View Full Version : psiStats 2006 (The New vBStats for vBulletin 3.5.x - 3.8.x)
01-01-2006, 10:00 PM
I no longer support my hacks. Please feel free to update them and release new versions elsewhere as long as I get the credit for the original modification.
|| psiStats 2009
|| Author : Anton Kanevsky
|| Works on : vBulletin 3.5.x - 3.8.x
|| Released : Feb 28, 2010
|| Time required to install: 1 minute
|| Difficulty: easy
A sophisticated statistics module for your vBulletin board.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
File Uploads: 1
Products to Install: 1
Statistics Tracking:
General Board Statistics
Style Usage Statistics
Top Threads & Forums Statistics
Display Colors + Resolutions (Requires JavaScript) Statistics
Countries + Regions Statistics
Browsers + Operating Systems Statistics
Referring Sites Statistics
Referrer Statistics
Age & Gender Demographics
No code or template modifications required.
Modules can be enabled or disabled, as needed.
Statistics are updated every fifteen minutes via cron.
Mother site, e.g. the site where your forum is hosted, will never be listed as a referrer.
Only one extra query per forum page.
Statistics can be sorted either numerically or alphabetically.
Automatic Integration with Referrer Statistics (if installed)[/i]
Configurable number of last items for top threads / forums.
Allows to specify whether to show data from from forums with post counts disabled.
Configurable number of last items in referring site statistics.
Configurable gender field and responses (optional).
Configurable list of usergroups that can access statistics (optional).
Referring site statistics censure (by word) and individual site blockage.
Detects most popular browsers and operating systems.
Requires cookies for screen color depth and resolution tracking.
1.6.2 - stable
[+] Added recognition for Windows 7-based user agents.
1.6.1 - stable
[+] The navbar link is now shown only to those who can access the statistics.
1.6.0 - stable
[+] Added two new modules: Referrer Statistics Age & Gender Demographics
[+] Added Google Chrome recognition (this includes a matching icon).
[+] Added Setting to control whether top threads & forums data is gathered from forums where posts are not counted towards user post counts.
[+] Updated ip to country databases to the most recent ones.
[F] Corrected a few phrasing bugs and phrased things that were not phrased in 1.5.2.
1.5.2 - stable
[+] Added a few more translations (thanks to those who submitted these).
[+] Fixed a few bugs that were mentioned for 1.5.1.
1.5.1 - stable
[+] Added option to globally enable / disable any stats modules.
[+] Fixed bug with some staff being counted twice.
[+] All numbers are now nicely formatted.
1.5.0 - stable
[+] No more template edits, just upload the files and the product and you're ready to go.
[+] vBulletin 3.5.x - 3.8.x compatible.
1.4.4 - stable
[+] Referrering Sites now have a JS and an XML feed capability.
[+] Added a better firefox icon into the icon database.
[F] Fixed a couple of minor bugs.
1.4.3 - stable
[+] The hack now respects vBulletin's "Show Active Users" setting.
[+] The hack is now valid XHTML (all templates must be reverted).
1.4.2 - stable
[+] Corrected a bug, which caused incorrect number of moderators to be displayed.
[+] gb.gif renamed to uk.gif.
1.4.1 - stable
[+] The front page has been revised, and it now loads four times as fast regardless of the size of your database.
[+] The ip database has been updated to the revision of October 18, 2006.
[+] The flag database has been updated to the revision of October 18, 2006.
[+] Referrer statistics hack, if installed, is now detected automatically. No configuration required.
[+] Added an option to specify a custom board creation date, if not reflected correctly by the joindate of a user with lowest userid.
1.4.0 - stable
[+] The system is now cross-compatible with both vBulletin 3.5 and 3.6.
[+] The ip database has been updated to the revision of August 30, 2006.
[+] A variety of code optimizations and template corrections have been done.
[+] To keep statistics legible, the engine now only tracks the major and the minor browser versions. X.Y.Z.E is now stripped to become X.Y.
1.3.2 - stable
[+] Since more browsers support cookies than ajax, screendepth/screenresolution tracking is now done via cookies.
[+] One less query per page - e.g. now it's only one query per page.
[+] Statistics are now updated every 15 minutes rather than every hour.
[F] Fixed faulty count in cron and in region stats screen.
[F] Fixed bug which prevented the cron from being created in some cases.
[F] Fixed minor bugs which caused errors of the E_NOTICE level.
1.3.1 - stable
[F] Fixed AJAX coding error, which used synchronous ajax instead of asynchronous, evidently causing higher load.
[F] Fixed WOL error that was caused by AJAX stats update and that made it look like everyone is browsing the stats.
[F] Fixed a query in update cron.
1.3.0 - stable
[+] Yay, no more file edits! :)
[+] No more multiple queries. The hack now takes up a maximum of two (2) queries per page in contemporary browsers, and one (1) query in non-javascript browsers.
[+] New vBulletin Option: Statistics can be configured either numerically or alphabetically.
[+] Since Opera is updated way too often, the engine, from now on, will only identify the primary version marker (7,8,9 as opposed to 7.01, 7.02, 7.21, 8.01 etc).
[+] Templates and phrases are now in their own separate group.
[F] Eliminated a bug which prevented bot identification from working properly.
1.2.8 - beta
[+] Removed 5 queries during the stats recording.
[+] Countries mapped to valid cia abbreviations and the countrybit template has been updated.
[+] Added missing Fiji flag (Thanks to firstrebel!)
[F] Eliminated a bug which prevented the thread and post limit from having any effect.
[F] Eliminated a bug which prevented the browser identification from working properly in some cases.
[F] Corrected online users count.
[F] Corrected staff count.
[F] Eliminated the style stats bug, which originated from users who had invalid styles saved in their profiles.
[F] Eliminated the posts per day bug.
[F] Renamed "gb.gif" to "uk.gif"
[F] Renamed "Oceania" region to "Australia and Oceania".
[F] Only threads and forums to which the user has permissions are displayed in top threads and forums.
[F] Minor template fix.
[+] Rewritten Browser and OS detection (previosly somebody else's module was used).
[F] For staff stats, only primary usergroups are now counted.
[+] New "Usergroups Allowed To View Stats" admincp option.
[+] Navigation split in two rows, for greater view
[+] Crawlers now have a browser picture associated with them.
[F] Eliminated Tracking of Empty Referrers.
[F] Updated country database with a number of missing countries, including UK.
[F] Minor fix to style statistics screen, applying to styles that are not used.
First Official Release.
Development release; Excess queries, phrases, and code has been removed.
Development release; All phrases that were hard-coded were moved into the phrase system.
The installation manual is contained within the attached file.
01-02-2006, 12:11 AM
Q: I am using vB 3.5.3 and am receiving an error about "UNLOCK TABLES".
A: Read:
Q: How do I install the product XML?
Q: How do I upgrade?
A: Find the last one of the "Upgrade: X.Y.Z" posts which contain banana and large font in them. Those posts contain upgrade instructions from the "X.Y.Z-1" version. Which means that you need to find each of those posts that came out since your last upgrade.
Q: How do I hide a certain part that I don't need?
A: You edit any of the psistats_yaddayadda templates to your needs.
Q: Stats do not get updated.
A: Stats are updated once every 15 minutes (not instantly).
Q: Can I limit viewing of the stats to certain usergroups?
A: Yes, using hack options which are located under vBulletin Options -> psiStats 2006
Q: I get a LOCK TABLES error...
A: Make sure you have set proper permissions for the MySQL user. To find out how to set MySQL permissions, contact your hosting provider.
Q: It's not tracking full referrer URLs, only domains.
A: That's how it is designed. It will not be changed.
Q: A country flag is missing.
A: I know. If you have the flag, please send it to me, otherwise there is nothing I can do.
Q: I have upgraded to 1.3.0 (or higher), and now I receive the following error: TABLE psistats_country does not exist.
A: Make sure that you have cancelled the changes done to class_core.php prior to version 1.3.0 of this hack.
Q: I have ____ hack and yours isn't working properly with it.
A: I do not provide support for 3rd party hacks.
Q: This and that isn't working properly...
A: Shh! First, make sure that you have the latest version installed, and doble check that you have done all the steps correctly. If you are 100% sure in both, post your problem.
01-04-2006, 07:41 PM
>> On the toplist page it's totally ignoring the max amount I set to list for the Most viewed/Most replied collumn, it is actually following it for the Top forums though.
What? It uses the same number that you set in admincp for top threads/forums...
The file you attached didn't for me, the one that other user attached on page 7 or so did.
>>The link on the country page of Iceland links to a page about Isreal.
The link of Croatia links to Coral Sea Islands.
The link of Andorra doesn't exist.
Theres a continent without a phrase
There is a country without a phrase (this image: )
Please provide the problematic country codes.
Isreal: (Missing)
Iceland: (wrong one)
Andorra: (Missing)
Bosnia: (wrong one)
Bahrain: (wrong one apparently, never heard of any of these two)
Chile: (missing)
Puerto Rico: (missing)
Slovakia: (missing)
That's about the list I got so far, didn't check them all though. Maybe it's an idea to link to Wikipedia instead because are there so many things missing in that 'factbook'.
01-04-2006, 07:52 PM
They are not "missing", they simply have invalid codes in the country database for some reason. I fixed those.
01-04-2006, 08:41 PM
Is some of this thread missing?
01-04-2006, 09:15 PM
I asked the moderator to clean up the thread, so it's ok. I have extracted a list of countries which are incorrectly mapped. So it'll be some time until I remap them.
From now on, please do not post pointless posts in this thread, as it is harder for me to follow up with the problems. Please only reply with either bug reports (and do so only once per bug), or testimonials. Thanks.
01-04-2006, 10:55 PM
Here is a list of abbreviations that do not match, and potentially need to be remapped:
dz => ag => ac
at => au => as => aq => ay
ad => an => nt
ai => av
aw => aa
az => aj
bs => bf => uv
bz => bh => ba => bk
mm => bm => bd => bg => bu
bi => by => bo => bl
bj => bn
bw => bc
vg => vi => vq
kh => cb
ky => cj
tp => tt => td => cd => cg => cf => ct
cl => ci => iv
km => cn => ch => sz => wz
cx => kt
cc => ck => cw
cr => cs
cz => ez
dk => da
dm => do => dr
sj => sv => es => sp
gu => gq => ek
ee => en
gf => fg
pf => fp
tf => fs
de => gm => ga => gb
ge => gg => gk
gd => gj
gn => gv
gw => pu
ht => ha
va => vt
hn => ho
il => is => ic
iq => iz
jp => ja
ki => kr => ks
kp => kn => sc => se => sw
kw => ku
lv => lg
lb => le
lr => li => ls => lt => lh
mc => mn => mg => ma => mo
mw => mi
ms => mh => rm
mq => mb
om => mu => mp => cq
yt => mf
na => wa
ng => ni => nu => ne => ng
pw => ps
py => pa => pm => sb => bp
pg => pp
ph => rp
pn => pc
pt => po
pr => rq
ru => rs
lc => st
sg => sn => sg
sk => lo
zm => za => sf
gs => sx
lk => ce
sd => su
sr => ns
tj => ti
tg => to => tn => ts
tc => tk => tl
tr => tu
tm => tx
ua => up
vu => nh
vn => vm
eh => wi
ye => ym
zw => zi
Kind of long, isn't it?
