View Full Version : Avatars

Devil Woman
01-03-2006, 01:31 AM
Hi not sure If I have posted in the correct place but I am having a really big problem, what it is, is that over the xmas period I put in some xmas avatars for my forum I am now having a problem getting rid of these avatars to add some new ones, also can I make folders and call them misc, xmas, girl, boys, etc so that members can choose from categories on the avatar section?


01-03-2006, 05:49 AM
Don't know why you can't get rid of the avatars (manager doesn't work?).

As far as folders, you can name them whatever you want. Use the Avatar manager to set up your catagories then import the avatars...easy peasy.

Devil Woman
01-04-2006, 04:03 AM
Thanks alot :)

Nikki xx