View Full Version : Mark Posts Read On The Display count of unread posts in welcome box

Devil Woman
01-07-2006, 08:47 AM
I have Paul M's Display count of unread posts in welcome box hack installed on my forum and what I was wondering was is there a possibilty to have a part in their where you can check boxes next to the posts and mark them as read, I have had a few members on my forum saying that alot of the posts that are in their they will not read so it would be easy to check the ones they have no interest in and mark them as read to get rid of them and make it so that all they have left are posts that they are interested in

Is this possible at all and I hope its clear :)


Devil Woman
01-08-2006, 09:36 PM
Is this possible at all please?


11-23-2006, 02:45 AM
You are not alone in this.. .there seems to be many requests for this very feature in vbulletin lately. To bad no one is paying attention. :(