Option #1: A couple of volunteers could help me do the actual remap, which would be easy using Search&Replace program.
Pros: None. Cons: All script country databases known to me use the same abbr's as the current ones. All online country databases use the same abbr as, or they use something completely different; It would be hard to update the database.
Option #2: Find a website that has acceptable information about countries and that uses matching abbreviations.
Pros: No works involved. Cons: CIA has the fullest list of countries, and perhaps the most valid ones.
Option #3: Simply insert the CIA data into the database.
Pros: No work required, is relatively simple in comparison with #1. Cons: A bit more storage space (negligible).
>> Any possible performance issues with this, does it add queries etc?
Yes, it does add queries. And yes, there are a couple of performance issues. I am currently working on their elimination.
>> Also, is this only visable to admin/mods, or everyone (or is this an option, I would guess it would be)?
That is up to you. You can configure the list usergroups who have access to the script.
01-04-2006, 11:38 PM
Alright, I choose option 3 then.
01-05-2006, 12:19 AM
Okay, on the top stats page, I get 0's for the threadcount and replycount total variables.
01-05-2006, 01:01 AM
Are you speaking about Top Forums?
01-05-2006, 01:50 AM
Kihon Kata
01-05-2006, 03:54 AM
What do you mean.... 'so it's ok'? 'Clean up the thread'? You mean like delete like 95% of it.
WTF, my issues were deleted AND unanswered? This seems a little strange. And no, I don't think you code 24/7
01-05-2006, 09:14 AM
Alright, I choose option 3 then.
Like I already suggested; why not simply use Wikipedia? If you link to$countryname then the link is correct in 99% of the cases, you probably just need to convert spaces to underscores and then you're done - no need to worry about all the abbrevations.
01-05-2006, 09:29 AM
That'll be looked into.
WTF, my issues were deleted AND unanswered?
I thought I asked to post only to the point, and only once per issue. I thought I also said that I read everything. If the latter be true, you should be sure that your post was read too. If I am not replying, it only means that I know what causes the issue and how to fix it, and thus do not feel the need to discuss anything. Please also remember that this is a free hack and I am therefore not obliged neither to you nor to anyone else, to even support the hack.
If you'd like to receive any further support, you gotta calm yourself down and express yourself more diplomatically. Otherwise, feel free to uninstall my hack, because next time you are going into my ignore list.
Like I already suggested; why not simply use Wikipedia?
Wikipedia contains too much extra data, and it has 99% of the countries rather than 100%. In addition, wikipedia is an open encyclopedy, the contents of which can be modified by anyone. Therefore, wikipedia is not a reliable source - unlike, which has - or is supposed to have - 100% correct information. I am going to simply add cia abbreviations into counrty database, in addition to "native" abbreviations. ;)
Kihon Kata
01-05-2006, 12:38 PM
That'll be looked into.If you'd like to receive any further support, you gotta calm yourself down and express yourself more diplomatically. Otherwise, feel free to uninstall my hack, because next time you are going into my ignore list.Don't worry, I am uninstalling this hack since I never received support ANYHOW. I personally do not need a teenager telling me to calm down or threats of adding me to ignore list. Advice, concentrate and focus your engergy on fixing your releases rather than worrying about getting a moderator to delete unanswered posts OR telling people to calm down with threats of ignoring. I don't know who you think you are with statements like that. I can see your immaturity shining here. Uninstalls
01-05-2006, 01:03 PM
Works like a charm on 3.5.3
01-05-2006, 01:58 PM
Don't worry, I am uninstalling this hack since I never received support ANYHOW. I personally do not need a teenager telling me to calm down or threats of adding me to ignore list. Advice, concentrate and focus your engergy on fixing your releases rather than worrying about getting a moderator to delete unanswered posts OR telling people to calm down with threats of ignoring. I don't know who you think you are with statements like that. I can see your immaturity shining here. Uninstalls
Are you not displaying arrogance by taking this stance, or is this just about the age difference? Anthony *does* fix things although he may not say that in his posts, otherwise we would not be up to 1.2.7 with this hack. All the errors I had are now fixed. He, like us all, has a life away from
Rome was not built in a day, but it was built.
Just my few pence worth.
01-05-2006, 02:38 PM
I love this but have uninstalled it untill it becomes stable.
01-05-2006, 04:30 PM
Hi Psionic
I have had the MSN Bot on my forum and the standard Google bot...
But neither are showing on the stats,
I do know that you added the MSN bot and the Standard Google bot when you did the update, heres whats showing....
Bot (Google Adsense) (15.19%) - 203
Bot (Unknown) (5.31%) - 71
Bot (Yahoo! Slurp) (1.57%) - 21
01-05-2006, 05:22 PM
O.k., let?s take another step to build Rome. :-)
As i wrote already, mod?s are not displayed, only s-mods.
And one description to a country is missing.
01-05-2006, 05:37 PM
And one description to a country is missing.
I have already reported that one.
Attached is the Fuji flag as it was missing from the package. Upload it to the /database_flags directory.
01-05-2006, 05:54 PM
I have already reported that one.
Attached is the Fuji flag as it was missing from the package. Upload it to the /database_flags directory.
Thanks Bob!
I think it was no good idea to delete most of the postings, because nobody still knows what was reported or not.
That?s my 2 cents...
01-05-2006, 06:05 PM
I don't know who you think you are.
<personal information snipped>
Cheers! Just please don't forget about the fact of uninstallation when I make my next release. ;) Thanks.
Thank you for your support. :) And for the flag. That flag will be included in the flag database of PsiStats 1.2.8.
EDIT: Maybe you have a better quality flag? Your flag's resolution is kind of low in comparison to the rest of the flags. Thanks ;)
Country with a missing label is the old Ireland entry. That entry will be removed from your database after you install next release.
As for mods, my question still remain unanswered (I don't know, maybe it was in the one of the deleted posts): Are any of your supermoderators also designated as mods (I don't know why would you do that, maybe in order for them to show up in forum leaders screen, but anyway...)?
I love this but have uninstalled it untill it becomes stable.
It's perfectly fine, however don't forget to subscribe to this thread so that you receive update notifications. :)
Are you sure that google and msn have visited your forum after the update? In any case, I'll look into it.
I think it was no good idea to delete most of the postings, because nobody still knows what was reported or not.
It was a good idea, because the thread was bloated with pointless posts and screenshots, many of which reported the same problem.
Nothing was reported, simply every single post - including the ones made by me - were erased from this thread by my request. Now, for a short time, it will be easy to keep track of the new posts :)
01-05-2006, 07:27 PM
Hi Psionic
Thanks for the quick response...
Yeah they both have, i know this due to the crawler block that i have now updates the crawlers again, Also the WOL also has started to show the crawlers again, this is how i know they have been on....
01-05-2006, 07:48 PM
Here's a better Fiji flag.
01-05-2006, 07:59 PM
Thank you very much :)
01-05-2006, 08:06 PM
Thanks, i did have a wee look for 1 but gave up :o
Thanks again
Here's a better Fiji flag.
01-05-2006, 08:09 PM
The only problem I have with my installation is it's not displaying Resolution or Color Depth stats... other than that I have no problems on vB 3.5.3
I really like the instructions you have coded with the boxes to collapse the steps you've finished, really nice... great hack :)
01-05-2006, 08:56 PM
As for mods, my question still remain unanswered (I don't know, maybe it was in the one of the deleted posts): Are any of your supermoderators also designated as mods (I don't know why would you do that, maybe in order for them to show up in forum leaders screen, but anyway...)?
Yep, i answered already, but no problem. Yes, you are right! So, if they are both, only the s-mods are shown, correct?
If, that?s o.k. in this way...!
01-05-2006, 09:36 PM
The only problem I have with my installation is it's not displaying Resolution or Color Depth stats...
I am not really sure what causes the problem, because for others it works fine..
I really like the instructions you have coded with the boxes to collapse the steps you've finished
Thank you :)
Yes, you are right! So, if they are both, only the s-mods are shown, correct?
In next release they will count both ways (e.g. the actual way of set-up).
I just found this site:
What about I use that in the hack?
01-05-2006, 09:44 PM
In next release they will count both ways (e.g. the actual way of set-up).
Thanks! But my life is not depending on this change! :-)
I just found this site:
What about I use that in the hack?
Looks fine; but you have to change most of the code?
01-05-2006, 09:57 PM
Looks fine; but you have to change most of the code?
Fortunately, no. I simply run a script, which scans the index page, extracts the abbreviations, and saves them into the country database, just as with option 3 here (
01-05-2006, 10:02 PM
Fortunately, no. I simply run a script, which scans the index page, extracts the abbreviations, and saves them into the country database, just as with option 3 here (
Good to know. From Germany the site is fast, has a solid structure as well and the most important information about the country.
So what do you guys think?
01-05-2006, 10:12 PM
On the second thought.. I am staying with cia. The flags cite has about 10 countries missing, whereas cia site is only missing Yugoslavia.
01-05-2006, 10:52 PM
Psionic Vision nice work seems to be working great i just have one question how do i get Display Colors & Resolutions to work i just didnt see nothing in that section
01-05-2006, 10:59 PM
You don't see anything until any stats are recorded. Just wait a while for a couple of visitors, and you should start seeing those stats.
01-06-2006, 07:18 AM
Don't worry, I am uninstalling this hack since I never received support ANYHOW. I personally do not need a teenager telling me to calm down or threats of adding me to ignore list. Advice, concentrate and focus your engergy on fixing your releases rather than worrying about getting a moderator to delete unanswered posts OR telling people to calm down with threats of ignoring. I don't know who you think you are with statements like that. I can see your immaturity shining here. Uninstalls
I was away for a day, mate posts like that goes far away back...Here we share our ideas - coding abillities, we dont request anything as certain....where are your manners? How old are u and talk like that?
The lad is keep supporting this product, with often updates...what else did u looking for? To give u his msn and serve u all day long? FFS, i hope users like u really get banned from communities like ...
Anyway, i calm down and ask, Psionic Vision have u read my comments of strange appear on the Who's Online, that users are in the Stats page when they are just on the homepage? Didnt saw an answer, for this i ask that :)
And some quick questions. What the numbers means? I mean, ok in the Regions i have that from US i have 400. This means 400 sessions? 400 hits? 400 members?
