View Full Version : Designed own unique iPod forum

01-13-2006, 03:05 PM
I just opened a forum called iPodbank. I've modified the look and feel quite a bit. It's run by vBulletin but definitely has its own personality.

What do you all think of it? I tried to keep things simple (b&w but tried to add some color). How can I improve?

iPodbank (http://www.ipodbank.com)

Dean C
01-13-2006, 07:35 PM
a) copyright is barely visible. You'll need to make that white to prevent it breaking vB copyright

b) I love the header and the navigation. But underneath that, I find it boring and plain, with no contrast or color.

You're making a big deal out of your site having a unique identity, which is fair enough, the header does the job, but your content is basically vB original. If you're going to start going on about uniqueness, then at least back it up other than adding a header/footer and changing some colors ;)

Good luck with your venture. You have some strong competition!

Destroyed Soul
01-13-2006, 09:11 PM
I honestly never thought I would say this, casue vB is the ONLY forum look I like, but You forum looks too Vbulletin.

I think, as stated, the Header is great, but You should definatly edit the style a bit more, to make it match the originality of the header.

Tony G
01-14-2006, 12:18 AM
As Dean said, the copyright definitely needs to be more visible. And the header is great too, but I don't like how the images begin to repeat toward the right side of the header and I think it needs a bit more colour.

But the layout of your style is great. :)

01-14-2006, 01:22 AM
ok, i'm a Mac Addict, so i can't be against your design...

the greyness of the skin is good for the iPod, but as said already, it would be good to add some style to the forum core itself, not only the header...