posted today. It's entitled "Title of Article". (with Title of Article linking to that article).

Let me know what you think!


I'm not sure how much something like this would cost. So shoot me a few quotes, if necessary.