Thnx in advance as always, if u are 16 and code like that, the feature is in your hand, keep up:)
I searched a bit more the bug, and it seems that if the user is on Arcade (tested just there for sure) its shows that he is on the stats page!! Please help, something must be messed up :)
01-06-2006, 04:03 PM
Hi Psionic
Just took a copy of my WOL..
MSNBot Spider Viewing User Profile daniel 12 Minutes Ago
Yahoo! Slurp Spider Viewing Thread Farcry xbox 1 Minute Ago
Google AdSense Spider Viewing Thread New shot box 2 Minutes Ago
Yahoo! Slurp Spider Viewing User Profile jolotull
Just to show you that MSN does definatley come in the forum, Still not shown up on your stats though m8......
I chose red font, why is it green lol :rolleyes:
01-06-2006, 04:16 PM
Last night I upgraded 3.5.2 > 3.5.3. I now cannot view top forums and threads with /psistats.php?do=toptf. I get page cannot be displayed error. All the other options work OK. I have gone through the install again totally.
Any ideas?
01-06-2006, 05:49 PM
strange appear on the Who's Online, that users are in the Stats page when they are just on the homepage?
Then they are in stats. What appears in WOL does not have anything to do with the hack.
What the numbers means?
Numbers mean the # of user sessions that have this particular item applied to it.
E.g. 150 next to Russia means that there were 150 forum sessions initiated from a Russian IP.
if u are 16 and code like that, the feature is in your hand, keep up
Thanks :)
and it seems that if the user is on Arcade
That's not likely. However, if you give me a link to the Arcade hack, I'll look at it for you.
Just took a copy of my WOL..
Thank you.
I chose red font, why is it green lol
Because that's how they tweaked it on
Last night I upgraded 3.5.2 > 3.5.3. I now cannot view top forums and threads with /psistats.php?do=toptf. I get page cannot be displayed error. All the other options work OK. I have gone through the install again totally.
Wait until next release. It might be happening because of the unlimited thread select (instead of 10 or whatever is set in admincp).
01-06-2006, 08:48 PM
:banana: UPDATE 1.2.8 :banana:
Fixed a couple of bugs, see the first post.
1. Re-upload psistats.php
2. Erase and re-upload the contents of ./includes/psistats folder
3. Re-upload product XML - and revert any of this hack's templates, if modified.
01-06-2006, 09:14 PM
:banana: UPDATE 1.2.8 :banana:
Fixed a couple of bugs, see the first post.
1. Re-upload psistats.php
2. Erase and re-upload the contents of ./includes/psistats folder
3. Re-upload product XML - and revert any of this hack's templates, if modified.
Cheers Psionic
Will monitor it and see how it is :)
Thanks again for the update
01-06-2006, 09:23 PM
:banana: UPDATE 1.2.8 :banana:
Fixed a couple of bugs, see the first post.
1. Re-upload psistats.php
2. Erase and re-upload the contents of ./includes/psistats folder
3. Re-upload product XML - and revert any of this hack's templates, if modified.
Found: (3 admins, 4 s-mods, 46 mods)
The number of the s-mods is the number of the mods, so 46 is still not correct.
Still one country flag missing and one region.
01-06-2006, 09:26 PM
The number of the s-mods is the number of the mods, so 46 is still not correct.
It can't be incorrect. The script chooses the number of unique userids in your moderator table. Maybe your moderator setup is incorrect, but the script gives a valid output.
Still one country flag missing and one region.
Feel free to submit the flag. There are about 50 more flags missing, and they will be missing until people add them in. Or until someone gives me a zip file with all flags in it. As for the missing continent, please post the contents of your psistats_country table. Thanks.
01-06-2006, 09:28 PM
do you plan on grouping the templates together?
01-06-2006, 09:29 PM
do you plan on grouping the templates together?
Why would I want to do that?
01-06-2006, 09:32 PM
this way its easier to edit things and it dont have all the templates showing kinda like every other coder does on vbuletin... this way when you click on the template it will show the drop down off all the templates under that hack
01-06-2006, 09:33 PM
nice work but was just thinking as a suggestion maybe the stats should be ordered highest first because at the moment most of the stats are in any old order
01-06-2006, 09:33 PM
Any experienced coders here? I have a question.
What would be better:
- To leave the data organization as-is, with detection on session start, and with simple display on stats.
- To change the data organization, with psistats saving raw IPs and Browser Ident String to the database, with detection on stats?
- To make a combination of both - with saving raw data into database and with parsing it all together into "cooked" tables, and deleting the raw data?
maybe the stats should be ordered highest first because at the moment most of the stats are in any old order
What do you mean?
01-06-2006, 09:34 PM
just kinda sucks seeing 18 templates not grouped together
01-06-2006, 09:36 PM
I aint no coder as im sure your already aware, but doesnt sorting in any sort of order cause more server load?
Any experienced coders here? I have a question.
What would be better:
- To leave the data organization as-is, with detection on session start, and with simple display on stats.
- To change the data organization, with psistats saving raw IPs and Browser Ident String to the database, with detection on stats?
- To make a combination of both - with saving raw data into database and with parsing it all together into "cooked" tables, and deleting the raw data?
What do you mean?
01-06-2006, 09:36 PM
How would I go about grouping them?
01-06-2006, 09:38 PM
basiclly like they do for the arcade templates so when you click on a main template all the templates under it would show its like that with any mod i have used so far that has alot of templates.. im not a coder but ill look and see what code they use for it...
01-06-2006, 09:44 PM
Seem to be missing a country here, don't know what country though...
01-06-2006, 09:51 PM
Make a thread asking peeps where there all from and then you will be able to narrow it down some what ;)
01-06-2006, 09:58 PM
im not a coder but ill look and see what code they use for it...
Or you could just give me a link to that hack.
EDIT: Nevermind, already found it. And added.
Make a thread asking peeps where there all from and then you will be able to narrow it down some what
No need to do that. Missing country means that I removed it from the database - probably because it was a sub-division of another country. In next version, the script will take care of removing invalid countries.
01-06-2006, 09:59 PM
Thanks, updated and looks great.
Given the number of templates, I'd also like to see them grouped together into one category.
One suggestion on the referrer sites page:
. A top 10 referrers by total referrals.
01-06-2006, 10:05 PM
Found: (3 admins, 4 s-mods, 46 mods)
The number of the s-mods is the number of the mods, so 46 is still not correct.
Still one country flag missing and one region.
It seems to be counting the number of moderators for the whole forum for example each of my forums are assigned two moderators and i have assigned them to seven of them so its showing 14 moderators for me although the super moderator and admins seems correct the moderator bit does not
01-06-2006, 10:08 PM
It seems to be counting the number of moderators for the whole forum for example each of my forums are assigned two moderators and i have assigned them to seven of them so its showing 14 moderators for me although the super moderator and admins seems correct the moderator bit does not
If there are 7 forums, and each has 2 moderators, then there are 14 moderators. What's incorrect about it?
01-06-2006, 10:11 PM
Any experienced coders here? I have a question.
What would be better:
- To leave the data organization as-is, with detection on session start, and with simple display on stats.
- To change the data organization, with psistats saving raw IPs and Browser Ident String to the database, with detection on stats?
- To make a combination of both - with saving raw data into database and with parsing it all together into "cooked" tables, and deleting the raw data?
What do you mean?
I mean that top forums etc are shown highest first by post count
but other stats like number of browsers using firefox nomatter what the number the highest isn't place first
check the attachment it shows browsers with the highest first and compare it to your own they are placed anywhere
01-06-2006, 10:14 PM
If there are 7 forums, and each has 2 moderators, then there are 14 moderators. What's incorrect about it?
I thought it was a count of how many moderators u have as in
I have 1 admin 2 super moderators and 2 moderators as in
only two in the membergroup moderators i just thought that would be the way the stats would be shown. However if the way you said it is right then i suppose thats right :P
01-06-2006, 10:28 PM
check the attachment it shows browsers with the highest first and compare it to your own they are placed anywhere
Not anywhere. I sorted them by browser name/version. Duh... Though it would be easier to see which is which. I don't like it Bane's way, with browser unordered.
only two in the membergroup moderators
Membergroup "moderators" is just a dummy group, in which you can (OPTIONALLY) put your moderators if you want to give them some extra abilities / or take some abilities away from them. The real moderating power (and database data) comes from actually adding moderators to forums, not from the usergroup in which they are in (unless that is a supermoderator-enabled group, of course).
01-06-2006, 10:33 PM
It seems to be counting the number of moderators for the whole forum for example each of my forums are assigned two moderators and i have assigned them to seven of them so its showing 14 moderators for me although the super moderator and admins seems correct the moderator bit does not
Yep, that?s it. I took a look at my SQL table and found the same like you!
01-06-2006, 10:35 PM
If there are 7 forums, and each has 2 moderators, then there are 14 moderators. What's incorrect about it?
Nothing to complain, but named moderators are only 4 with a unique user/member-id.
01-06-2006, 10:36 PM
Not anywhere. I sorted them by browser name/version. Duh... Though it would be easier to see which is which. I don't like it Bane's way, with browser unordered.
But don't stats usually display highest first ?
Membergroup "moderators" is just a dummy group, in which you can (OPTIONALLY) put your moderators if you want to give them some extra abilities / or take some abilities away from them. The real moderating power (and database data) comes from actually adding moderators to forums, not from the usergroup in which they are in (unless that is a supermoderator-enabled group, of course).
But the point is to users the stats will seem inacurate especially when it counts staff it says there are 17 staff when i only have 2 mods 2 s mods and 1 admin hence i have 5 staff. Power might be in the database data but the membergroups is what makes sense. This is what the other users are refering to when they say the stats for that are wrong
01-06-2006, 10:44 PM
But don't stats usually display highest first ?
Not my stats :)
But the point is to users the stats will seem inacurate especially when it counts staff it says there are 17 staff when i only have 2 mods 2 s mods and 1 admin hence i have 5 staff. Power might be in the database data but the membergroups is what makes sense. This is what the other users are refering to when they say the stats for that are wrong
I know. Ok, if you all want it to be that way (e.g. use usergroup/membergroup as the reference), that's how it will be...
01-06-2006, 10:51 PM
Not my stats :)
I know. Ok, if you all want it to be that way (e.g. use usergroup/membergroup as the reference), that's how it will be...
Thank you very much :D
01-06-2006, 10:56 PM
Not my stats :)
I know. Ok, if you all want it to be that way (e.g. use usergroup/membergroup as the reference), that's how it will be...
01-07-2006, 12:31 AM
Or you could just give me a link to that hack.
EDIT: Nevermind, already found it. And added.
so the templates being grouped is now in it or will be in next release?
