View Full Version : Feedback on new skin please :-)

01-02-2006, 08:53 PM
I think I am posting these links correctly. The new skin isn't the primary skin yet... so hopefully putting the styleid in the URL will show it.

Two things to look at. The main skin:


And I also modified showpost.php (Will be useful for my content display).


(Should appear like the attachment)

01-03-2006, 12:19 AM
aside of the basic icons for the forum itself (looks like you stealed the icons from here btw...) the site is looking great, very professional and solid... hope you have bests with it

Tony G
01-03-2006, 09:05 AM
Quite a nice style. :)

A) Crap at the header is way too long. Creates too much scroll just to get to the top of the forum list. There's just too many images and its very unorganised and confusing.
B) You have a very customized header but the forum tables are too simple. Doesn't mirror how much customising you've done with the header.