View Full Version : Activate Hack - Users Awaiting Email Confirmation

01-02-2006, 12:44 PM
Ok its strange noone else asked for this, i think it will make a great addition to all of us.
I dont have any special php coding skills, so i just shoot the idea, and hope someone can do it.

It is a very common thing, in big forums, to have many users that havent activated their accounts, although the spent some time to register.
To make them activate, there are already some hacks, like headers or popup windows to remind them in the next login they make, to activate their emails.

The following, is another "help" on this matter, and could be done in the same time we use the headers and all that.

Here we go:

U will have as me, a usergroup called Users Awaiting Email Confirmation and all the users that are there, are the ones who havent activated.
It would be cool, to have a way to "send" them in specific periods of time (lets say every 5 days) a custom email, that it will remind them to activate their account and provide them with the "link" they must use to do so.
If the 5 days pass, the users in this usergroup could have another x chances (edited by the admin-with chances i mean that he will receive x time more this email before move on to the following) to do so, or else, the user is being deleted or being moved in another usergroup (for example i have hidder usegroup, called fake).
Also if we could have this setting via admincp will be even greater and the ability maybe to turn off / on the system.

The above, we doing it manually with my smods (of course we have remiders headers as well), but it would be great i think, to anyone, as its a better forum management system.

Anyway, just an idea:)

Paul M
01-02-2006, 12:49 PM
<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=99509" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=99509</a>

01-02-2006, 12:50 PM
You could add a new field in the user table and name it remindstrike, then create a cronjob which is to run every 5 days which checks the remind strike adds 1 then e-mails. If its 5 it will automaticly change usergroup table to whats set.

01-02-2006, 12:50 PM
Damn, i though i searched all the possible words:(

Thnx Paul:)