01-07-2006, 01:14 AM
so the templates being grouped is now in it or will be in next release?
In next release, of course. I cannot alter released releases, as that obviously wouldn't make any sense.
01-07-2006, 01:47 AM
ok ty i just wasnt sure if you uploaded it to that zip or not but thanks for grouping them :)
01-07-2006, 02:21 AM
I must say thankyou for all your time and dedication you have spent on this hack,it is now working great for me,ive just sat back and waited for this update and just done it,cheers
01-07-2006, 02:34 AM
just a quick question i have this hack installed on my board,
when i installed psiStats 2006 last week,my time online has stopped for all members eg: my time online last week was, Time spent on board:
2 week 4 day 23 hour,and it is still the same today,is it possible your hack could upset the count???????
01-07-2006, 08:56 AM
Hi Psionic..
I have just installed the New Spiders hack, this shows the correct spiders that are/have visited and does show the msn 1, please see it working HERE (
Yours still does not show the MSN bot see below, the unkonw 1 i think is the MSN 1 as this count seems to be about right for the msn bot
Bot (Google Adsense) (9.27%) - 224
Bot (Unknown) (5.01%) - 121
Bot (Yahoo! Slurp) (2.52%) - 61
Im not badgering, just like it sorted when ya get a mo :)
01-07-2006, 10:24 AM
Nothing to complain, but named moderators are only 4 with a unique user/member-id.
I have just 1.2.6 > 1.2.8 and mod count was correct in 1.2.6 now it is higher as has been discussed here. I agree with klaush, you can't count one moderator x number of times for each forum he/she mods.
The missing entries in countries are probably both linked to the old entry for Ireland and still need to be removed.
Doing a great job, with you all the way.
01-07-2006, 11:21 AM
Just run the following query:
DELETE FROM PFXpsistats_country WHERE code = "IE"
(don't forget to remove PFX and replace it with your table prefix).
In next release, that'll be done automatically.
01-07-2006, 11:22 AM
just a quick question i have this hack installed on my board,
when i installed psiStats 2006 last week,my time online has stopped for all members eg: my time online last week was, Time spent on board:
2 week 4 day 23 hour,and it is still the same today,is it possible your hack could upset the count???????
Nope, not possible. The two hacks don't even intersect...
Yours still does not show the MSN bot see below, the unkonw 1 i think is the MSN 1 as this count seems to be about right for the msn bot
I just looked at the spiders hack, it's very messy, hard to understand anything. What my hack is doing, it's trying to identify msn by "msnbot" in id string.
01-07-2006, 02:30 PM
Heh-heh... Next release will be codehackless.
01-07-2006, 06:30 PM
:banana: UPDATE 1.3.0 :banana:
Complete re-do of data organization.
WARNING: After installing this update, your hack-generated statistics will be reset.
- psistats.php
- psistats_update.php (see instructions)
- ./includes/psistats (after you delete original contents)
RE-INSTALL product XML with rewrite option.
REVERT modified hack templates - if any.
RE-DO headinclude template modification.
UNDO file changes from previous release.
MOVE this thread to appropriate section, since there are no file edits any more ( moderators only)
01-07-2006, 07:02 PM
Cheers for the updates Psionic...
Loks like ya got the staff side of it bang on m8,
Dont know about the bots yet untill it wakes up ;)
There is only 1 minor annoyance that i have forogtten to mention
before, this is when you click the human Referrers (if installed)
and you go to the referrers there is no quick link back or to
the other areas of the stats,
Something is telling me that this is not possible though as really they are 2 seperate hacks and therefore if there was any links then it would look silly to the people that have installed your referrer 1 but not the stats 1, would i be right?
Whoopsy just found this when using FF only (dont do it using IE)
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.2:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM psistats_country WHERE code = 'UK' LIMIT 1;
MySQL Error : Table 'web18_4rum.psistats_country' doesn't exist Error Number : 1146
Date : Saturday, January 7th 2006 @ 09:00:46 PM
Script :
Referrer :
I cannot access my site using Firefox atm, only IE
What have i forgot to do please?
Regards bashy
01-07-2006, 07:06 PM
You fotgot to cancel file changes for class_core.
01-07-2006, 07:08 PM
Please can you let me know what they were as i over wrote you original zip :o
Dont matter i just searched your name and deleted all of the edit :)
i take it this is waht you meant?
01-07-2006, 07:35 PM
Dont matter i just searched your name and deleted all of the edit
i take it this is waht you meant?
Yes. Heh, I wrap all my file edits with a comment block that contains my name, so that it is easy to find them :)
01-07-2006, 07:56 PM
Yeah tis a very good idea that m8, it made it really easy for me to find your edits :)
Still awaiting for my bots to show a little more action before i can report anything concrete, but so far eveerything elses is hunky dory, thanks Psionic
01-07-2006, 08:53 PM
Hi Psionic :)
erm, i got mr MSN bot in my forum atm.....
Still, your erm, stats dont record him lol
8 Minutes Ago MSNBot Spider Viewing Index
Bashy's Place
Strange really, cause the Spider stats that i said i ahev installed records it with no problems as does the crawler block that i use as well....
Oh well, perhaps it's just not meant to be lol :ermm:
01-07-2006, 08:53 PM
Hello ,
I was installed the hack with out any problem but there is no stats for ,
Countries & Regions | Browsers & Operating Systems | Referring Sites
there is no countries and no Referring sites ,
Please what can i do to see the stats of the countries and Browser and Referring ,
01-07-2006, 09:05 PM
The stats build up as people visit the board, how long ago did you install?
01-07-2006, 09:08 PM
Hi Psionic :)
erm, i got mr MSN bot in my forum atm.....
Still, your erm, stats dont record him lol
8 Minutes Ago MSNBot Spider Viewing Index
Bashy's Place
Strange really, cause the Spider stats that i said i ahev installed records it with no problems as does the crawler block that i use as well....
Oh well, perhaps it's just not meant to be lol :ermm:
The googlebot is working, checked. I'll check msn too. It should be working now though...
Statistics are updated once per hour. They also build up with time after you install the hack.. Patience, and it'll be ok ;)
01-07-2006, 09:30 PM
I totally removed 1.2.7 and reverted all templates and files, then installed 1.3.0. Got this error now:
Invalid SQL:
TRUNCATE TABLE `psistats_cache`;
MySQL Error : Table 'vb_forum.psistats_cache' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Saturday, January 7th 2006 @ 11:25:21 PM
Script :
Referrer :
01-07-2006, 09:34 PM
I never seem to get stats for "Display Colors & Resolutions" but everything else works fine. Except it now don't recognize firefox browser's for some reason.
01-07-2006, 09:46 PM
I totally removed 1.2.7 and reverted all templates and files, then installed 1.3.0. Got this error now:
You need to make sure that you have installed the product XML.
I never seem to get stats for "Display Colors & Resolutions" but everything else works fine. Except it now don't recognize firefox browser's for some reason.
If it recognize Firefox before, it will recognize Firefox now.
Keep in mind that stats are now updated once per hour, rather than immediately
01-07-2006, 09:50 PM
The product is installed correctly, also my server load is high at times since I installed this with CPU utilisation up to 80% at times:
1.93 1.59 1.39
01-07-2006, 09:53 PM
1.93 1.59 1.39
How is that high? Are you hinting that it is caused by this hack? If so - nope. Stats are only updated once an hour, and that's when you might experience a lil bit more load. But it's alright...
01-07-2006, 10:05 PM
Not sure what's going on, but to check I totally removed this and server load is back down with CPU not getting much above 8%. I will reinstall in the morning and see what happens, it's late over here now.
01-07-2006, 10:55 PM
Works beautifully (*tip*). Looks like most data (except for "Top Threads & Forums") needs to be gathered somehow before it will actually get displayed?
01-07-2006, 10:56 PM
whose online seems to have a bug where all my users are for some reason always on the psistats page
01-07-2006, 10:58 PM
Hi Psionic...
What would be the easyist way to add extra bots...
I think i have found one of the unknown bots by following the IP addy.
So how would i add this m8 please?
01-07-2006, 11:09 PM
Works beautifully. Looks like most data (except for "Top Threads & Forums") needs to be gathered somehow before it will actually get displayed?
whose online seems to have a bug where all my users are for some reason always on the psistats page
Doesn't seem to have such bug on my board.
What would be the easyist way to add extra bots...
I think i have found one of the unknown bots by following the IP addy.
Which bots do you want to add?
01-07-2006, 11:37 PM
Doesn't seem to have such bug on my board.
Which bots do you want to add?
i conclude two theories one because the arcade is installed or two because i'm using vb3.5.3
01-08-2006, 01:29 AM
whose online seems to have a bug where all my users are for some reason always on the psistats page
I have the exact same error
01-08-2006, 01:41 AM
I'll take a deeper look at it... For now, just to pinpoint the problem: Those of you who have the problem - what other hacks do you have installed?
01-08-2006, 02:06 AM
i'm not sure if i'm correct here,i removed the headinclude template just out of interest,and my WOL showed correctly,and that is with psiStats still enabled,could maybe a bug in headinclude template??
01-08-2006, 03:08 AM
This is interesting: I disabled the online_location_process plugin so it became an 'unknown' location, and I noticed that all the people who were viewing the statistics (way more than there actually were), it was at the location:
Does that mean anything to you? Probably some sort of background task that is always being picked up? I checked the psistats.php file and an 'update_info' section doesn't even exist, only 'updateinfo'...
On another issue, I've noticed that the headinclude additions seems to slow down the loading of every page by about 6-10 seconds or so. When I remove it pages load fine, so it's definitely related to what the block of code does. Unfortunately, this issue alone is enough to make me unable to keep this hack installed as I don't want to be inundated with complaints. ;) Shame really, as it is great to finally have a stats hack for v3.5. Awesome job. :)
Oh, I'm also have the issue with the Display Colours & Resolutions page not displaying any information (the others are all counting up as they should though), and this is even after a few hours.
EDIT: Ah HA! In the headinclude code at this point, this:
req.send("$session[sessionurl]do=update_info&width=" + self.screen.width + "&height=" + self.screen.height + "&depth=" + self.screen.colorDepth);
should be (remove the underscore):
req.send("$session[sessionurl]do=updateinfo&width=" + self.screen.width + "&height=" + self.screen.height + "&depth=" + self.screen.colorDepth);
If I'm not mistaken? You were calling a non-existant section? After changing that I ran the cron job and the hack is now recording resolution and depth information, AND the page loading time issue has disappeared too! :)
That still doesn't fix the issue of everyone being redirected to the background task which shows up in Who's Online, and I'm not sure how to fix that one...
