View Full Version : E-Mal Sent Tracking Counter

David Bott
01-13-2006, 02:24 PM
Greetings...(Ver 3.0.X)

We are looking to tap into our out going e-mails for another source of sponsorship revenue. Meaning, placing an ad in the e-mail.

Because of this, we need to find out how much mail actually goes out for areas such as Subscribed Thread Notice, PM Notice, New Registrations (I know I can get this one, just would be easy all in one area), etc.

You see, in order to sell an ad, you need to be able to tell the perspective sponsors the about of direct e-mail traffic.

So, we are looking for a hack that can track the outgoing e-mail numbers broken down by day. Even giving the average per day per type.

Any takers? Would even consider paying for this hack.

Thank you.