View Full Version : vB Drupal Addon - vbcode

12-18-2005, 10:00 PM
Note: This is an addon module for vB Drupal: Community Plumbing

This plugin adds two new vbCode tags:
and [dimage]

It will allow you to easily link to drupal pages and images (when using the image.module).

Both tags work the same, except that the [dimage] tag will make a link with the thumbnail of the image that is being linked.

The tags can be used in two ways:


path is the location to the node (stuff after ?q=). The path given is automatically translated to the defined path alias. As a shorthand notation you can use just the node number (e.g. instead of "node/123" just "123").
title is an alternative title to use. If no title is given the title of the node is used, or it will fallback to a human readable version of the path alias ("path_alias/url" => "path alias url")

for example:
More about us
will create the following html code:
<a href="http://example.com/drupal/about_us">More about us</a>

This plug-in adds one new setting (in the vb Drupal category): Files path
This setting is required for the [dimage] tag

The Chief
12-19-2005, 02:13 PM
wow, great stuff, will install once my drupal gets working :D

01-28-2006, 12:11 PM

Could you please tell me how I can get the user name link to blog..

I am using url's like


how i can use the tags in drupal template, so I can link to blog in comments...