01-08-2006, 03:48 AM
ok i found the WOL problem its working great for me now original headinclude template as below
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if(window.ActiveXObject)
req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (typeof req == "object")
{"POST", "psistats.php", false);
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
req.send("$session[sessionurl]do=update_info&width=" + self.screen.width + "&height=" + self.screen.height + "&depth=" + self.screen.colorDepth);
the error was here"POST", "psistats.php", false);
should have = in front of false,try this headinclude template below see if it fixes your problem
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if(window.ActiveXObject)
req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (typeof req == "object")
{"POST", "psistats.php", =false);
req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
req.send("$session[sessionurl]do=updateinfo&width=" + self.screen.width + "&height=" + self.screen.height + "&depth=" + self.screen.colorDepth);
01-08-2006, 04:21 AM
Interesting, that did seem to work! So if you apply both our changes it should solve these two recent issues? :)
01-08-2006, 04:47 AM
Interesting, that did seem to work! So if you apply both our changes it should solve these two recent issues? :)it appears to have,working perfectly so far
01-08-2006, 08:56 AM
I have resinstalled this again this morning, and was monitoring 'top' throughout the install.
All was OK until the last part where I installed the product. Apache started to use up to 98% CPU utilisation and very rarely dropped below about 45%.
Did the mod that MooMan65 mentioned in #104 = no change.
Added the mod from Rickie3 in #105 = bingo. CPU utilisation dropped back to single figures and remained low.
The only other thing I noticed is that CPU utilisation shoots up to about 45% when I click 'Quick Links' > 'Site Statistics' and then drops again. Otherwise it seems to be going OK. Will check the CPU util in about an hour or so to see what it does when I go through all the options.
Bob :classic:
01-08-2006, 09:09 AM
Just checked my email and got this error again
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:
Invalid SQL:
TRUNCATE TABLE `psistats_cache`;
MySQL Error : Table 'vb_forum.psistats_cache' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Sunday, January 8th 2006 @ 10:56:09 AM
Script :
Referrer :
'vb_forum.psistats_cache' does not indeed exist but 'vb_psistats_cache' does???
01-08-2006, 09:20 AM
Just checked my email and got this error again
'vb_forum.psistats_cache' does not indeed exist but 'vb_psistats_cache' does???
Bobdid you update to v1.3.0?????? i just checked your board its showing v1.2.8
01-08-2006, 10:22 AM
I saw that also, but I did a clean install of 1.3.0 and used overwrite when I installed the product.
01-08-2006, 10:29 AM
hmmmmmmmmmmmm strange i noticed its the same on my board as well
Since the Update it doesnt display anymore the Display Colors & Resolutions
Countries & Regions | Browsers & Operating Systems | Referring Sites.
What did i do wrong?
Feckie (Roger)
01-08-2006, 10:32 AM
Since the Update it doesnt display anymore the Display Colors & Resolutions
Countries & Regions | Browsers & Operating Systems | Referring Sites.
What did i do wrong?
Does for me
01-08-2006, 10:34 AM
Hi Psionic
I also have not had any stats recorded for the displays res'
But i do have MSN recrding now :) thanks for that, much appreciated
Since the Update it doesnt display anymore the Display Colors & Resolutions
Countries & Regions | Browsers & Operating Systems | Referring Sites.
What did i do wrong?
01-08-2006, 10:34 AM
The file psistats.php in the current zip file (v1.3.0) still shows 1.2.8
$version = '1.2.8';
Does anyone have 1.3.0 showing on their board?
01-08-2006, 10:36 AM
Hi Psionic
I also have not had any stats recorded for the displays res'
But i do have MSN recrding now :) thanks for that, much appreciated
The new one drops all the tables created for the last one and creates new ones, so you need to wait for them to get populated.
Yeah, but no change since yesterday, and i made some linkclicks from my other site, so hte referrer should be shown.
01-08-2006, 10:42 AM
Hi Bob
I did assume this but as i did it yesterday, well as soon as the update came
out, i thought it might have recorded sommat by now is all....
I have had quite a few peeps in since thye update....
The new one drops all the tables created for the last one and creates new ones, so you need to wait for them to get populated.
01-08-2006, 10:51 AM
Invalid SQL:
TRUNCATE TABLE `psistats_cache`;
MySQL Error : Table 'vb_forum.psistats_cache' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Sunday, January 8th 2006 @ 12:25:26 PM
Script :
Referrer :
My knowledge of MySQL is only basic but is from psistats_update.php is this correct:
$vbulletin->db->query_write("TRUNCATE TABLE `psistats_cache`");
01-08-2006, 10:56 AM
i'm not sure if i'm correct here,i removed the headinclude template just out of interest,and my WOL showed correctly,and that is with psiStats still enabled,could maybe a bug in headinclude template??
Yep. Heh... That'd be it.
The reason is, each page sends a request do psistats for update. Thus making everyone written down as if they are on stats page. I'll see whether I can make a walk-around this.
should have = in front of false,try this headinclude template below see if it fixes your problem
What exactly does the = do? The = is not in any ajax tutorials I've read...
What happens if you just put it to "true"?
Just checked my email and got this error again
Will fix. Forgot table prefix. Must be:
$vbulletin->db->query_write("TRUNCATE TABLE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "psistats_cache`");
instead of
$vbulletin->db->query_write("TRUNCATE TABLE `psistats_cache`");
$version = '1.2.8';
Heh, forgot to change that too.
01-08-2006, 11:37 AM
Version 1.3.0 seems to be slowing my page loading time... :ermm:
01-08-2006, 11:46 AM
EDIT: Psionic didnt appreciate it
My apologies
01-08-2006, 11:54 AM
Version 1.3.0 seems to be slowing my page loading time...
That can't be happening, it's just two simple insert queries..
The most likely reason is the improper ajax code, I am researching that...
This is a little off topic
It indeed is. And I do not appreciate it.
01-08-2006, 11:56 AM
The most likely reason is the improper ajax code, I am researching that...
Yes, most likely. If I look at "Who's Online", then I see all users (and guests) are "viewing" the stats, even those who have no permission to do so.
I am going to uninstall until this is fixed.
01-08-2006, 12:14 PM
Did this $vbulletin->db->query_write("TRUNCATE TABLE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "psistats_cache`");
instead of
$vbulletin->db->query_write("TRUNCATE TABLE `psistats_cache`");
now got this error:Invalid SQL:
MySQL Error :
Error Number :
Date : Sunday, January 8th 2006 @ 01:25:17 PM
Script :
Referrer :
01-08-2006, 12:17 PM
("TRUNCATE TABLE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "psistats_cache`");
Are the quotes correct?
01-08-2006, 12:39 PM
This is definately not recording the stats for the Display Colours & Resolutions any more since the update all the rest is fine and working well!
01-08-2006, 12:59 PM
This is definately not recording the stats for the Display Colours & Resolutions any more since the update all the rest is fine and working well!
Mine is logging stats OK, just get that 'LOCK TABLES' SQL error each time cron runs.
01-08-2006, 01:15 PM
Please stop posting messages about the same errors. I already said that I'll fix those. Also, if you "are going to uninstall", I don't need to know about that. Thanks.
01-08-2006, 01:18 PM
Please stop posting messages about the same errors. I already said that I'll fix those. Also, if you "are going to uninstall", I don't need to know about that. Thanks.
Look, we all appreciate your hack. It is nothing personal. I am looking forward to the fix as these stats are very useful.
01-08-2006, 01:41 PM
This is definately not recording the stats for the Display Colours & Resolutions any more since the update all the rest is fine and working well!
quick fix for that is to add the psistats_update.php to vbulletin scheduled task
set for 1 hour
Its not in the instructions but maybe it was supposed to be :P
01-08-2006, 01:42 PM
Its not in the instructions but maybe it was supposed to be :P
The cron gets added automatically.
01-08-2006, 01:55 PM
Cheers msimplay
But as Psionic says, it was automaticaly created :)
The cron gets added automatically.
01-08-2006, 02:17 PM
:banana: UPDATE 1.3.1 :banana:
Re-upload ./psistats.php
Re-upload ./includes/cron/psistats_update.php
Re-do template change: headinclude
01-08-2006, 02:22 PM
:banana: UPDATE 1.3.1 :banana:
Re-upload ./psistats.php
Re-upload ./includes/cron/psistats_update.php
Re-do template change: headinclude
Thanks! :) Will try it now...
01-08-2006, 02:32 PM
Yup, I can confirm it works great for me now! :up:
01-08-2006, 02:39 PM
Excellent Psionic....
All seems to be working very well...
Congrats on a job well done :)
01-08-2006, 05:02 PM
I had to uninstall, may be i missed one version number and no changelog is available, so i got a lot of sql-errors because of missing sql-tables.
What a pitty, because the hack is great and worked great til this release. :
01-08-2006, 05:06 PM
What a pitty, because the hack is great and worked great til this release. :
It's working fine, trust me. You probably have forgotten to undo the class_core changes.
Wheneever you upgrade any of my hacks, you must follow through each "new version" announcement that came out since the release of the version that you have installed.
01-08-2006, 05:10 PM
It's working fine, trust me. You probably have forgotten to undo the class_core changes.
Wheneever you upgrade any of my hacks, you must follow through each "new version" announcement that came out since the release of the version that you have installed.
I will try a fresh install.
01-08-2006, 05:14 PM
Thanks for your work. I am still getting this error
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:
Invalid SQL:
MySQL Error :
Error Number :
Date : Sunday, January 8th 2006 @ 06:25:11 PM
Script :
Referrer :
Any ideas please?
01-08-2006, 05:19 PM
Invalid SQL:
I have no idea. That doesn't happen for me on vB 3.5.2... But I'll see what's the matter with 3.5.3.
01-08-2006, 05:41 PM
It's working fine, trust me. You probably have forgotten to undo the class_core changes.
Wheneever you upgrade any of my hacks, you must follow through each "new version" announcement that came out since the release of the version that you have installed.
O.k., fresh install works fine til now!
01-08-2006, 05:46 PM
Never had this many unknown browers before.
01-08-2006, 06:00 PM
Never had this many unknown browers before.
Majority unknown browsers is normal.
01-08-2006, 07:31 PM
Well I just made a fresh installation on 3.5.3 and most of the fields are blank. The only sections with data are: General | Style Usage | Top Threads & Forums.
01-08-2006, 07:46 PM
That's how it's supposed to be. The other stats are to be collected in time :)
01-08-2006, 07:54 PM
In psistats_update.php
Should this be:
$vbulletin->db->unlock tables();
without the underscrore?
I have made this change and manually run the cron and not had the error email.
01-08-2006, 07:54 PM
That's how it's supposed to be. The other stats are to be collected in time Ah, I should have figured that when I saw the cron. Looking very nice though. I decided to give it its own navbar link to show it off better.
