View Full Version : open attachments in new window

01-06-2006, 03:06 AM
I viewed an attachment and almost closed it out.
Luckily I'm using FF with multiple tabs opens so it ask me if I was sure.

So when you get the time can you have it so attachments open in new window, thank you.

01-06-2006, 03:29 AM
its a default setting in vbulletin i think. the board has to be modified if i remember correctly..i dunno....sucks though.

Chris M
01-06-2006, 06:33 AM
It's a setting in 3.5 - When we upgrade I'll push for it to be enabled as I too would prefer they opened in new windows or tabs...


01-06-2006, 08:12 AM
It's a setting in 3.5 - When we upgrade I'll push for it to be enabled as I too would prefer they opened in new windows or tabs...


Yeah when is that upgrade? Wth, I demand service now! :rolleyes:

Couldnt resist. :)

Paul M
01-06-2006, 08:14 AM
It's a setting in 3.5 - When we upgrade I'll push for it to be enabled as I too would prefer they opened in new windows or tabs...We'll all be too old to care by then ;)