View Full Version : Had these hacks for 3.0, can't find 3.5 version

12-18-2005, 04:07 PM
I just moved over to 3.5, and love it :) :)

There are a couple of hacks that my members really loved and I wish I could find them for 3.5, so here is a request. I have looked through all the 3.5 hacks and unless I am blind and missed them, they are not available (Please prove me wrong, I want you to :) )

1. IMG not shown to unregistered users, shows a line that says "Please register to see images" with a link to registration. Loved it in 3.0, we are a photography site. MUST.

2. Enhanced PM with 6 adressees, and you could partial name, and search for the names and pick them. Dont remember where I got it, could not find it again.

12-18-2005, 04:09 PM
Most (if not all) vBulletin 3.0 Hacks must be ported in order to work with vBulletin 3.5.
While there already are a lot of Ports available (and more floating in every Day), many Coders are waiting for the Gold release before they work on a Port.

So if you need a Port of an existing Hack, please post in the Original Hack Thread or directly contact the Coder asking for a Port.

Thank you.
Pinned at the top of the forum

Paul M
12-18-2005, 04:13 PM
2. Enhanced PM with 6 adressees, and you could partial name, and search for the names and pick them. Dont remember where I got it, could not find it again.I don't think you need a hack for this.

01-11-2006, 04:35 AM
Still very much looking for #1, willing to pay a little, specially if combined with a reliable image resizer for 3.5 that works in all three main browsers.