01-08-2006, 09:01 PM
Psionic Vision
Not work "?do=home"
Invalid SQL:
SELECT userid, username, usergroupid, membergroupids, joindate, lastpost, pmtotal, referrerid
FROM user
ORDER BY joindate DESC;
MySQL Error : Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Alteran Ancient
01-08-2006, 09:30 PM
I had to add the Cron manually; the Plugin XML did not do the job!
01-08-2006, 09:42 PM
without the underscrore?
I have made this change and manually run the cron and not had the error email.
No, without underscore the code doesn't make any sense. The underscore should be there. I don't know yet why it's causing the error. Looking into it...
I had to add the Cron manually; the Plugin XML did not do the job!
It did for me.
Your last update didn't come with any upgrade instructions... do you have to uninstall the product first and then add the new product, or just overwrite? Which files have changed do you upload the lot and overwrite or delete the previous etc
I overwrote product and all files and i get the error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:
Invalid SQL:
MySQL Error :
Error Number :
Date : Sunday, January 8th 2006 @ 09:28:23 PM
Script :
hope that helps you to debug
S@NL - BlackBik
01-08-2006, 10:47 PM
Awesome hack :)
Had to add the cron manualy though ;)
01-09-2006, 02:40 AM
the unknown browser is firefox,yet in earlier versions this was showing firefox ok
S@NL - BlackBik
01-09-2006, 12:25 PM
OK, the stats are logged in the psistats_cache table.
But the psistats_data table isn't updated.
I have the cron in place, but it seemes to do nothing.
So all is working well accept the hourly update.
Unfortunately I'm not the one who gets the database error emails. And I can't reache the guy who does. So at this moment I don't know what error causes the data table not to be updated.
01-09-2006, 01:10 PM
Weird, previously this hack was perfectly working, now I upgraded from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 and nearly all my stats are gone, it just doesn't show anything. The "standard" stats seem to work perfectly, such as the top posts etc but the stats that are collected; countries etc don't appear at all.
01-09-2006, 01:53 PM
Weird, previously this hack was perfectly working, now I upgraded from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 and nearly all my stats are gone, it just doesn't show anything. The "standard" stats seem to work perfectly, such as the top posts etc but the stats that are collected; countries etc don't appear at all.
Same problem here
01-09-2006, 02:54 PM
Well, with a fresh install on 3.5.3 it's been nearly a day now and there's still no data on those aforementioned sections so I added a cron job in the admin cp. But when I try to run psistats_update.php via the scheduled tasks manager I get;
Invalid SQL:
LOCK TABLES psistats_cache READ, psistats_data READ;
MySQL Error : Access denied for user: 'username@%' to database 'databasename'
Error Number : 1044
Date : Monday, January 9th 2006 @ 09:51:26 AM
Script :
Referrer :
Classname : vb_database
Evidently the problem appears to be that it's adding "@%" to the username.
01-09-2006, 03:12 PM
EDIT: nvm,fixed it.
01-09-2006, 07:31 PM
I will verify & fix the problems on the weekend.
01-09-2006, 07:35 PM
Sadly it caused a database error for my IE visitors so I've got it disabled for now, might reinstall later if it's fixed.
01-09-2006, 07:42 PM
I have database errors too the last few days, although I can't confirm that it is from this hack.
01-09-2006, 08:19 PM
Sadly it caused a database error for my IE visitors so I've got it disabled for now, might reinstall later if it's fixed.
Have you undone class_core file edits?
01-09-2006, 08:26 PM
01-09-2006, 08:31 PM
Uh huh. Thought so. So it's not an error on my side :) Thanks, Bob.
01-09-2006, 09:05 PM
That fix didn't sort my little issue though. :/
S@NL - BlackBik
01-09-2006, 09:41 PM
I've found out the errors i'm getting:
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:
Invalid SQL:
LOCK TABLES psistats_cache READ, psistats_data READ;
MySQL Error : Access denied for user: 'phpuser@' to database 'setiforum'
Error Number : 1044
Date : Monday, January 9th 2006 @ 05:27:41 PM
Script : ../cron.php?&rand=397415
Referrer : ..forumdisplay.php?f=13
IP Address :
That has nothing to do with the UNLOCK error. That has been fixed btw.
I don't get this error on any other cron of vB function and my default user has all the rights it needs as far as I know.
What could be wrong?
I have found 1 problem with the install. Forgive me if I am wrong.
In product-psistats.xml, line 38.
$db->query_write("INSERT INTO `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "cron` VALUES (14, 1136665500, -1, -1, -1, 'a:1:{i:0;i:25;}', './includes/cron/psistats_update.php', 1, 'psiStats 2006 Hourly Update')");
That doesn?t work for me because I already have more than 14 cron jobs.
Surely the insert should not give an ID number.
And as for the lock until a solution is found I had to disable
$vbulletin->db->lock_tables(array('psistats_cache' => 'READ', 'psistats_data' => 'READ'));
Because I don?t have those permissions and I don?t know where to disable it in the options.
S@NL - BlackBik
01-09-2006, 11:10 PM
Great sollution FFMG, that does the trick.
Does anybody know what the risc is for disableing those two commands?
01-10-2006, 12:49 AM
Surely the insert should not give an ID number.
You are right. I just did a phpadmin dump of the row and forgot to remove the id insert ;)
Does anybody know what the risc is for disableing those two commands?
I love how everyone asks "anybody". Really. Who can know better than the author of the hack?
01-10-2006, 04:40 AM
I love how everyone asks "anybody". Really. Who can know better than the author of the hack?
hehehehehhehe i have to agree with you on that lol
S@NL - BlackBik
01-10-2006, 05:38 AM
I love how everyone asks "anybody". Really. Who can know better than the author of the hack?
Well, maybe someone else who knows php/mysql?
But you're right. Do YOU know the riscs?
Also, Firefox isn't showing on the browserpage.
And we have most visitors from New Zealand it seemes. And we're a Dutch board. OK, we have a member in NZ and he has posted, but not more then all our Dutch members together. Any idea why those countrystats show almost no visitors from the Netherlands?
I love how everyone asks "anybody". Really. Who can know better than the author of the hack?
I think this is because the code.
$vbulletin->db->lock_tables(array('psistats_cache' => 'READ', 'psistats_data' => 'READ'));
Is not restricted to your hack alone.
So it is more a general questions, what could happen if the lines are commented out.
You obviously placed them there for a reason, we are just curious what the downside of commenting those out might be.
Seen that I cannot lock my tables I don?t have a choice really. I must comment them out.
01-10-2006, 08:36 AM
Also, Firefox isn't showing on the browserpage.
i asked that same question in this earlier post
01-10-2006, 09:28 AM
But you're right. Do YOU know the riscs?
There are no riscs. But what happens is, there is potentially a lot of data to be parsed in the cache. While it is being parsed, another instance of the script may access the same data and parse it too. What lock tables does, it ensures that only one instance of the script may access certain tables until they are unlocked, or until the script is finished.
Firefox isn't showing on the browserpage.
That has already been reported.
01-10-2006, 02:45 PM
I uninstalled the old version I had, and installed 1.3.1. First the cron was not created, so I created it myself. Secondly, the psistats.php comes up fine, but the only thing that is actually being updated is Style Usage, General and Top Threads & Forums. The others do not work. I also ran the cron manually to see if that would update the non working sections and they still come up with no results:
I uninstalled the old version I had, and installed 1.3.1. First the cron was not created, so I created it myself. Secondly, the psistats.php comes up fine, but the only thing that is actually being updated is Style Usage, General and Top Threads & Forums. The others do not work. I also ran the cron manually to see if that would update the non working sections and they still come up with no results:
It seems to be working fine; I can see countries and OS.
Maybe the cron was not run properly or something sill.
Did you also remove the changes on class_core.php? When I updated I also forgot about those changes.
01-10-2006, 03:16 PM
Ok this is really odd. I checked my email and had like 50 db errors saying psistats_country was not there. Then I check back on the psistats.php and its magically working. I didn't do one thing to fix it.
Ok this is really odd. I checked my email and had like 50 db errors saying psistats_country was not there. Then I check back on the psistats.php and its magically working. I didn't do one thing to fix it.
hum, hum...
01-10-2006, 04:37 PM
my guess now is that its probably my php caching program
01-10-2006, 05:41 PM
Ok this is really odd. I checked my email and had like 50 db errors saying psistats_country was not there. Then I check back on the psistats.php and its magically working. I didn't do one thing to fix it.
At this point, the error about psistats_country comes from class_core.php ONLY. Make sure you remove the whole piece of code in class_core.php (it is enclosed with my name in comment, so you'll easily find it).
01-10-2006, 07:20 PM
I removed that right after the install, but apparently the php caching program didn't pick the change up right away ;) Anyway this maybe a good heads up to users who use mmcache or some other sort of php cache or accelerator
01-10-2006, 08:52 PM
Hi Psionic
I have been monitoring the stats for the crawlers...
Yours are way off m8...
From monday i have had google in 249 times, Yahoo 99 time and msn 148 times...
Your stats are showing Since install about 1 week Google + adsense 33, MSN a and yahoo 40....
So as you can see yours stats for this is way out, how i dont know... :surprised:
You can see this yourself here (
My crawler block was 2655 for google on monday, 1359 for yahoo and 2858 for MSN, I keep a written log of the 3 main spiders, this is just for my curiosity, this is how i know whats what....
Any thoughts on this?
01-10-2006, 09:21 PM
What about picking up stats on other OS'es. From the looks of it, its not reporting anything for FreeBSD, NetBSD, Open or any other BSD. In fact, I don't think its picking up others like Solaris, Irix etc.
And yes, before someone ask alot of people come to my site with *BSD and odd unix's. Half of our members are BSD users (
01-10-2006, 09:22 PM
The stats do NOT count hits. They count stats once in an hour, which means that only one hit per hour counts for each host. :)
As for BSD, gimme list of agent identifiers for those OSes and I'll gladly add them.
01-11-2006, 01:56 AM
I think this is what you want:
aix = "IBM AIX"
atheos = "Atheos"
amiga = "AmigaOS"
darwin = "Darwin"
osf = "Digital"
free-bsd = "FreeBSD"
hp-ux = "HPUX"
net-bsd = "NetBSD"
open-bsd = "OpenBSD"
palm = "PalmOS"
photon = "QNX Photon"
symbian = "SymbianOS"
unixware = "UnixWare"
open-vms = "OpenVMS"
sun = "SunOs"
beos = "BeOS"
os/2 = "Os2"
irix = "IRIX"
plan9 = "plan9"
unix = "Unix"
x11 = "Unix"
I believe that covers most of the popular OS'es out there
01-11-2006, 02:03 AM
Let me know if you want a larger list of browsers and spiders, I got that information as well (altavista,alltheweb,euroseek,hotbot,lycos)
01-11-2006, 12:50 PM
how long does it take before stats show i had it installed for a bit now and i dont see any of these stats, Display Colors & Resolutions | Countries & Regions | Browsers & Operating Systems | Referring Sites
01-11-2006, 01:26 PM
how long does it take before stats show i had it installed for a bit now and i dont see any of these stats, Display Colors & Resolutions | Countries & Regions | Browsers & Operating Systems | Referring Sites
It should be no more then 1 hour before the stats show up.
