View Full Version : Need Some Help On Hacks I Have Installed.

12-18-2005, 04:40 AM
I have installed this hack:


but for some reason when I install this hack:


the choosen icon wont show up when I actually make the the forums side by side but work just fine when I leave the regular. I have made numerous post in the second thread but still no help.

& for the first link I posted, Im still trying to get help on lining up the forum name & description centered to the right of the icon but again, no help.

* I have described my problems in detail in both links *

& for a stand alone hack that Im requesting is, when some post a thread they can direct link like a lets say a windows media player file hosted on thier own server that will automatically play once the thread is posted. Same goes with webpages, mp3 files, ect...I have posted screen shots on what Im talking about below. Im not sure if the hack has been released or not tho.



Im also willing to pay for these if need be.