View Full Version : member's list - show only members with x posts, allow search for all?

01-01-2006, 09:30 PM
To prevent members list spam (members signing up only to get their profile on the members list) I changed the setting under options to show only members with more than 10 posts. However, a member noted today that this also made it so that you cannot search for members with less than 10 posts using the Search form on the member's list, which might be desirable to be able to do in some cases.

Would love to see a plugin/extension/mod or method to only include a member in the displayed members list if they have x number of posts, yet allow the search to find members with less posts if another member specifically searches for them.

01-31-2006, 12:45 AM
There is no logical difference between "showing the memberlist" and "searching the memberlist", so how should this work?

01-31-2006, 01:14 AM
I guess that's the problem, so maybe it's not doable.

The logic is that "showing the memberlist" means it's on display - for humans and google-bots (and other search engine bots) for example.

Searching the memberlist means you can only find the member if you spefically search for them.

I had hoped there was a way to limit the members list display with an internal query that woud limit it to x-posts, so we could still display/promote a list of active forum members without having that as a target for people to signup only to appear on the members list (and have a link to their homepage.)

Now that I think of it, maybe a better mod would only show the link to someone's homepage on the memberlist if they had more than x-number of posts. That way - no member-list spam (it's quite interesting to have the member's homepage on the member's list though for legitimate active members, so I don't want to get rid of that feature altogether.)