View Full Version : Per user configurable....

01-09-2006, 07:52 PM
Hi i'm looking for a mod that allows you to configure per user a maximum amount of posts per day, we have these 2 serious flooders and i wrote a script on PHPBB myself, which allowed them only 10 posts a day, but since Vbulletin doesn't have it yet, i can't limit them myself.

Just by selecting the user profile you can set an amount

0 = unlimited
1-999 is amount

When a post is made 24 hours later it comes free

thus if you make 1 post at 9am, and the other 9 after 9am. your next post will be available at 9am.. (preferably with a count-down clock in it)

01-09-2006, 08:34 PM
One of these should cover it:

Advanced Flood Control
Flood control by user