Go into your vbulletin admin "Scheduled Task->Scheduled Task manager" section and look to see if "psiStats 2006 Hourly Update" is there. If its not, you need to add it. Here are the details:
Title: psiStats 2006 Hourly Update
Day of the Week: *
Day of the Month: *
Hour: *
Minute: 15 - - -
Log Entries: No
Filename: ./includes/cron/psistats_update.php
After that, give it about 15 minutes and browse your site, then go back to this section and manually run it. You should have some stats show up after that, if you do not you got something else going on.
01-11-2006, 01:39 PM
ok i tried that and when i run it i get a error
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:
Invalid SQL:
LOCK TABLES psistats_cache READ, psistats_data READ;
MySQL Error : Access denied for user: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' to database 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
Error Number : 1044
Date : Wednesday, January 11th 2006 @ 08:31:19 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : xxxxxxxxxx
Classname : vb_database
01-11-2006, 01:46 PM
thats a odd error to get, In fact I'm surprised you have not got that error with other tables. Make sure the db user has full rights to your vb database. That's all I can really say, unless that error is just reporting something totally wrong
01-11-2006, 01:47 PM
yeah i made sure i have full permissions i have also checked to make sure all files are there on install and everything is there it just dont seem to run the cron
01-11-2006, 03:27 PM
anyone know how to fix that error? cause all it keeps doing is emailing me telling me of that error everytime it trys to run...
01-11-2006, 03:31 PM
anyone know how to fix that error? cause all it keeps doing is emailing me telling me of that error everytime it trys to run...
Is this happening even after you have done the vB bug fix in my post #166
01-11-2006, 03:34 PM
is that a bug fix i just see it saying go to to check out the errors they are having... its only this mod when it runs the cron
01-11-2006, 03:36 PM
only thing i seen on that post was to remove this $vbulletin->db->close(); is that true?
01-11-2006, 03:37 PM
well never mind thats not even in my file so it aint that...
01-11-2006, 03:53 PM
only thing i seen on that post was to remove this $vbulletin->db->close(); is that true?
It is only in vB 3.5.3
01-11-2006, 04:00 PM
and thats what im running Your version of vBulletin (3.5.3) is up-to-date.
01-11-2006, 04:06 PM
I just unpacked the vB 3.5.3 zip file and checked includes/functions_cron.php and it is there.
01-11-2006, 04:07 PM
which line are u seeing this on cause i dont see it on mine at all?
01-11-2006, 04:36 PM
Fix to show Firefox. Not 100% tested!
Find in database_agent.php:
'Firefox' => array('/Firefox\/([0-9\.]+)/i', 'Gecko', false, false ),
Replace with:
'Firefox' => array('/Firefox\/([0-9\.]+)/i', false, false, false ),
S@NL - BlackBik
01-11-2006, 05:37 PM
ok i tried that and when i run it i get a error
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:
Invalid SQL:
LOCK TABLES psistats_cache READ, psistats_data READ;
Check posts 170 and 177 for a (temporary?) sollution for this error.
As for the unlock tables line in the functions_cron file. I didn't find it either, but i've downloaded the upgrade a couple of days after the fix and my guess is that they updated the package ;)
S@NL - BlackBik
01-11-2006, 05:57 PM
Thanks SmEdD, that does the trick. Firefox shows now :)
01-11-2006, 07:06 PM
I totally removed this hack, did the fix on the vB bug, then reinstalled this hack. No MySQL errors at all, but my country stats are a bit questionable, see attachment. :confused:
01-11-2006, 07:17 PM
I think this is what you want:
aix = "IBM AIX"
atheos = "Atheos"
amiga = "AmigaOS"
darwin = "Darwin"
osf = "Digital"
free-bsd = "FreeBSD"
hp-ux = "HPUX"
net-bsd = "NetBSD"
open-bsd = "OpenBSD"
palm = "PalmOS"
photon = "QNX Photon"
symbian = "SymbianOS"
unixware = "UnixWare"
open-vms = "OpenVMS"
sun = "SunOs"
beos = "BeOS"
os/2 = "Os2"
irix = "IRIX"
plan9 = "plan9"
unix = "Unix"
x11 = "Unix"
I believe that covers most of the popular OS'es out there
Uh... I only meant "the most commonly used OS'es that you want me to add". Making a full list of OS'es is not my goal.
01-11-2006, 07:50 PM
Well I just tested this on my test board (which is RC3 at the moment) and I'm still getting that @" added to the database username when I run psistats_update.php. Seeing as there's at least one person with this working on 3.5.3 though, I'm at a loss as to why I'm getting this. My test board has very few plugins installed and I have no other scheduled tasks doing this.
01-11-2006, 08:13 PM
Psionic Vision
free-bsd = "FreeBSD"
net-bsd = "NetBSD"
open-bsd = "OpenBSD"
sun = "SunOs"
Those should be good since thats what the majority of my users will be using (guessing)
01-11-2006, 10:29 PM
$vbulletin->db->close(); is not in that file they updated it i installed the new copy of vbulletin... i still get the error and no stats show up so im clueless on what to do now...
01-11-2006, 10:52 PM
Fix to show Firefox. Not 100% tested!
Find in database_agent.php:
'Firefox' => array('/Firefox\/([0-9\.]+)/i', 'Gecko', false, false ),
Replace with:
'Firefox' => array('/Firefox\/([0-9\.]+)/i', false, false, false ),that done the trick working now, cheers
01-11-2006, 11:39 PM
Psionic Vision
free-bsd = "FreeBSD"
net-bsd = "NetBSD"
open-bsd = "OpenBSD"
sun = "SunOs"
Those should be good since thats what the majority of my users will be using (guessing)
Ok, will add.
$vbulletin->db->close(); is not in that file they updated it i installed the new copy of vbulletin... i still get the error and no stats show up so im clueless on what to do now...
What's the problem then?
that done the trick working now, cheers
I thought all firefoxes have "Gecko" in their ID string. If not - yes, that will work for firefoxes that do not have gecko in them... I got that Gecko thing from browscap.ini.
01-12-2006, 02:11 AM
What's the problem then?
that none of the stats show up cause the cron cant run cause it gives a database error.... and that fix $vbulletin->db->close(); aint in the new vbulletin files... so thats why im posting here thinking maybe you would know why it wont run the cron....
01-12-2006, 04:55 AM
I thought all firefoxes have "Gecko" in their ID string. If not - yes, that will work for firefoxes that do not have gecko in them... I got that Gecko thing from browscap.ini.
They all do but it seems this works . . .
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5
01-12-2006, 07:15 AM
After upgrade to 1.3.1 all stats get erased?
01-12-2006, 07:25 AM
Your folder names changed in this update mate....agent and flag both had "s" on them in a previous version
01-12-2006, 08:59 PM
After upgrade to 1.3.1 all stats get erased?
After upgrade to 1.3.0 and above from 1.2.8 and below.
Your folder names changed in this update mate....agent and flag both had "s" on them in a previous version
That's why I ask to *revert* templates.
01-12-2006, 10:22 PM
So to upgrade what do I do? I basically uploaded all teh files again and imported the file again...
Still no stats and the bottom links aren't like they were before...
01-12-2006, 10:37 PM
Upgraded, thanks.
One thing I added you might consider - I track the last referrer link into my site for each entry so that instead of click on, it clicks to the last referrer link into the site - this shows me what search term was used last to get to my site - or if coming from another website tells me what page actually directed the user to my site.
Having just the domain name is nice, but knowing where the referral came from is even nicer.
Since I haven't looked at the new caching code, here's what I had under the older code:
UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "psistats_referrer
SET count = count + 1, dateline = '" . TIMENOW . "', refline = '". $db->escape_string($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) ."'
WHERE referrer = '" . $db->escape_string($referrerdata['host']) . "'
01-12-2006, 11:29 PM
When I try to view an avatar...
I get this error..
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.2:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM vb3_psistats_country WHERE code = 'US' LIMIT 1;
MySQL Error : Table '*********vb.vb3_psistats_country' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Thursday, January 12th 2006 @ 08:27:10 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vb_database
This is only for uploaded avatars....not ones already on my server that I put through the admincp
01-13-2006, 12:12 AM
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 50331648 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 46 bytes) in /home/sites/extremefitness/web/forum/includes/psistats/database_ip/217.php on line 1622
hmmmmm.... More than 50mb? Wow.
ini_set("max_execution_time", 0);
ini_set("memory_limit", "128M");
in psistats_update.php was needed.
01-13-2006, 12:16 AM
I removed the class_core edit...yet I don't know what other edits there were....
Because my avatars are messed up and there is no updates....even after manualy running psistats_update.php
01-13-2006, 12:18 AM
Vision do you have a copy of the old version so I can manually go back and remove all edits, because reverting templates would be bad for me because I have custom templates and edits.
01-13-2006, 01:54 AM
i still get no stats to show up... i guess i may have to uninstall this one...
01-13-2006, 02:37 AM
i still get no stats to show up... i guess i may have to uninstall this one...
Too buggy for my tastes...and reverting for every update (which for awhile there was hourly)....I don't think so....I like most of your hacks....and they work great, but this one i'm uninstalling.....
01-13-2006, 11:38 AM
North America and US IP addresses do not appear to be working properly; I have almost no US traffic being reported whereas before the update it was 70% of my traffic. The stats for IPs also seem low, I'm not so sure this section is working very well and identifying countries as well as it was in the previous version. (I have 6x the traffic from Trinidad and Tobago than the US according to my current stats!)
One thing to check if you get no stats - if you already had a cron job #14, the insert for this cron would have failed and you'd never get a stats update. I would suggest putting a NULL in place of the 14 as cron's cronid field is an auto increment and you do not need to specify the cron job number.
VALUES ( NULL, 1136665500, -1, -1, -1, 'a:1:{i:0;i:25;}', './includes/cron/psistats_update.php', 1, 'psiStats 2006 Hourly Update' )
01-13-2006, 01:02 PM
More IP info. I get data like this (when printing out some added debug code to see them $item['count'] for each entry:
211540739 -> US -> 1 ->17
212681730 -> US -> 1 ->17
214962100 -> US -> 1 ->17
215641169 -> US -> 1 ->17
215650894 -> US -> 1 ->17
215630563 -> US -> 1 ->17
215698855 -> US -> 1 ->17
215837282 -> US -> 1 ->17
215915896 -> US -> 1 ->17
201656985 -> US -> 1 ->17
2097169078 -> JP -> 1 ->17
2155237942 -> US -> 3 ->17
2157127178 -> US -> 2 ->17
and this line:
$updatecache["country_||_$coucode"] = array($existingcache["country_||_$coucode"]['count'], $item['count'], $existingcache["country_||_$coucode"]['cmisc']);
Would seemingly only be adding 1 to the value, not 1 for every instance of US in the list.
I changed it to this:
if (isset($database_country["$coucode"]))
$item['count'] += $updatecache["country_||_$coucode"][1];
$updatecache["country_||_$coucode"] = array($existingcache["country_||_$coucode"]['count'], $item['count'], $existingcache["country_||_$coucode"]['cmisc']);
So that multiple "US" (or any other) entries would have a cumulative effect on the total. This appears to be working, however, your historial data prior to this change will be very inaccurate and should be erased.
I also added line for all the other totals - I'm working to confirm this is works.
// MDP
$itemcnt = $item['count'] + $updatecache["browser_||_$browser[bstring]"][1];
$updatecache["browser_||_$browser"] = array($existingcache["browser_||_$browser[bstring]"]['count'], [b]$itemcnt, $existingcache["browser_||_$browser"]['cmisc']);
// MDP
[b]$itemcnt = $item['count'] + $updatecache["os_||_$browser[os]"][1];
$updatecache["os_||_$browser[os]"] = array($existingcache["os_||_$browser[os]"]['count'], $itemcnt, $existingcache["os_||_$browser[os]"]['cmisc']);
// MDP
$item['count'] += $updatecache["referrer_||_$item[cdata]"][1];
$updatecache["referrer_||_$item[cdata]"] = array($existingcache["referrer_||_$item[cdata]"]['count'], $item['count'], $existingcache["referrer_||_$item[cdata]"]['cmisc']);
// MDP
$item['count'] += $updatecache["screendepth_||_$depthstring"][1];
$updatecache["screendepth_||_$depthstring"] = array($existingcache["screendepth_||_$depthstring"]['count'], $item['count'], $existingcache["screendepth_||_$depthstring"]['cmisc']);
// MDP
$item['count'] += $updatecache["screenresolution_||_$item[cdata]"][1];
$updatecache["screenresolution_||_$item[cdata]"] = array($existingcache["screenresolution_||_$item[cdata]"]['count'], $item['count'], $existingcache["screenresolution_||_$item[cdata]"]['cmisc']);
01-13-2006, 01:40 PM
MPDev, thanks that fixed it with me. I am just curious why we should do it to the rest of them as well as I have had no problem . . .
01-13-2006, 01:45 PM
I added them just to be sure, I didn't want to run verifications across each data type to see if there are cases where more than 1 record exists for each item.
i.e. if the browser cache has more than one entry per browser (as there was more than one entry per country), then the numbers in the browser cache are also not correct. If there is only 1 browser record, 1 os record, then it wouldn't be a problem.
However, I am faily sure my Windows XP stats were way too low, so I added it to be sure.
01-13-2006, 01:59 PM
LOL @ Win XP . . . I didn't even relize it but mine are really low too. Thanks for the fixes and hope you get your search string text ported over soon.
Too buggy for my tastes...and reverting for every update (which for awhile there was hourly)....I don't think so....I like most of your hacks....and they work great, but this one i'm uninstalling.....
It?s a bit of a shame; I am also uninstalling that one.
The stats are way off, no Firefox, hardly any windows users and not that many people from the US. How can I trust any of the other stats?
But more importantly I keep getting DB errors from time to time, I am not saying that psiStats has anything to do with it, but since I installed it I have been getting emails about lost connections.
I will comeback and check in a few weeks, hopefully the beta testing would have been done.
01-13-2006, 02:14 PM
You need to make the Firefox fix on the previous page for Firefox to get picked up.
S@NL - BlackBik
01-13-2006, 02:27 PM
Yep, that did the trick, I can confirm that.
I'm sticking with this hack. I'm sure Psionic Vision is gonna improve it.
It is looking good and when he gets feedback he can improve the hack.
But when everybody is uninstalling he doesn't get feedback :)
I've installed the updates as mentioned above and that seemes to work.
Yep, that did the trick, I can confirm that.
I'm sticking with this hack. I'm sure Psionic Vision is gonna improve it.
It is looking good and when he gets feedback he can improve the hack.
But when everybody is uninstalling he doesn't get feedback :)
I've installed the updates as mentioned above and that seemes to work.
As you can see in this thread I did try to help, (albeit only a tiny bit).
But the problem with the database is proving too much for me.
How can I keep a hack running when it _might_ be the one causing db errors.
Also, this hack is about statistics, how can I use it, (and in turn help improving it), when most of the stats I have already gathered are useless to me.
Even putting aside the bugs, the actual gathering of the data is incorrect, what other stats could be wrong? My referrer?
01-13-2006, 05:05 PM
I don't see any database errors cropping up and I run 1,000+ users online at a time.
Another issue I noticed, the region percentage don't add up. In looking at psistats.php there are two lines:
$total_count = fetch_sum($getcountries);
$total_count += $country['count'];
It appears that double counting is going on - if I comment out the second line, then the percentages in the regions appear correct.
01-13-2006, 05:37 PM
One more suggestion, please add Mozilla as a browser to the list
01-13-2006, 06:06 PM
You people don't get a simple thing. I'll write it in big font, maybe that will help you understand it.
Aside from coding, I have a LOT of other things to do in my life. The fact that I do not respond does not mean that you haven't been heard. There is no need to post the same suggestion more than once.
Those of who you, who are speaking in a demanding tone (and I am not speaking about anyone specifically, you know who you are), you are most likely one of those pathetic people who has no life, who sits at the computer 24/7, and for whom a delayed update - where "delayed" stands for "less frequent than 2 hours" - is an "omg #$^ it's the #$&@^$% end of the world". If that's the case - that's your problem, not mine. Just know that you are (or soon will be) the one and only reason that I will forfeit support of ALL my free hacks, or make this hack the last free hack you'll ever see coming from me. If I do so, you'll regret it for the rest of your life, esspecially things that will come henceforth. If you do not want that to happen, sit the **** back and be patient.
Now that I said it, thanks to those of you who have given suggestions and code fixes - you know who you are - I will review (and, if needed, address) them whenever I have time. And the latter might not happen until after two or three weeks. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
01-13-2006, 06:43 PM
What could be the reason why my stats don't show no visits at all ?
01-13-2006, 06:47 PM
You people don't get a simple thing. I'll write it in big font, maybe that will help you understand it.
Aside from coding, I have a LOT of other things to do in my life. The fact that I do not respond does not mean that you haven't been heard. There is no need to post the same suggestion more than once.
Those of who you, who are speaking in a demanding tone (and I am not speaking about anyone specifically, you know who you are), you are most likely one of those pathetic people who has no life, who sits at the computer 24/7, and for whom a delayed update - where "delayed" stands for "less frequent than 2 hours" - is an "omg #$^ it's the #$&@^$% end of the world". If that's the case - that's your problem, not mine. Just know that you are (or soon will be) the one and only reason that I will forfeit support of ALL my free hacks, or make this hack the last free hack you'll ever see coming from me. If I do so, you'll regret it for the rest of your life, esspecially things that will come henceforth. If you do not want that to happen, sit the **** back and be patient.
Now that I said it, thanks to those of you who have given suggestions and code fixes - you know who you are - I will review (and, if needed, address) them whenever I have time. And the latter might not happen until after two or three weeks. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
You pathetic child..... UNINSTALLED!!!!
01-13-2006, 06:49 PM
FYI, to get freebsd to show up make the following change:
Look for :
'Free BSD' => 'free-bsd',
And change to :
'Free BSD' => 'freebsd',
01-13-2006, 06:52 PM
You pathetic child
It is worth noticing how you have pointed the negative part of my post at yourself. :)
Bless you. :)
Dead wrong if you think that I've come here did not come here to earn installs. I have come to share my work. Might have as well left it for my own use, like Bane.
FYI, to get freebsd to show up make the following change:
Thanks. :)
01-13-2006, 07:07 PM
What could be the reason why my stats don't show no visits at all ?
Anthony, I hope you feel better having said that - the best thing I can say is to let the stuff just roll off your back. Ignore anything negative, take the positive and look at the suggestions/fixes. If anyone is unappreciative or negative, just move on to the next post and forget all about that one.
It really isn't worth getting worked up over - you've got a good thing going here and with a little help it should be just fine.
01-13-2006, 07:12 PM
@Psionic Vision, lots of respect for you mate, I know it can be hard in cases like this, there are always some "less pleasant" people around who think they can demand things.
Keep in mind your work is appreciated but don't forget your other doings either ;)
01-13-2006, 07:13 PM
It doesn't appear Netscape is getting picked up in the browser types.
'Netscape' => array('/Netscape\/([0-9\.]+)/i', false, false, false ),
I change the Netscape portion slightly and am getting some Netscape versions now.
I'm still getting about 5% of unknown operating systems, will have to try and track down those.
01-13-2006, 07:29 PM
Psionic Vision, Firstly thanks for this great hack, been using it since the first release..
However the Cron seems to be missing.. after I added the cron (like: my stats performed perfectly..
I couldn't find any evidence of this in the readme..
Once again cheers
01-13-2006, 07:31 PM
If you are missing the cron, read:
01-14-2006, 12:21 AM
is there anyway i can remove the MEMBER STATS from the general statistics thing ? like i dont want it to show the first thing, abt activity and all
anyways nice hack, thanks :)
* sidekick installed
01-14-2006, 04:04 AM
It is worth noticing how you have pointed the negative part of my post at yourself. :)
Bless you. :)
Dead wrong if you think that I've come here did not come here to earn installs. I have come to share my work. Might have as well left it for my own use, like Bane.
I was referring to your response! I used to drive coaches professionally for almost 35 years and if I spent my time throwing my toys out the pram at some of the stupid/silly/annoying comments from my passengers I would have been driving an empty coach all that time.
Relax, take it all with a pinch of salt. Of course you are going to get frustrating little tic-turds pestering you all the time, but thats life! Learn to live with it without embarrassing yourself.
I don't see any database errors cropping up and I run 1,000+ users online at a time.
Ok, after removing the hack I was still getting the problem.
I have since found that the problem was actually in another hack, mine :), (is there a smiley for embarrassed?).
So I might as well re-install the hack. But the way I see it, I might as well first make the changes that have been added all over this thread.
Would anybody have a list of all the changes that need to be made?
With all the posts I have lost count of what hacks need to be done.
I can try and come up with a list if need be, but if someone has one already that would be great.
01-14-2006, 11:21 AM
Just read pages 15 and 16. It's all there, no reason to redo them.
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